Sunday, December 3, 2017


Belgrade and Zagreb in 1941 through the German soldier's lens / VIDEO


They've had a dream! From Napoleon, via Hitler to the Present day. The Third Reich didn't manage to establish The United Europe for longer than 1939 - 1945. The United Europe they led to conquer Russia. Wild hordes of the UE reached the doorway of Moscow, passing through Ukraine. Serbs were not in that Horde. We didn't want to. However, apple polishing Croatians were there. They kissed Serb's arse in 1918., but in 1941 it was the "Danke Deutchland" time, like in 1991.
The EU appeared to be not different from UE. The Fourth Reich had gathered its former allies. Unlike the British and the French, the Germans did not forget their allies from the wars of the 20th century. Especially from the Second World War. They are all in the EU, now! Croatia and Bulgaria and Hungary and Romania. Only Muslims from Bosnia and Albania are missing, but this is another story.
Just compare the UE from 1941, and EU of today, and the similarities are striking. Britain is "isolated island", again. EU is fighting Russians in Ukraine, advancing toward Moscow. All Serbian neighbors are in EU - Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia. Bosnia and Herzegovina are a Protectorate (like before the Great War). Great Albania is under reconstruction like in WWII. Muslims are pets of the West used to pacify Serbs. 
The path of Croatia toward EU began in 1941. Let's see how ...  

We present two short historical precious film materials that were recorded by the Wehrmacht soldier in 1941 during a movement through the Balkans.

Based on these two unique historical movies from the beginning of the Second World War made by a German soldier, we could see a huge difference in the attitude of the German occupying authorities towards these two cities and two nations. In that difference, all the rage of a policy was shown, by which one city was beaten, and the other was pampered, all the inhumanity of a project by which the Serbian nation was repeatedly punished.

On the video from Belgrade we are witnessing terrible scenes of the street atmosphere, buildings in ruins, war damage, wastage and horrors caused by the German bombing of the city. German soldiers are guarding war prisoners working on ruins. We could see, as well, the official announcements of German authorities for the citizens of Belgrade. One of them concerns a sniper attack on German soldiers and a statement by the commander of the German Wehrmacht that in the event of further attacks, hostages will be taken to be executed. The second poster is an instruction to all Jews that they must apply to the city police on the 19th of April at 8am and that those who do obey the order will be killed, too. On several occasions, a scene of burning and smoke could be observed, which causes an increased experience of destruction and war horror in spectator’s eyes. The scene shows the destroyed railway infrastructure, as well as, the destroyed bridge on the Danube.

Unlike the recording of Belgrade, a video from Zagreb reveals an idyllic atmosphere, with the noticeable relaxation of the passers-by. Unlike Belgrade, in which at the same time each and every birdsong died, this image expresses the complete contrast that is especially evident in the pigeon scene on the street. Here we see smiling passers-by, both the Croatians in Zagreb and the German soldiers, the normal traffic flow, in general, an ordinary everyday city atmosphere.

In other words, we see a city in which the presence of the German authorities does not disturb the usual city pace. A city in which the same soldiers who brought evil and bombs to Belgrade, welcomed by the Croatian citizens, a city in which the Germans were celebrated in the streets as liberators, unlike Belgrade, whom these soldiers occupied in the full sense of the word, from which the Serbian people as a whole have not recovered to this day. 

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