The Church of Saint Sava, the largest Orthodox place of worship in the Balkans

On the descent into Belgrade, the St. Sava Temple protrudes from the top of Vračar Hill like the city’s crowning jewel. But its grand white marble and granite facade topped with copper domes contains a secret: The second largest Orthodox temple in the world is largely incomplete inside. With a story that rivals that of Barcelona’s famously incomplete Sagrada Família, Belgrade’s St. Sava Temple is an eternal work-in-progress—one that’s existed in various stages of creation for more than 100 years.! [Vogue]
Huge Russian mosaic arrives at Serbia's largest Orthodox church - An enormous Russian mosaic started arriving Wednesday at the largest Orthodox church in the Balkans, in what Serbia's leaders hailed as a sign of "eternal" friendship between the two Slavic nations. The first part of the 40-ton mosaic, personally approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin, arrived in 66 sections at the Saint Sava temple in Belgrade, one of the largest of Christian Orthodox churches in the world. [LongView News Journal]
Turkey to build Balkans’ largest mosque in Tirana - Erdogan’s Present to Albania: Biggest Mosque in the Balkans Nears Completion. Turkey’s Directorate for Religious Affairs (Diyanet) has announced plans to build the largest mosque in the Balkans, in the Albanian capital Tirana, citing the low capacity in the city’s sole existing mosque. Inaugurated in 2015 by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Albanian counterpart Bujar Nishani the construction project of the Grand Mosque ‘Namazgja’ in Tirana is continuing faster than it was imagined. The mosque will be part of an Islamic complex in the heart of Tirana, [Greek Reporter; Hurriyet Daily News]
LG: For the Balkan's papazyaniya the ingredients has been the same for hundreds of years. Take generously a whole bunch of Shqiptars (so called "Albanians") and mix them to your taste with Turks, to get flavor. Stir and boil them thoroughly to homogeneity. To get the right flavor add a pinch of unavoidable Western spice. Western spice is basically German, but it comes in two forms - American and European. In Old Papazyaniya European form had been obligatory. In New Papazyaniza it is to the best to add both American and European. Now, pour this boiling mass on precooked Serbs, generously. If you are a person of adventure, add a bit of Russians, and a drop of an Old English Stink Sauce just to get dish spicier. Cook it slowly, long time, but the real secret is to vary the temperature. Could be served cold, as well. Enjoy!!!
However, the real enjoyment would be to change the positions - these who are ON the table, should sit AT the table, and those who has been at the table for hundreds of years should be put on the table, for once. The step is small .... to stop Mexican standoff Balkans way, and to cook together some Ole Good Western Ham... with yogurt and horseradish! Mmm...
"Turkey is behind 'Greater Albania' ideas in Balkans" 
Source: Vogue/ LongVewNewsJournal/ Greek Reporter/ Hurriyet Daily News/B92| 3. 3. 2019.
Kocijančič: There is no “Balkan Spring”

BRUSSELS – The boycott of parliament is not acceptable, there won’t be a “Balkan spring”, this is the stance of the European Union regarding the events in Albania, Montenegro, and Serbia.
Roberts for Politico: Milo Đukanović should say thanks and farewell, it’s time for new leaders!
Besides some world leaders like Vladimir Putin, president of Russia or Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Milo Đukanović is one of Europe’s longest-serving leader. Over the past 30 years, Milo served as a Montenegrin president, prime minister and party leader thanks to the “occasional Putin-style switch between posts.” – writes Ivor Roberts, a former British ambassador to Yugoslavia, Ireland, and Italy and former president of Trinity College, Oxford from 2006 to 2017 for Politico. In the past, Milo was a promising leader. Over the years he led the country through the independence from Serbia and accession in NATO. However, nowadays his position as a leader seems unstable due to massive protests of citizens. “But for all his qualities and achievements, Ðukanović now belongs to the past”, emphasize Roberts. Read the first article HERE, and the secon HERE ...
Besides some world leaders like Vladimir Putin, president of Russia or Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Milo Đukanović is one of Europe’s longest-serving leader. Over the past 30 years, Milo served as a Montenegrin president, prime minister and party leader thanks to the “occasional Putin-style switch between posts.” – writes Ivor Roberts, a former British ambassador to Yugoslavia, Ireland, and Italy and former president of Trinity College, Oxford from 2006 to 2017 for Politico. In the past, Milo was a promising leader. Over the years he led the country through the independence from Serbia and accession in NATO. However, nowadays his position as a leader seems unstable due to massive protests of citizens. “But for all his qualities and achievements, Ðukanović now belongs to the past”, emphasize Roberts. Read the first article HERE, and the secon HERE ...
Source: EWB| 2. 3. 2019.
Lexical cleansing: Slavic toponyms in Albania (or out of?)

At first people in Albania thought it was a joke, but politicians in that country have proposed the creation of a government commission to "Albanize" all place names of Slavic origin...and there are many of those. A commentary
Since Kosovo's declaration of independence, Albanian politicians appear to have gained popularity by coloring their talk with patriotism in an attempt to increase ratings rendered vulnerable by the country's serious political and economic problems. Patriotism has become the lens through which issues like public works, economic initiatives, debates on history, and identity are viewed. Over the last few months, that rhetoric has led to the increasingly common suggestion that Albanian toponymy should be "de-Slavized."
Current president Bamir Topi first mentioned the idea during a routine visit to a village in the country's northeast. At first, it seemed like a simple gaffe made by a president who lacked better speech ideas for a minor event. But a few months later, Prime Minister Berisha also mentioned Slavic toponymy. Berisha, discussing the issue in one of his new government's first meetings, did not hesitate to take the idea further. "We have to create a commission to replace all the Slavic toponymy in the country with corresponding Albanian toponyms originating before the Slavic invasion," Berisha said. Read more
Source: Политикин забавник/ Osservatorio/text by Marjola Rukaj/Orig. posted on 01.12.2009./Photo:| February 16, 2019.
If Croats were a peripheral Serb’s tribe, and all dialectical facts leads to that, it is understandable that “Croatian language” had no justification; it was denied by Croatians alone at the time when it seemed to them that Slovenian Kajkavian language would get them better “yield” than the one of the “domestic Chakavian language”. However, they quickly realized that the profit was equal i.e. second to none, so they turned to Serbian language sticking “their” label over it.

Still, they were not capable to even do that properly. So, they had to wait up to the end of 19th Century for I. Broz, T. Maretić and F. Iveković, the followers of Serb’s language reformer Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, to transfer them to Serb’s language. Croats, therefore, took Serbian language, petting it as “Croatian”, and after a few decades following a Tito’s communists order briefly agreed to call it “Croato-Serbian”, and then again continued to falsely represent it as “Croatian”. Moreover, to be proud with what they took over from Serbs, forgetting that excluding themselves from Serb’s ethnic corpus, they could carry away only cap, underpants and moccasins, but the language (and everything that goes with it) stays to those who created and nursed it.
In that sense, it is clear that the "Serbo-Croatian language" can exist just as a "term for trouble" by which the Croats sought the opportunity to label extrinsic with "their own name", and "International Slavicism" and a thin Serbian mind (supported by the communist oppression) facilitated to endure even in times when no one took it seriously, anymore. Read more...
Извор: ЛГ/Политика| 10. фебруар 2019.
Battle of Kosovo 1389 - Serbian-Ottoman Wars DOCUMENTARY
The Ottoman invasion of Europe was truly challenged for the first time during the Battle of Kosovo of 1389. The Serbs and other Balkan peoples alongside their allies from Western and Eastern Europe fought valiantly against overwhelming odds and although they lost, the foundation of the future resistance, that continued until the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, was set. This battle was also remarkable due to the fact that leaders of both armies were killed during it. Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović died in the battle and Sultan Murad I was assassinated by the Serbian knight Miloš Obilić, who was killed shortly after. All three are considered martyrs by their people and the spirit of this battle is still part of the bitter animosity.
Source: Kings and Generals/YouTube| November 27, 2017.
Theresa May says EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker will find out she is 'a bloody difficult woman'. Ms May made the threat in the wake of reports that the EU Commission President called her Brexit demands 'delusional'
PM's statements appear to expose fundamental misunderstandings about the EU and Britain's withdrawal, with officials reportedly telling her the bloc is 'not a golf club'!
Whatever they say, the main issue here is money. A “divorce” bill of about £50bn.
LG COMMENT: What’s goin’ on there? Some people think that Britain made a “mistake”, that gonna cost them dearly, but the dilemma is - whether they screwed up, or they know something "we" do not know. Perhaps the ship is sinking and the first rat is leaving. However, there is one thing you can bet on - America will support its aircraft carrier anchored next to the shores of Europe called "Britain" (the attribute "Great", has been long gone, if it ever was in existence), that's for sure. Who knows, maybe they have entered the EU, in agreement with the Americans, just to get out at a certain point? The fact is that Americans have been never pleased with the EU. It has been a thorn in their eye, from the very beginning.
During the 80’s of previous Century, whoever has just a bit closely followed the American media and statements given by their politicians, could read that animosity, between the lines.
During the 80’s of previous Century, whoever has just a bit closely followed the American media and statements given by their politicians, could read that animosity, between the lines.
One does not have to be a Mensa member to comprehend the strategic importance of the US base "Camp Bondsteel" and their presence in the occupied territories of Serbia (Kosovo and Metohija). Beside “Camp Bondsteel” by the Gate, cowboys have a main Gatekeeper at the Gate - The US Embassy in Skopje, the capital of F.R.Y. Macedonia, is the biggest US embassy in the World, conveniently settled on the hill above Skopje, and by Moravian-Vardar Valley the main European way to the Near to Far East and to the South!
European route E 75 is the part of the most important European road network going from Norway the town of Vardø on the Barents Sea to the town of Sitia on eastern end of the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea. If EU wished to go East, what they always wanted to, especially Germany, they gotta pass through the US controlled Gates.
Not to mention corporations and other US interests .
The only more important crossroad than Skopje is the town of Nis in Serbia. That is the reason that Americans are creating “Greater Albania”. Shqiptars (so called “Albanians”), Uncle Sam's cannon fodder at the Balkans, are changing their national “borders”, as we speak, readjusting it to Uncle's needs. And those "needs" are even more that they could picture in their wildest dreams! Kosovo and Metohija are not enough, anymore. They are claiming the town of Nis, and the whole Southern Serbia, now! American stench in all that monkey business is so strong that one should wear a mask.
The America’s fear of Russia has been known for a long time. However, the fear of the United European countries that were economically, politically and militarily more powerful than America, had been even greater. Part of what happened to Serbia, and the others at Balkans and what is still happening is the result, not only "to prevent Russia to come to the warm seas", but deliberately to undermining the EU ie. the future US of Europe. Bearing in mind the excessive nationalism, that Europe has always been "decorated" with, their job is not too difficult, especially lying in bed with an old whore and the plotter named England (don't want to offend our Celtic brothers and sisters).
Source: Independent|May 3, 2017.
Albanian terrorists on the massacre of Serbs
Terrible testimony of Albanian terrorists on the massacre of Serbs: We raped your girls, took their eyes and shredded them

Related article: Albanian genocide of the Serbs in the Twentieth century – documents of the Archives of the Diocese of Ras – Prizren and Kosovo – Metohija
Извор/Source: Telegraf/Vaseljenska/YouTube| 30. април 2017.
Five facts about Kosovo the #fakenews media is lying to you about
1. Kosovo is not ancient Albanian land: Its very name comes from the Serbian word "kos," meaning blackbird. Its Albanian name, "Kosova," means nothing whatsoever...
2. Operation Allied Force, the 1999 NATO bombing campaign, was not a legitimate humanitarian intervention approved by the UN: It was a war of aggression, in violation of both the NATO and the UN charter..
3. Serbia did not kill 10,000 ethnic Albanian civilians during the 1999 war: That figure is an estimate based on assertions by NATO, entirely unsupported by any facts whatsoever...
4. There was no Serbian plan to deport a million ethnic Albanians: The so-called "Operation Horseshoe" was concocted by German and Bulgarian intelligence to provide justification for the illegal and illegitimate NATO war, to the point where they used the Croatian word for horseshoe...
5. Kosovo's "independence" is neither legal nor legitimate: UN Resolution 1244, which authorized a NATO-led peacekeeping mission after the June 1999 armistice, reaffirmed Kosovo's status as a part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Legally, it remained a province of Serbia... Read more ...
Source:| April 21, 2017.
Shqiptars are accustomed to speak the language of blackmail
Albanian prime minister: EU faces ‘nightmare’ if Balkan hopes fade
These primitives are epic! The West has learnt them to speak the language of blackmail communicating with Serbs. In their simplicity, they are talking this language to everybody, now! [LG]
A ‘little union’ with Kosovo is possible should Brussels turn its back on the region, Edi Rama tells POLITICO.
TIRANA, Albania — Albania’s prime minister said a union between Albania and Kosovo cannot be ruled out if EU membership prospects for the Western Balkans fade.
In an interview with POLITICO that also covered a political crisis in neighboring Macedonia, an upcoming election at home and the inspiration he draws from Tony Blair, Prime Minister Edi Rama said Europe would face “a nightmare” if the Balkans “go crazy” because EU accession is off the agenda, with the region becoming a “gray zone in which other actors have more influence than the European Union.”
Some Albanian [not "some nationalists", but ALL Shqiptars - LG] nationalists would like to see Albania unite with Kosovo, the majority ethnic Albanian territory to the northeast that unilaterally declared independence from Serbia in 2008. Kosovo’s largest opposition party wants to hold a referendum on forming a union with Albania, even though this is explicitly ruled out by Kosovo’s constitution. Read more ...
Source: Politico| April 18, 2017.
TIRANA, Albania — Albania’s prime minister said a union between Albania and Kosovo cannot be ruled out if EU membership prospects for the Western Balkans fade.
In an interview with POLITICO that also covered a political crisis in neighboring Macedonia, an upcoming election at home and the inspiration he draws from Tony Blair, Prime Minister Edi Rama said Europe would face “a nightmare” if the Balkans “go crazy” because EU accession is off the agenda, with the region becoming a “gray zone in which other actors have more influence than the European Union.”
Some Albanian [not "some nationalists", but ALL Shqiptars - LG] nationalists would like to see Albania unite with Kosovo, the majority ethnic Albanian territory to the northeast that unilaterally declared independence from Serbia in 2008. Kosovo’s largest opposition party wants to hold a referendum on forming a union with Albania, even though this is explicitly ruled out by Kosovo’s constitution. Read more ...
Source: Politico| April 18, 2017.
Why Empire Needs a Conquered Serbia
Back in the summer of 2011, when most of the Western public still believed in the big lie of the "Arab Spring" - which ended up producing chaos in Libya, civil war in Syria, and the ISIS "caliphate" - I mentioned a great little documentary about Empire's revolution business. The filmmakers brought up the role an ostensibly private, non-violent, civil society NGO played in a string of "color revolutions," from Serbia to North Africa. In doing so, they committed the two cardinal sins in the modern West: Noticing, and Remembering.
For you see, nobody is supposed to notice that "spontaneous peaceful activists" are in fact coached by an Empire-backed operation; that their slogans are always the same; that their graphics are always the same; and that, whatever their official claims may be, the outcome is always the same: self-destruction of the targeted society and state, often to the point of civil war. Nor is anyone supposed to remember seeing that same pattern anywhere else before.
After the October 2000 coup that replaced Slobodan Milosevic's government with a regime more or less loyal to the Empire (today, that loyalty is absolute), some of the "student activists" instrumental in duping the Serbian public became professional revolutionaries. They named their organization "CANVAS" - Center for Applied NonViolent Action and Strategies. In English. Please notice and remember that, it's important. Read more ...
Извор:| April 17, 2017.
Serb Orthodox - Herceg Novi, Montenegro, Matins on the Eve of Easter - 15. 04. 2017.
A "Newborn Nation" of Montenegrins, soon to be NATO member, trains its "democracy" (Western Type) by denying every right to those people in Montenegro who continued to declare themselves as Serbs. However, the Serb's good name still lives in Montenegro, despite all the terror of Montenegrin minority!
"Everyone is borne to die once, but honor and disgrace live forever!" P.P. Njegos. Remember that "newborn Montenegrins"
Source: YouTube| April 16, 2017.
Orthodox Easter 1944. USA, GB were murdering their Christian Allies

The American and British air force bombed Belgrade and various Serbian towns on Sunday, April 16, 1944, during Christian Serb holiday of Easter. The bombing was performed in a fashion more savage than Hitler did it three years earlier on Sunday, April 6, 1941.
There is no easy explanation and certainly there is no excuse for this barbarity. To make it even more shocking – while number of Serbian cities were mercilessly bombed on this Eastern Orthodox holiday – none of the Croat cities saw the same destiny. Why were the Serbs – the nominal allies bombed while the nominal enemy was not? Theories are many and we can only guess. The same beasts came again in 1999., but this time not as "Allies", but as Enemies ... Read more ... читајте на српском ...
Source: mightynose/Србин.инфо| April 16, 2017.
Our "Allie" scums came deliberately to kill Serbs on Easter 1944., though Serbia was under German occupation...
Serbia – An Autocracy Blessed by EU and Russia
It has been more than a week since thousands of young people took to the streets of major cities to show their dissatisfaction with the results of presidential elections in Serbia, while European Union officials were quick to rejoice and congratulate the winner, Prime Minister turned president, Aleksandar Vučić, hailing him as the “factor of stability in the Balkans” and assurance of pro-European road. Yet there is nothing European about Prime Minister so consumed by the need for power that he simply decided to control and occupy not one, but two most important seats in Serbian politics. There was nothing European about the electoral campaign, which came down to a one man show and a race that was everyone else’s to lose. The post-electoral week started off with 30.000 people in the streets of Belgrade, and thousands of protesters in Novi Sad, Kragujevac and other major cities across Serbia. Their message is clear – we do not accept the election results, because the elections themselves were illegitimate.
Most media outlets either ignored these events, or branded protesters’ as “vandals, hooligans, drug addicts and drunk youth”.
It seems like a sad deja vu of famous students’ protests that spanned through the cold winter from November 1996. to February 1997. when similar disappointment in rigged election process drew tens of thousands of citizens and students to the streets.
But the saddest difference is that in the 1990s, the world looked at these young people in awe. In 2017, they stand alone, while their autocrat is hailed by Western leaders for democracy, progress and stability he brings to the Balkans. What changed and how did Aleksandar Vučić succeed where his former boss Slobodan Milošević had not? Read more...
Source: Intelligencer Post| April 11, 2017.
War criminals guarding humanity! America reacted to "chemical attack on civilians in Syria" by attacking Syrian airbase with 60 guided-missiles. However, the very same Americans bombed Serb's civilians in 1999., using cluster bombs, and depleted uranium, banned by international legislative, as well as, chemical weapons.
NATO bombing city of Nis (Serbia) with cluster bombs in 1999. On May 7 1999 NATO bombed city of Nis, Serbia with cluster bombs targeting civilians. Due to bombing on that day, 13 people died and 18 were heavily injured.
Balkan Cancer (The name sometimes does lie: NATO’s “Merciful Angel” intervention against Yugoslavia)
The NATO intervention against former Yugoslavia was supposed to relieve the agonies and sufferings of the people in the region who were subject to seemingly unending wars. The outcomes of the intervention, however, came to confirm an established truth: West’s multiple standards in its foreign policies to achieve the goals of expanding its military and political hegemony across the globe. 20 years ago, for the first time, the silver bullet, as the inhabitants of Bosnia used to call the ammunition with depleted uranium, was used in the military conflicts at the Balkans. NATO generals were satisfied with the overall trial results. The depleted uranium became a part of everyday life at the Balkans in the years that followed. The story starts since long time ago long time ago when the Americans were preparing for a long period for the war against Slobodan Milosevic. Several years before the war, the Balkan headquarters of CIA was moved from Belgrade to the capital city of Bulgaria, Sofia. Everyone was relieved when the truce was signed in Kumanovo, Macedonia, for the cease of the military operations of NATO. The Serbian army began to withdraw from Kosovo. But the bombs and the consequences of the bombing remained. The depleted uranium started to take its blood tax. People began to die of cancer on a large scale.
15 years after the NATO bombing in Southern and Central Serbia, we are witnessing a real explosion and increase of cancer.
Source: YouTube| April 7, 2017.
Bombing of Yugoslavia killed Russia's relations with the West
The bombing of Yugoslavia on March 24, 1999 was launched at the time when Russia was a weak country that could not interfere to stop the aggression of the West. Most Russians disapproved another "Drang Nach Osten" of the West bypassing the UN sanction. In addition, the bombing of Yugoslavia triggered the split of the Russian elite into national traitors and patriots. Eighteen years ago, there was no Putin either for Russia or for the civilized West. "Who is Mr. Putin?" international political brand appeared nearly a year later. The day of March 24, 1999 was marked with the historical decision made by then-Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov, when he ordered to perform the renowned U-turn maneuver over the Atlantic Ocean. The Russian plane was flying back at the time when Western bombs were killing again.
It appears, though, that the main U-turn of those years was not about the U-turn above the geographical Atlantic Ocean. The U-turn in the minds of Russian liberal intelligentsia was much more important. Read all in ENGLISH
Новый раскол русской интеллигенции положила бомбардировка Югославии 24 марта 1999 года. Россия в тот момент была ослаблена и не могла вмешаться, но большая часть наших людей не поддержала этот очередной "Дранг нах Остен" Запада без санкции ООН. После этого началось разделение нашей элиты на национал-предателей и патриотов. Восемнадцать лет назад никакого Путина не существовало. Ни для нас, ни для дикого и цивилизованного Запада тоже. Международный политический бренд “Who is mister Putin?” (Кто такой господин Путин?) появится почти год спустя. А тогда, 24 марта 1999 года, произошел исторический разворот над Атлантикой. Читайте больше на РУССКОМ
Бомбардовање Југославије 24. марта 1999. почело је у тренутку када је Русија била слаба земља која није могла да се умеша да заустави агресију Запада. Већина Руса је осудила још један „продор на Исток“ Запада који је заобишао санкције Уједињених нација. Бомбардовање Југославије покренуло је поделу у руској елити на националне издајнике и патриоте.
Пре осамнаест година, није било Путина ни за Русију ни за цивилизовани Запад. Међународни политички бренд „Ко је господин Путин?“ појавио се скоро годину дана касније. Дан 24. март 1999. обележен је историјском одлуком тадашњег премијера Јевгенија Примакова, који је наредио да се изврши познати маневар заокрета преко Атлантског океана. Руски авион се враћао у тренутку када су западњачке бомбе поново убијале.
Испоставља се, штавише, да заокрет тих година није био само географски изнад Атлантског океана. Заокрет у размишљањима руске либералне интелигенције био је много значајнији. Прочитајте више на СРПСКОМ ...
Пре осамнаест година, није било Путина ни за Русију ни за цивилизовани Запад. Међународни политички бренд „Ко је господин Путин?“ појавио се скоро годину дана касније. Дан 24. март 1999. обележен је историјском одлуком тадашњег премијера Јевгенија Примакова, који је наредио да се изврши познати маневар заокрета преко Атлантског океана. Руски авион се враћао у тренутку када су западњачке бомбе поново убијале.
Испоставља се, штавише, да заокрет тих година није био само географски изнад Атлантског океана. Заокрет у размишљањима руске либералне интелигенције био је много значајнији. Прочитајте више на СРПСКОМ ...
Source/Исходный текст/Извор:СрбинИнфо| March 30, 2017.
On this very day March 27, 1999., F-117A was shot down in Serbia due a 78 days illegal, cowardly and criminal terrorist attack of NATO alliance lead by USA.
"Superior high-tech" aircraft shot down with technology weapons from 1961. So called invisible aircraft and other american "hollywood" stories.Also 2 more was damaged but manage to land down on closest airports(Croatia,Macedonia).
Imagine what would happened if they fly against latest Russian air-defence.
A Yugoslav Army 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade 3rd battery equipped with S-125 system managed to shoot down an F-117 Nighthawk stealth bomber on March 27, 1999 during the Kosovo War (the only recorded downing of a stealth aircraft). It was also used to shoot down a NATO F-16 fighter on May 2 (its pilot; Lt. Col David Goldfein, the commander of 555th Fighter Squadron, managed to eject and was later rescued by a combat search-and-rescue (CSAR) mission.
During the war, different Yugoslav SAM sites and possibly the SA-3 also shot down some NATO UAVs.
A Yugoslav Army 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade 3rd battery equipped with S-125 system managed to shoot down an F-117 Nighthawk stealth bomber on March 27, 1999 during the Kosovo War (the only recorded downing of a stealth aircraft). It was also used to shoot down a NATO F-16 fighter on May 2 (its pilot; Lt. Col David Goldfein, the commander of 555th Fighter Squadron, managed to eject and was later rescued by a combat search-and-rescue (CSAR) mission.
During the war, different Yugoslav SAM sites and possibly the SA-3 also shot down some NATO UAVs.
Source: YouTube| March 27, 2017.

Islamist in Kosovo and Metohija, under protection of NATO, are doing what they want to Christian Serbs. Today in Kosovo and Metohija, tomorrow in your country!!! They are lying you, cause what you see here has nothing to do with a "Russia danger"! This is about the support of Islamic Jihad against Serbs! [LG]
A stronger NATO presence in Kosovo is necessary in order to deter Russia in the Balkans, US European Command head Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti said in a testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday. Read more....

Извор: СрбинИнфо |21. март 2017.
London terrorists slaughtered Serbs in Bosnia in 90's!!!
BELGRADE, March 25 /SRNA/ - Khalid Masood, who committed a terrorist attack in London on March 22, was a member of the infamous El Mujahid squad during the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he practiced crimes against Serbs, reports Blic. The newspaper says that it has a list of 1,774 names of the El Mujahid squad members, including Masood, who killed four and injured 29 people in London three days ago.
Blic’s intelligence and security sources reveal that the cruel terrorist, who shocked the world with his heinous crime, came to BiH on May 1, 1993 as an Islamic “holly warrior”. Raised British Adrian Russel Ajao converted to Islam in the early 1990s and took the name Khalid Masood. Upon arrival to BiH, he joined the Arab militants of the infamous squad which was under the command of the 3rd Corps of the so-called Army of BiH. Anti-terrorism expert Dzevad Galijasevic says that all terror attacks in Europe and the United States were connected with Bosnia and Herzegovina and that it is a “legacy left by the policy of Alija Izetbegovic and SDA /Party of Democratic Action/,” who brought them to BiH to create an “Islamic State”. Galijasevic says that the latest terror attack in London is yet another proof of what the said policy had created. Galijasevic adds that during the war in BiH Masood was a member of El Mujahid and that he arrived in BiH in 1993 with the same name he had three days ago, when he was killed by the British police.
According to the expert, along with the name of Khalid Masood he also had an additional “Abdullah” which was used by many members of El Mujahid. Masood left BiH on December 25, 1995. “What’s interesting is that nearly all major terror attacks in Europe and the US had some sort of connection with BiH. The terrorists either participated in the BiH war, as was the case with the September 11 attacks, or held BiH citizenship, as was the case with the Madrid attack,” said Galijasevic. In other cases it was proved that the terrorists used weapons obtained in BiH, like in the Paris and Brussels attacks, he pointed out. Blic reports that there is evidence that Masood, as well as numerous other Brits, were radicalised by well-known Wahabi leaders Abu Hamza al-Masri and Omar Bakri Muhammad in the 1990s. Those people had a decisive role in the formation of the infamous El Mujahid squad at the beginning of the war in BiH, the squad that is well known for its horrendous crimes against imprisoned Serb civilians and soldiers. Blic’s sources say that the names of Masood’s “religious teachers” are mentioned in almost all files of prosecutorial and investigative bodies of Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina that are investigating El Mujahid crimes. There are numerous pieces of evidence proving that the Egyptian Abu Hamza al-Masri personally ordered the killing and beheading of three imprisoned Serb soldiers at Crni Vrh near Tesanj, whose photographs were seen by the whole world. The Syrian born Omar Bakri Muhammad “brought in” Arab volunteers to the El Mujahid squad and boasted about it to the press. Both moved to Great Britain in early 2000 and continued their extremist teachings and recruitment of the future terrorists, with Al-Masri ending in jail and Bakri Muhammad escaping to Libya.
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Прочитајте оригинал на српском......
Source: Blic/Srna| March 26, 2017.
Serb Student: I’ve met a pilot who bombed us in 1999.
If your fighter-planes, in 1999, were technically correct, few of us would come back to America alive, admitted the American military pilot in conversation with the Serb student to whom he was accidentally introduced in the United States.

Serb student Milenko Gordić has been traveling recently through the United States and, in Santa Fe, accidentally met a former pilot, about fifty years of age.
When Serb student told him where he comes from, he heard a story that gonna be well remembered for his rest of his life. He has shared this short story with the users of the Facebook social network, on the day when the NATO aggression against Serbia had started:
You know how common conversation flows, where are you from, who you are and so on. I answered that I was from Serbia. I could say that, at that moment, I saw an anxious glance at the man. He said that he knew where Serbia was. I asked him whether he was in Serbia. He said – Yes.
At first I was glad, until I’ve heard what was the purpose, or better to say the task - "I was there during the war in 1999. I'm a pilot."
Within seconds, shivers run down my spine, after his answer, and I was overwhelmed by that nauseous feeling. As the images of destroyed Serbia and killed people passed through my head, sadness and grief poured as fuel to the fire from which even more anger was flamed, while he just kept on talking ...
"Boy! War is the worst thing in the World. I’m telling you openly, there is no day that without recalling the size of injustice that had been done to your fighter pilots, firstly, by your country of Serbia and then by us who were attacking defenseless blindfolded people. It was our order that everyone had follow, although some of us took off with a heavy heart, because of this injustice. "
"Your country in 1999 did not have any technically correct combat aircraft. There are all sorts of us, from some of my colleagues that had a great fear of your MIGs even though they knew they were not technically fit, to those who were so arrogant and rude to brag on bringing them down. However, my colleagues and I know as a fact, that if your MiGs were technically correct, it would be seldomly one to come back to America alive", quoted Milenko the words of the pilots.
As an addition - Today, the second man of the US Air Force, David Goldfein, among Serbs is known as the second US pilot who was shot down over Serbia during the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999.
"THE ROCKET suddenly appeared": A pilot who was shot down in 1999. by the Serbs made his life a success, here is what he working now - General-Lieutenant David Goldfein was promoted to the rank of deputy chief of the US Air Force…
Read more in Serbian or using Google translator ...
You know how common conversation flows, where are you from, who you are and so on. I answered that I was from Serbia. I could say that, at that moment, I saw an anxious glance at the man. He said that he knew where Serbia was. I asked him whether he was in Serbia. He said – Yes.
At first I was glad, until I’ve heard what was the purpose, or better to say the task - "I was there during the war in 1999. I'm a pilot."
Within seconds, shivers run down my spine, after his answer, and I was overwhelmed by that nauseous feeling. As the images of destroyed Serbia and killed people passed through my head, sadness and grief poured as fuel to the fire from which even more anger was flamed, while he just kept on talking ...
"Boy! War is the worst thing in the World. I’m telling you openly, there is no day that without recalling the size of injustice that had been done to your fighter pilots, firstly, by your country of Serbia and then by us who were attacking defenseless blindfolded people. It was our order that everyone had follow, although some of us took off with a heavy heart, because of this injustice. "
"Your country in 1999 did not have any technically correct combat aircraft. There are all sorts of us, from some of my colleagues that had a great fear of your MIGs even though they knew they were not technically fit, to those who were so arrogant and rude to brag on bringing them down. However, my colleagues and I know as a fact, that if your MiGs were technically correct, it would be seldomly one to come back to America alive", quoted Milenko the words of the pilots.
As an addition - Today, the second man of the US Air Force, David Goldfein, among Serbs is known as the second US pilot who was shot down over Serbia during the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999.
"THE ROCKET suddenly appeared": A pilot who was shot down in 1999. by the Serbs made his life a success, here is what he working now - General-Lieutenant David Goldfein was promoted to the rank of deputy chief of the US Air Force…
Read more in Serbian or using Google translator ...

Source: Mondo/SD|Translated by LG| March 25, 2017.
Srebrenica: A Town Betrayed
The West helped Islamic offensive in Europe anyway they could, using any means...
A Norwegian documentary that attempts to take a less biased look at what happened in Srebrenica during the Bosnian War. The internationally accepted viewpoint is very black-and-white and ultimately labels the Serbs as evil monsters while ignoring the crimes committed by the Muslims which was what "the Srebrenica Massacre" might have been a direct consequence of.
Source: YouTube| March 21, 2017.
USA and EU joined in NATO actively supported Shqiptar's (Albanian) terrorists! German Army made the First Kill, after the WWII in the center of Prizren 13 June in 1999. The second day of the arrival of KFOR in Kosovo, German soldiers with a straight 220 rounds killed two unarmed Serb’s civilians - civilians Žarko Andrijevića and Slavko Veselinovića. For the first time since the end of World War II, in 54 years since the collapse of the Axis powers, the Third Reich and fascism, the German soldier comes out in a European country outside Germany, ordering the use of firearms, shot and killed two Serbs - civilians in Kosovo and Metohija. German demonstration of force on the second day of presence in Kosovo, after the Kumanovo Agreement, clearly shows on whose side, NATO/KFOR was. Shqiptar Jihadists enter Kosovo and Metohija on the footsteps of NATO, like hyenas. Serbs in Prizren, the largest city in Metohija were trying to leave the city under the pressure of Shqiptar ("Albanian") Islamic terrorists, and the German occupiers. The German lieutenant David Ferk, who led the killers, was highly decorated by the German State for his service!!!
Source: YouTube| March 17, 2017.
Nothing is accidental. Even laugh and joke can be a method of political struggle. Co-founder of Otpor, Srdja Popovic is a revolution consultant. He has had his hand in the overthrow of Serbian President Milosevic and in the Arab Spring. In this talk he gives examples how a funny message mocking a regime, created by a single man, can have a stronger effect a thousand-men protest.
Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal of “nonviolent weapons” at their disposal. Listed below are 198 of them, classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention. A description and historical examples of each can be found in volume two of The Politics of Nonviolent Action, by Gene Sharp. Read more...
Source: Albert Einstein Institution| March 16, 2017.
18 years after NATO's 78-day bombardment of Yugoslavia, memories of the bombing still live in present-day Serbia, and gonna live forever. NATO killed over 2,000 people, hundreds were civilians, 88 were children. YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG NATION!!!
Source: YouTube| March 15, 2017.
Croatia: Clerofascist graffiti painted on Serbian Orthodox church
A graffiti in Croatian reading “For home ready” along with pro-Ustasha emblems has been painted on a Serbian Orthodox church in the Croatian town of Sinj.!
This was announced on Tuesday by the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC).
Croatia was a single state with death camp established exclusively for Serbian children (notorious Sisak camp)
The graffiti appeared on Monday on the southern wall of the temple that is dedicated to apostles Peter and Paul.
The case has been reported to the authorities and an investigation in under way.
The case has been reported to the authorities and an investigation in under way.
This is not the first time that graffiti with similar content have appeared on the building – the last such incident happened in 2010.
The fresco above commemorates 61 Serbian family, from which not a single member survived the Croatian slaughter of Serbs in Prebilovci, 1941.
The SPC Eparchy of Dalmatia said that this type of offensive graffiti sends a negative message to Serbs in Sinj and beyond, but also speaks to the real situation in society and the position of minority communities in Croatia.
Za dom spremni – Croatian Sieg Heil – writing these words on Serbian Orthodox church is eqal to writing Sieg Heil on a synagogue.
Source: There Must Be Justice| March 11, 2017.
"Albania" introduces the urine-marking territories, as an approach in contemporary international relations.
Shqiptars (so-called “Albanians”) are leg-lifting and urine-marking "their" territory at the Balkans. In that light is a hostile visit of “Albanian” president Bujar Nishani to three municipalities at the south of Serbia – Preševo, Medveđa I Bujanovac, that are close to, by NATO aggressor, Occupied Territories of Serbian Autonomic Province “Kosovo and Metohija” and NATO vassal state of Macedonia.
Shqiptars have been spreading to this municipalities after the WWII, suppressing Serbs, trying to achieve the dominancy in numbers. They have met their goal in the municipality of Preševo, only, reaching about 87% of population by estimation. The exact numbers are impossible to obtain, because Shqiptars have been using the same tactics as they used in Serbian Autonomic Province of Kosovo and Metohija, before the NATO occupation, they simply refuse any Official count of the population of a country. They are following the interest to disobey the State they are an ethnic minority, to cover they real number, and to falsely represent that they are in much larger number, than in reality. However, event with all the pushing, Shqiptars are still minority in Bujanovac (29%), and Medveđa (7%). They think of everything, so everyone who knows them good, could easily estimate whether they are majority simply by watching a municipality flag, and the coat of arms.
Only the municipality of Preševo has the flag and the coat of arms. The flag is “albanian” red, with the coat of arms in the middle. The coat of arms has a bulge in the form of the Albanian national cap “qeleshe”. The other two municipalities have coat of arms, only, with the name written in both languages – Serb’s and Shqiptars. Moreover, Shqiptars are using the same strategy. At the time they joined to regions “Kosovo” and “Metohija” in one term “Kosova”. They are using the same for joining three Serb’s municipalities in one region calling them “Preseva Valley”.
These municipalities are in the strategically important Morava river- Vardar river valley, very close to the border between Serbia and F.Y.R. of Macedonia, and the highway E-75 connecting Europe with the Near East, and further. That is the territory Shqiptars are trying to cut, being supported by NATO in order to connect to Bulgaria that has been a NATO member already. The same tactics used Germans in WWI and WWII.
That is the environment visited by “Albanian” president Nisnani. “Nishani” in Turkish means “aiming”. However, he was not aiming, he was urine-marking.
Contrary to all customs applied in international relations, Nishani did not come to Belgrade, he showed no intention to meet the President of Serbia. As a territorial dog, he came only to those municipalities that Shqiptars want to steal from Serbia. He came with a deliberate timing, when Shqiptars are carring out the offensive in Macedonia. He came to transpose the NATO directivesto Shqiptars in southern Serbia.
We let them do their dirty K-9 job, but the time when Shqiptars had all te support of so called Western powers and NATO, and when they could do whatever they wanted, has pased. We gonna look at each other’s eyes very, very soon... Sooner that they have expected, as it seems.
Only the municipality of Preševo has the flag and the coat of arms. The flag is “albanian” red, with the coat of arms in the middle. The coat of arms has a bulge in the form of the Albanian national cap “qeleshe”. The other two municipalities have coat of arms, only, with the name written in both languages – Serb’s and Shqiptars. Moreover, Shqiptars are using the same strategy. At the time they joined to regions “Kosovo” and “Metohija” in one term “Kosova”. They are using the same for joining three Serb’s municipalities in one region calling them “Preseva Valley”.
These municipalities are in the strategically important Morava river- Vardar river valley, very close to the border between Serbia and F.Y.R. of Macedonia, and the highway E-75 connecting Europe with the Near East, and further. That is the territory Shqiptars are trying to cut, being supported by NATO in order to connect to Bulgaria that has been a NATO member already. The same tactics used Germans in WWI and WWII.
That is the environment visited by “Albanian” president Nisnani. “Nishani” in Turkish means “aiming”. However, he was not aiming, he was urine-marking.
Contrary to all customs applied in international relations, Nishani did not come to Belgrade, he showed no intention to meet the President of Serbia. As a territorial dog, he came only to those municipalities that Shqiptars want to steal from Serbia. He came with a deliberate timing, when Shqiptars are carring out the offensive in Macedonia. He came to transpose the NATO directivesto Shqiptars in southern Serbia.
We let them do their dirty K-9 job, but the time when Shqiptars had all te support of so called Western powers and NATO, and when they could do whatever they wanted, has pased. We gonna look at each other’s eyes very, very soon... Sooner that they have expected, as it seems.
The similar situation Netherlands solved by banning a Turkish minister to visit the Turks living in this country. Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi! But one ain't gotta be a member of Mensa International to see the pattern and coordination - "Albanian" minister visits Shqiptars on the South of Serbia, Turkish minister visits the Turks in Netherlands, and all in the matter of days...
March 12, 2017.
No Serbian flag. Shqiptar ethnic minority waving flags of foreign country on the Serb's soil. Do they look as loyal citizens to you? Tomorrow, they gonna claim this territory and ask you to help them getting "justice". They gonna ask you to save them from the evil Serbs. They gonna kiss your hand. They gonna be your "best friends". They gonna do whatever you want them to, plainly everything, in order to achieve their goal - to make Greater Albania by grabbing. And being an Idiot till now, U'll stay an Idiot. U'll help this tiefs. However, we Serbs gonna do our job saving us, and saving you Idiot, in the process, as well.
French General: America, Germany, Britain, France plotted the YU wars to destroy Serbia
French Brig. General Pierre Marie Gallois about subversion and war against Yugoslavia had been planned by German, French, British and other NATO member’s top-politicians and military brass in meetings near the German city of Munich, since the mid-70s. The most important video regarding the latest Balkan wars. Understand this and you will know the present world order.
What happened , how it happened, the interests, motives etc.
What happened , how it happened, the interests, motives etc.
A retired Brigadier-General Pierre Marie Gallois of French army testifies in the front of a camera of his involvment in a secret meetings held in Germany. He explains the long exsisted plan for destruction of Yugoslavia and punishment of Serbs by Germany for their anti-German role in WW2. Very interesting testimony. General died in 2010.
Source: Geopolitics/YouTube| 24. February 2017.
You are not alone in asking the question: How is it possible that we can be so antagonistic towards conservative traditional Christianity and yet so accepting of Islam?
I think we have to understand that there has been a revolution in the US and the West in general. An ideological revolution for neoliberalism.
Neoliberalism is dedicated to scientific rationalism, the neoliberal conception of life: science, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, that’s it. Everything else is the matter of your own personal opinion.
Source: YouTube/Katehon| February 2, 2017.
BBC News - Bosnia: The cradle of modern jihadism?
Back in the 1990s something happened in central Bosnia-Herzegovina that inspired people to this day and helps explain why that country now has more men fighting in Syria and Iraq (over 300), as a proportion of its population, than most in Europe.
The formation of a "Mujahideen Battalion" in 1992, composed mainly of Arab volunteers in central Bosnia, was a landmark. Today the dynamic of jihad has been reversed and it is Bosnians who are travelling to Arab lands.
"There is a war between the West and Islam," says Aimen Dean, who, as a young Saudi Arabian volunteer, travelled to fight in central Bosnia in 1994. "Bosnia gave the modern jihadist movement that narrative. It is the cradle." Read more...
The formation of a "Mujahideen Battalion" in 1992, composed mainly of Arab volunteers in central Bosnia, was a landmark. Today the dynamic of jihad has been reversed and it is Bosnians who are travelling to Arab lands.
"There is a war between the West and Islam," says Aimen Dean, who, as a young Saudi Arabian volunteer, travelled to fight in central Bosnia in 1994. "Bosnia gave the modern jihadist movement that narrative. It is the cradle." Read more...
Source: BBC NEWS| 24. Feb. 2017.
EXCLUSIVE - Bosnia and Herzegovina: radical islam and salafism at the core of EuropeTHE ISLAMIC CONNECTION - ONE MAN, ONE TURKEY, ONE APPEAL AND SOMEBODY FROM BEHIND
It's a decades-old quest for justice, rekindling deep divisions. The Bosniak Chairman of Bosnia Herzegovina, Bakir Izetbegovic, is lodging a last-minute legal appeal to challenge a ruling that cleared Serbia of genocide. Bosnian Serb forces killed thousands of Bosniak Muslims in Srebrenica during the Bosnian war. But the UN's top court at the Hague found that the Serbian state was not directly responsible for the killings. A 10-year deadline to appeal the decision ends on Sunday. We ask if his mission to hold Serbia accountable for genocide is justified.
Brief facts about real situation in Bosnia during the war and things that led to so call "Srebrenica Massacre". Pointing finger at the Serbs as the bad guys where Muslims and Croats where good was nothing to do with the Truth!
Source: YouTube|24. Feb. 2017.
America's Veterans: The Serbian People Are Heroes!
This was the largest rescue of American lives from behind enemy lines in American history. Heroic Serbia, Our Ally
Richard L. Felman (May 29, 1921 -- November 13, 1999) was a distinguished officer in the United States Air Force who flew combat missions during World War II and the Korean War, receiving 27 awards and decorations over the course of his military career. Felman was born in the The Bronx, New York City. He was the son of American-born David and Dora, a Jewish immigrant from Poland. He had one brother, Irwin, born six years earlier. At the age of 21, Felman enlisted in the U. S. Army Air Corps on July 24, 1942 and became a master navigator. In early 1944 he was assigned to the 415th Bombardment Squadron, 98th Bombardment Group, 15th Air Force stationed in Lecce, Italy as a Second Lieutenant flying B-24s. His "Liberator" bomber, "Never a Dull Moment", would live up to its name. In July 1944, Felman's B-24 was hit by German ME-109s and 10 of the eleven-man crew bailed out from 18,000 feet over the Yugoslav hills. Felman was later awarded the Purple Heart for his service during the plane crash. The Americans, led by Felman, landed in central Serbia. Serbia, at the time, was a Nazi Germany-occupied territory, but controlled by the Chetniks, a resistance movement led by Draža Mihailović. The Chetniks protected them from the Germans, despite the fact the Germans burned the nearby village of Pranjani in retaliation, killing around 200 women and children. Felman and his men stayed safe with the Chetniks, and were airlifted out of Serbia on August 10, 1944. Felman became friends with Mihailović and his Chetniks, as did the other Allied airmen who had been gunned down over Serbia in the same year. Over 500 downed US airmen survived because of assistance from the Chetniks. Felman was personally decorated twice by King Peter II of Yugoslavia, first with the Royal Order of Ravna Gora, Yugoslavia's highest military decoration in 1946. The Chetniks were defeated by the end of the war. Due to unrelated war crimes, Draža Mihailović was accused by the Partisans in 1946. Felman and 21 others in April 1946 petitioned Harry S. Truman and the U.S. Government to be allowed to go, at their own expense, to Belgrade and present their testimonies to the jury on Mihailović's trial. They were denied by the State Department, because the U.S. had befriended the Communist Partisans in the latter stages of the war, and did not want to disrupt their relations with the Communist Yugoslav government that was created post war. Despite Felman's insistence, he was not able to reach Belgrade. Mihailović was found guilty of high treason, executed and buried in an unmarked grave on July 17, 1946. Because of his efforts, Mihailović and his organization, on the recommendation of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, were posthumously awarded the Legion of Merit by President Truman for their contributions to the Allied victory and the rescue of American airmen from behind enemy lines. The Legion of Merit is the highest award the U.S. can give a foreign national, Felman continued arguing that Mihailović and his Chetniks should be honored for their rescue of US pilots. In 1970, he went on the Congressional Record pressing for legislation for a statue on Capitol grounds honoring General Mihailović. In 1976 and in 1977, the bill was introduced into the Senate by Strom Thurmond and Barry Goldwater. However, the legislation died in the House because of the aforementioned U.S. policy towards Yugoslavia. It was reintroduced over the next decades several times, but failed each time. Richard Felman retired from the United States Air Force in 1968. In 1995, for the 50th Anniversary of the VE Day, Major Richard Felman returned to Serbia after 50 years, accompanied by his wife Mary Anne as well as Captain Nick Lalich and Lt. Col. Charlie Davis. He was met on the mountain of Ravna Gora by 50,000 Serbian people who gave him a thunderous ovation. Felman died at the age of 78. He was survived by his wife Mary Anne and his brother Irwin. He had no children. On November 13, 1999 he was laid to rest at the "All Faiths Memorial Park" in Tucson, Arizona.
Извор: YouTube |2017. 03. 17.
You finally came to your senses, but Serbs suffered from your stupidity
You cannot enter a foreign country and set up your own set of laws and regulations that contradict most of that countries moral standards

Sure thing! But you idiots created and supported Islamic terrorism and behavior!
And what? Now, when the bear starts dancing at your doorsteps, you are coming to your senses!
"You cannot enter a foreign country and set up your own sets of rules...". Really? Good morning! Shqiptars or Albanians as you call them, have been operating that way for decades, centuries even.
The first step is to populate the targeted area - They start arriving from Shqipnia (Albania), or other areas they have populated, already, buying properties for an insanely large amount of money. Than they start mating and proliferate like rabbits. In this phase, since they are still minority, they are almost invisible, obeying every hosts rule.
The second step is growing roots - In that stage, Shqiptars are not in majority, but represents a significant part of population (30-40%). The prices of properties decreases slowly but surely, and they are grabbing host's population properties by intimidation, treats, sporadic acts of violence, rapes, and murders, not crossing the level of "normal" individual criminal acts. They still obey local laws and customs, but they start louder, and louder to ask for their rights, as an ethnic minority. They are calling for democracy, freedom, coexistence, use of their language as a recognized "second" official language at that territory, start building schools in their language, building mosques, organize themselves politically, demand closer ties with their state of origin Shqipnia etc., and, not to forget mate like rabbits and continually inhabit the area. They are asking for their rights more, and more aggressively, but the host country can never meet their demands.
Photo below: Serb's mother with a shotgun protecting her children and fields from Shqiptar ethnic "minority" (Village of Prekale, municipality Istok, Kosovo and Mehtohija Province of the Socialistic Republic of Serbia in 1988.). Today, Istok is "Istog", and the name of the village Prekale, does not exist any more!

The third step is a TAKE-OVER - Now they are tight majority (55-70%). The oppression of local non-Shqiptar population grows, and it is the rule of behavior, now. Their aim is to establish fear and insecurity, and force hosts population to leave the area rapidly. They are now in local government, police forces, courts etc. Commonly, host country is trying to swept these problems under the rag, because every reaction to establish the order is followed by Shqiptars hullabaloo about endangerment of their rights, they are calling "International community" to intervene in their behalf, they are demonstrating, sporadically attack police forces and non-Shqiptars, they start changing place and geographical names, they organize false hunger strikes for their rights etc., and most importantly - they stop obeying country laws! Completely!
Photo bellow: An Serb Ortodox Christian monk looking at the ruins of Monastery destroyed by Shqiptars in March 2004, in the presence of KFOR.
The fourth step - THE POWER - At that stage, Shqiptars are the majority, and the traces of former non-Shqiptar population is barely holding. Their attacks are now open. They destroy Christian (Orthodox) churches, building mosques everywhere, no language, but their is official, there is no democracy, no freedom, no life for everybody except them. They are establishing ethnic clean Shqiptar territory. They demand the independence, as they have historical rights! If they felt strong and supported enough they self-declare "independency".
All the time they are hiding the Islamic background of their operation, pushing to the fore a national component, to full the West, where they are looking for support!
Photo bellow: The ruins of Holly Trinity Cathedral in Djakovica (Today "Gjakova") in Metohija ruined in July, 1999 by Shqiptar terrorists in the presence of KFOR! As you can see Shqiptar old-man is walking by, and children are playing on the ruins.
We have fought against them, but with your help we lost (temporarily) Kosovo and Metohija Province, Macedonia is in danger, and they are now in your house!
However, you've been incredible stupid for generations! If you helped us in Kosovo battle in 1389., Turks would have never come up to Vienna, and there would be no Muslims in Europe! OK! It was long time ago, but what now? You damb f*cks, are doing this again!
February 7, 2017.
For all ignorant on the West:
1. In the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, before WWII, Kosovo and Metohija had been within Serbia, since 1912, after the liberation from Turk's occupation. Two parts of Serbia, namely, Kosovo and Metohija, Tito's commies joined into one Autonomic Province within the Socialistic Republic of Serbia. The reason to do that was the same as reasons of Western occupiers of today - "Weak Serbia, strong everybody else!". Wrong equation, anyway.
2. Consequently, "Kosovo" has never existed as an independent nor "Albanian" state. Albania, as a state was formed by Britain and Germany (Austro-Hungary) in 1912. Before that Shqiptars were tribal groups in the high mountains doing sheep, goats and simple armed robbery (now-day form - drugs, people and organ trafficking).
3. So called "Albanians" (the right term is Shqiptars) are an ethnic minority (national minority) in Serbia including AP Kosovo and Metochia, as a province od Serbia. The have never been constitutional nation in Serbia, like Serbs were been in Socialistic Republic of Croatia, and SR Bosnia and Herzegovina in SFR of Yugoslavia.
4. These Shqiptars are grabbing our land, with your aid! Is that so hard to understand and accept?
So, you ignorant bastards, if you occupied us, if you bombed us, if you embargoed us, if you are judging and f**king us any way you can, at least be polite enough to learn something about us, but not from your media. READ BOOKS!
13. January 2017.
Serbia becomes respectable power in the Region, after being insidiously disarmed and gradually dismantled by NATO and local traitors!
State leaders wrapping up negotiations on procurement of 12 more of the latest "MIG-29" ... We have a favorable offers from Russia and Belarus.
State leaders wrapping up negotiations on procurement of 12 more of the latest "MIG-29" ... We have a favorable offers from Russia and Belarus.
After the procurement of six "MIG-29" that are soon to arrive from Russia, the state leadership of Serbia is ending negotiations on purchasing 12 more of the latest "MIG-29" version, exclusively reveals “Informer”!
Full House
According to sources, in addition of fighter planes supply from Russia, the possibility of similar arrangement with Belarus, has been considered!
The state of Serbia is determined to bring Serb’s military aviation readiness to the highest possible level! So, beside the six of the most advanced "MIG-29", who have been purchased, already, and will arrive in March, 12 new fighter planes will mark Serbia as a serious military power in the region! These "MIG-29" are needed to preserve peace and security of Serb Nation. More than 20 powerful "MIG-29", in Serb’s Airforce, would be sufficient enough to repeal anybody who dares even to think to attack Serb’s State - underlines the source of “Informer”.

As “Informer” learns, both of these two offers for purchasing 12 more "MIG-29", that are currently being considered by the Serb’s Government, include maximum favorable conditions for Serbia.
The price that has been offered is far lower than the market price. As a gift of six “MIG-29”, received in December from the Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich, where Serbia was to pay for modernization and weaponry, only, a new friendly, brotherly deal would be of the similar kind- says one of “Informer” interlocutors.
None of the officials, a few days ago, did not wish to comment on the “Informer” findings. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense announced that Minister Zoran Djordjevic pays an official, two days, visit to Belarus, where cooperation between our two countries will be discussed with the local counterpart Andrei Alekseyevich.
Officially, there is no confirmation whether the subject in question would be on the table during this visit to Minsk, however, unofficial confirmation came from multiple addresses.
Military-political commentator of the daily "Politika" Miroslav Lazanski says that Serbia would be hitting the bull's-eye, by purchasing another 12 "MIG-29".
This is a great political and economic move! With 12 of the latest new "MIG-29" added to the existing ten, Serbia would have a respectable Airforce of nearly two full squadrons. We could go into the training of three pilots for each aircraft and consequently we had aircraft not only for the protection of the sky, but for the serious development of fighter aviation. The Russian army today mostly uses "Sukhoi", and Belarusians are buying more of them, as well ... "MIG-29" which were used until recently are very well preserved and represent an excellent opportunity for Serbia - underlines Lazanski.. Read in Serb's language ...
Officially, there is no confirmation whether the subject in question would be on the table during this visit to Minsk, however, unofficial confirmation came from multiple addresses.
Military-political commentator of the daily "Politika" Miroslav Lazanski says that Serbia would be hitting the bull's-eye, by purchasing another 12 "MIG-29".
This is a great political and economic move! With 12 of the latest new "MIG-29" added to the existing ten, Serbia would have a respectable Airforce of nearly two full squadrons. We could go into the training of three pilots for each aircraft and consequently we had aircraft not only for the protection of the sky, but for the serious development of fighter aviation. The Russian army today mostly uses "Sukhoi", and Belarusians are buying more of them, as well ... "MIG-29" which were used until recently are very well preserved and represent an excellent opportunity for Serbia - underlines Lazanski.. Read in Serb's language ...
После Боја на Косову, царица Милица је завештала две велике воштанице манастиру Високи Дечани са аманетом да их упали Осветник Косова! Упалио их је Њ.К.В. Краљ Александар I Карађорђевић, када је јуначка Српска војска ослободила Косово и Метохију, после 500 година
After the Kosovo Battle June 28, 1389., Tsarina Milica bequeathed two big wax Candles in the Visoki Decani Monastery near the town of Pec (Metohija). Her bequest was that these Candles were to be lighted by the Avenger of Kosovo, only. About 500 years later, a Heroic Serb's Army liberated Kosovo and Metohija from Turks (1912.). H.R.H King Aleksandar I Karadjodjevic lighted the Candles of Tsarina Milica in the name of Kosovo Avengers!
Оружана побуна шиптарске националне мањине, подржана агресороским Северноатлантским пактом је довела до тога да је територија Косова и Метохије данас привремено окупирана и инсталисана је марионетска парадржава "Косово"/Armed Rebellion of Shqiptar ethnic minority, supported by the NATO aggressor has led that the territory of Kosovo and Metohija became temporarily occupied and puppet para-state "Kosovo" was installed by the occupier.

Питање је док не дочекамо новог Осветника Косова, из 1999., а чекаћемо га ако треба нових 500 година, како ће данашњи "преговарачи" да остану упамћени у српском народу/The question is, until we welcome the new Avenger of Kosovo, and we'll wait if its God's will, for another 500 years, how will our today's "negotiators" be remembered by the Serbian nation in future generations.
СЛЕДЕЋЕ ГОДИНЕ НА КОСОВУ И МЕТОХИЈИ! Уз ову заклетву док српска држава не ослободи привремено окупиране територије...
ДОДИК У 60 СЕКУНДИ СВЕ ОБЈАСНИО: „Ми нисмо босански Срби, ми смо Срби!“
We are not “Bosnian Serbs”. We are Serbs. They have to learn that in Belgrade … and don’t … when they learn that … no one to ask me what’s up in Bosnia, anymore? I am not coming from Bosnia. I am coming from Republika Srpska. That is my message. And they think Bosnia … What Bosnia? We have nothing to do with Bosnia. We have finished with that. We are … Bosnia is a way station, for us, we’ve stayed in to long, already. That is the whole story. And of course it hurts when, from Belgrade, comes that kind of fullishn … and of course it is no … no … impo … there are that kind of people in Banja Luka, as well. Here, in Banja Luka there are a few who … position themselves on those international organization funds, and they kind of some projects on freedom, human rights (laughs) hither and thither, than they are talking like they don’t see what is going on in the World. Serbs have to get unified. Serbs need swift, strong and e … energetic government. Serbs need to, with no hesitation, identify national interest of Serbs in Serbia and Republika Srpska, the same way …
September 4, 2016.
Obama Signs 'Dark Act' GMO Labeling Bill Into Law
August 02, 2016A new law requiring proper labeling of GMO products allows companies to use QR codes or 1-800 numbers as a form of GMO labeling, forcing consumers to scan the code or make a call to get more information.
Some opponents are calling the bill the DARK Act, short for “Denying Americans the Right to Know.” Political director for the Organic Consumers Association, Alexis Baden-Mayer, joins RT America’s Lindsay France to discuss the law and says her group will fight its implementation.
Published on Aug 2, 2016
The main results of the latest survey on certified organic agriculture world-wide show (data end of 2014) that 43.7 million hectares of agricultural land are managed organically by 2.3 million producers.
The regions with the largest areas of organically managed agricultural land are Oceania (17.3 million hectares or 40 percent of the global organic farmland), Europe (11.6 million hectares or 27 percent of the global organic farmland) and Latin America (6.8 million hectares or 15 percent).
On a global level, the organic agricultural land area increased by 0.5 million hectares compared with with 2013.
The countries with the most organic agricultural land are Australia (17.1 million hectares), Argentina (3.1 million hectares) and the United States (2.2 million hectares).
The highest shares of organic agricultural land are in the Falkland Islands (36.3 percent), Liechtenstein (30.9 percent), and Austria (19.4 percent).
The highest shares of organic agricultural land are in the Falkland Islands (36.3 percent), Liechtenstein (30.9 percent), and Austria (19.4 percent).
The countries with the highest numbers of producers are India, Uganda and Mexico.
Source:| Sep 11, 2016.
Conditions to Serbia for entering EU are simple and clear:
1. We have to recognize "Kosovo".
2. We have to introduce sanctions against Russia.
3. We have to eat GMO.
4. We have to sell out everything we still have.
Услови постављени Србији за чланство у ЕУ су јасни:
1. Морамо да признамо "Косово".
2. Морамо да уведемо санкције Русији.
3. Морамо да једемо ГМО.
4. Морамо да распродамо све што још имамо.
14. јул 2016.|
Memorial Center "Nikola Tesla" - Smiljan.
As one could see, a shameless Croatians built "old-new" Tesla's house and the Church. They say that Tesla was Croatian, and they are making money on bones of Serbs they killed in Smiljan, including Tesla's relatives.
Remember this every time you hear the Croat Nikola Tesla.
Ustase killed all the Serbian population in Smiljan and the surrounding Serbian villages, on St. Elijah in 1941. Then they burned down the house where Nikola Tesla was born and a church in which his father, Milutin Tesla, Serbian Orthodox priest and the first religious teacher in middle school in the town of Gospic, had served.
Archpriest Milutin Tesla's wrote in favor of freedom of the Serb Orthodox faith in the Austrian Empire in the newspaper "Serbian Journal" under the pseudonym Rodoljub Pravičić.
Today, the all that left of the Serbian village of Smiljan is a small cemetery above the church and one grave with more than 600 men, women, children ...
Ustashas in and around Smiljan killed 119 people with the surname of Tesla.
The original in Serb's language: SrbinInfo| July 13, 2016.
BELGRADE – A group of Balkan journalists recently published an investigation called ‘Dossier Smoke’, which refers to the smuggling of cigarettes through the port of the Montenegrin town of Bar to Libyan ports under control of forces close to al-Qaeda and Daesh.
According to the data collected by journalists Marko Vesovic, Vladimir Otasevic and Hasan Haydar Diyab, the smuggling activities regularly took place in 2013-2015. During this time, three and a half million kilograms of cigarettes were delivered to Libya from Montenegro, an amount which equals 140 million packs of cigarettes.
In an interview with Sputnik, Vesovic recalled that in 2001 the Croatian edition of Nacional magazine published data revealing connections between the “tobacco mafia” and the then President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic.
This network had beeing operating since the late 1990s. Now, the story seems to be repeating.According to the journalist, credible evidence from the scene shows that cigarettes delivered from the port of Bar “found their customers in areas of Libya” controlled by terrorists close to Daesh and Al-Qaeda.
“This indicates terrorism in the Middle East was also funded by such cigarettes ‘deliveries’,” the journalist said. Read more...
In an interview with Sputnik, Vesovic recalled that in 2001 the Croatian edition of Nacional magazine published data revealing connections between the “tobacco mafia” and the then President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic.
This network had beeing operating since the late 1990s. Now, the story seems to be repeating.According to the journalist, credible evidence from the scene shows that cigarettes delivered from the port of Bar “found their customers in areas of Libya” controlled by terrorists close to Daesh and Al-Qaeda.
“This indicates terrorism in the Middle East was also funded by such cigarettes ‘deliveries’,” the journalist said. Read more...
Source: InSerbia| Orig. posted: July 3| July 4, 2016.
Serbia's objectives are peace, stability, non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and preservation of the Serb population and the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo-Metohija, with full EU membership as the foreign policy priority, President Tomislav Nikolic said Friday. Read more .... (if you have to ...)
If it wasn't sad, it would be funny!
Source: Tanjug| Originally posted: July 1, 2016.| July 3, 2016.
How Evil Is Hillary and Bill Clinton? If You LOVE AMERICA PLEASE SHARE.
OK. I like America of next-door Americans, so I am sharing! (Been there, know the folks). Moreover, I'm gonna add some .....
William Jefferson Clinton (70) widely known as "Bill" is a War Criminal (W.C.), his wife Hillary is a W.C. main conspirator
Hillary Clinton supported the Bill Clinton regime’s illegal bombing of Yugoslavia, an act of aggression which Wesley Clark, the top US/NATO general involved, and who recently advocated interning “radicals” in the US, calculated would worsen, not improve, the conflict.
Not many are aware of the fact that Serbian court had sentenced Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright, and other global warmongers for crimes commited 1999 during the aggression vs. Serbia/then – Yugoslavia. There is a verdict of the District Court, Belgrade issued on September 1, 2000 against then top Western leaders for war crimes against the Serb's population.
For instance, Tony Blair was sentenced to 20 years for inciting a war of aggression, violation of territorial sovereignty, for the crime of murder highest authorities in an attempt and war crimes against the civilian population of SR Yugoslavia.
The defendants in the trial were: Tony Blair, Robin Cook, George Robertson, Bill Clinton, MadeleineAlbright, William Cohen, Jacques Chirac, Hubert Vedrine, Alain Richard, Gerhard Schroeder, JoschkaFischer, Rudolf Scharping, Javier Solana and Wesley Clark – all of which were sentenced to 20 years in a Yugoslav prison.
The Yugoslav government issued arrest warrants for all of them, charging that between March 24 and June 10, 1999, during the NATO attack on Yugoslavia, they carried out:
- Crimes against humanity and breaches of international law;
- Inciting to an aggressive war;
- Violation of Yugoslavia’s territorial sovereignty;
- The attempted murder of Slobodan Milosevic, President of Yugoslavia;
-War crimes against civilians;
-The use of weapons banned under international law.
- Crimes against humanity and breaches of international law;
- Inciting to an aggressive war;
- Violation of Yugoslavia’s territorial sovereignty;
- The attempted murder of Slobodan Milosevic, President of Yugoslavia;
-War crimes against civilians;
-The use of weapons banned under international law.
July 3, 2016.
Over the years, numerous former military and secret service employees have written books about their jobs and goals of their governments. Robert Baer is a former senior CIA officer. He wrote many books about his former employers at the time of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations.
He worked in the former Yugoslavia from 1991 to 1994. He also participated in several documentaries on the National Geographic, where he accused Bush for the war for oil.
Robert Baer was interviewed by reporter Milos Cupurdija in Canada in 2012. The interview highlights some of the public misconceptions about the events that tore up Yugoslavia and led to horrific war.
Baer said at the beginning of the interview he arrived in Sarajevo by helicopter with three other agents on January 12 1991. He said that their jobs had been to keep an eye on the supposed Serbian terrorists, suspected of preparing an attack on Sarajevo.
He said that they had information about a group called “Serbian Supreme” and their plans to attack key buildings in Sarajevo with the aim to make Bosnia leave Yugoslavia.
However, he said, such group has never existed and he and other agents were tricked by their central command. They were actually given the task to warn people and raise panic amongst the politicians in Bosnia. They, as he said, basically just filled their heads with the idea that Serbs will attack. Eventually they realized they were spreading stories and fear about a group that did not exist. Read more ... .....
Baer said at the beginning of the interview he arrived in Sarajevo by helicopter with three other agents on January 12 1991. He said that their jobs had been to keep an eye on the supposed Serbian terrorists, suspected of preparing an attack on Sarajevo.
He said that they had information about a group called “Serbian Supreme” and their plans to attack key buildings in Sarajevo with the aim to make Bosnia leave Yugoslavia.
However, he said, such group has never existed and he and other agents were tricked by their central command. They were actually given the task to warn people and raise panic amongst the politicians in Bosnia. They, as he said, basically just filled their heads with the idea that Serbs will attack. Eventually they realized they were spreading stories and fear about a group that did not exist. Read more ... .....
Source: InSerbia info| Originaly posted: Aug 6, 2013|
EU officials have been very imaginative plotting conditions that Serbia must fulfill in order to enter the European Union.
Germany meanly plays "warm-cold" game.
Germany meanly plays "warm-cold" game.
Even a small and insignificant Croatia emerged with some predetermined conditions!?
We are getting sick of you, people!
We are getting sick of you, people!
So, if you want Serbia to receive you in its ranks, we have ONE condition, only - YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO PLAY VIOLIN LIKE THAT ..... prove that you have a skill, imagination, heart and soul to describe the crowing of a rooster musically like this!
June 23, 2016.
Crazy Croats - Freestyle swimming
So, what might be a reason for that crazy behavior?
Researcher Claims Serbia 'Capable of Causing Mental Disorders Among Croats'
Croatian academician Zdenko Tibold believes that Serbia uses secret electromagnetic warfare to influence the minds of citizens of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slobodna Dalmacija reported.
The researcher argues that Serbia can cause mental disorders among residents of these two countries, "motivate the youth to leave their homeland, cause general depression among the population and promote hatred and intolerance," Read more...
Yeah! But wait a minute ...
Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System
In March 2012 the Russian defense minister Anatoli Serdjukov said:
“The development of weaponry based on new physics principles; direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, etc., is part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020.” [Voice of Russia]
The world media reacted to this hint on the open use of psychotronic weapons by the publication of scientific experiments from the 1960‘s where electromagnetic waves were used to transmit simple sounds into the human brain. However, most of them avoided saying that since then extensive scientific research has been carried out in this area throughout the world. Only a Colombian newspaper, El Spectador, published an article covering the whole scale of the achievements of this ... Read more ... and more ... and more ...
Now, after all that reading, everything is clear!
That is the reason, after all, why Croatian football fans celebrated the victory over Turkey, the other day, at European Championship 2016, dancing SERBIAN national dance - "Uzicko kolo"
Source: All iver the Internet| June 18, 2016.
Horriffying confession of Croatian veteran: I killed 72 Serbs with my own hands inculding women; they were “Chetniks” [Serbs] and our enemies.
Serbian business destroyed by Croat forces 1995. Cyrilic letters are prohibited in Croatia today.
In 1995, here is what Tudjman said about the Serbs, as recorded and translated by the BBC Monitoring service:
“And [applause – BBC] there can be no return to the past, to the times when they the Serbs were spreading cancer in the heart of Croatia, cancer which was destroying the Croatian national being and which did not allow the Croatian people to be the master in its own house and did not allow Croatia to lead an independent and sovereign life under this wide, blue sky and within the world community of sovereign nations.”
— Tudjman, Speech made during ‘Freedom Train’ journey
“And [applause – BBC] there can be no return to the past, to the times when they the Serbs were spreading cancer in the heart of Croatia, cancer which was destroying the Croatian national being and which did not allow the Croatian people to be the master in its own house and did not allow Croatia to lead an independent and sovereign life under this wide, blue sky and within the world community of sovereign nations.”
— Tudjman, Speech made during ‘Freedom Train’ journey
Source: There Must be Justice| June 6, 2016.
LG Comment: The real face of the West and EU is that these people are EU member state, blocking Serbia accession to EU in every way possible. This is a direct and clear evidence about the EU policy in the West Balkans, and toward Serbs in particular. They are not our friends. They are not at list neutral. They are our adversaries. There is nothing Serbs could do to change that, except to commit national suicide. Morally and physically. To deny themselves completely. Like former Serbs in Montenegro. And the most likely, that won't be enough.
The Obama administration has compelled German leadership to name Russia as one of the key threats to Berlin in a major defense policy document that is expected to be unveiled soon, experts told RIA Novosti, pointing to Moscow's independent foreign policy as the key reason.
The analyst urged Moscow to apply a multifaceted approach to dealing with this challenge. Russia, he said, should use its military deterrence capabilities solely against the United States, because Washington is the source of "aggression." When it comes to Europe, Russia should try to revive economic ties with its European partners and use diplomacy as the primary means to improve relations."Subconsciously, the Europeans are fully opposed to Washington's belligerence," he said, adding that Russia should be patient. Moscow "should appeal to their conscience, remind them of the joint efforts in the fight against fascism, and engage more actively with European societies."
Source: Top Documentary Films| Orig. posted in 2015| May 26, 2016.

5.12% OR 5.03% - "KOSOVO" is in the UEFA, already, and Serbs are still counting!
A Chinese proverb says -
"A foot in the ass is a step forward, as well" (在 屁股 踢 向前 邁進 了 一步, 也). It
appeared, in this case, that it was the leg of the resourceful Bojan Pajtic,
President of the Democratic Party. People could tell anything about this guy
from Vojvodina, but nobody could challenge his political experience. The man
has been governing Vojvodina for more than 12 years. In continuum. He held on
against a variety of ale and dragons, especially those from his own party and
took over the leadership of the entire DS, or what was left of the whole DS.
With the instinct of a man experienced in politics, by contrast, to
self-centered, Čedeboriscanka, Pajtic sensed an excellent moment for not running
after one or two more percents, when he has already undisputedly crossed the
threshold, but to make a touchdown by providing support, not less not more,
than to his political archenemies - Dveri and DSS. Moreover, he called on
members and supporters of the Democratic Party to vote in repeated elections -
not for DS - but for Dveri-DSS coalition! All this in the name of fairness and
in the name of democracy! Awesome! God bless him!
The fire that destroyed to the foundations the church "Saint Sava" in Manhattan in New York, left a number of the faithful in shock during the Easter holidays.
This magnificent building has been regularly visited by over 700 believers, until yesterday. There are just walls and rooms full of ash and rubble left of the Church, which is under the City protection. Even greater sadness gripped among the Serbian community in New York, because this unfortunate incident took place on the day of the largest Orthodox holiday, Easter.
In addition to its religious mission, Orthodox Church organizes various cultural, educational and social events. The Church has worked tirelessly to preserve the Serbian culture, tradition and language. The Circle of Serbian Sisters “Sveta Petka” has been formed, there is an active choir, as well as the organization "Mladost" and various sports clubs. It is believed that this holy shrine has about 700 members.
On the electronic presentation of the Church of St. Sava in New York is written:
Our church has burned down last night. As of 10:00 a.m. Monday morning (May 2, 2016), firefighters are still spraying the building with water. Police has sealed the area around the cathedral, and we don’t have access to it at the moment. Investigation is in progress. We believe no one has been injured in the fire.
Donations by credit card or Paypal can be made through our website at (click on Paypal button to the right), or directly via our Paypal link:
After the Serbian Church in New York had gone to blaze, two Orthodox churches in Australia caught fire on Easter Sunday. Just a few hours after an Easter service in a Church in Sydney, a fire swept through the Macedonian Orthodox Church. According to VOA's network American Broadcasting Company, the Church was burned down yesterday, a local home for the elderly has been evacuated, while two elderly people were taken to the hospital. The church is located in a part of the town called Rochdale. It was not clear what caused the fire.
– Firefighters were surprised by the intensity of the fire and the speed at which the building collapsed. We can say that we are happy because they are only three firefighters injured - said the head of the rescue mission for New South Wales, Greg Malins. About 60 firefighters from 15 stations fought the fire for several hours, but failed to prevent the fire to completely swallow the building.
A few hours earlier in the oldest Orthodox Church in Victoria, a 130-year-old Greek Orthodox Church in East Melbourne, the fire occurred during the Easter holidays, as well, which forced the evacuation of about 200 people from nearby buildings, has caused an estimated $500,000 damage. According to the media, the fire team was invited around 13.40h, just few hours after the completion of the Eastern morning liturgy in the Church.
Smoke billowed from the windows and the roof, and about 200 people were evacuated from surrounding buildings. No one was injured. The building has withstood the fire, which was put under control in about thirty minutes. However, according to the priest Kosmas Damianides, smoke and flames damaged the walls, roof and some very old icons in the church.
However, this is not the end of the flames that engulfed the worldwide Orthodox Churches. Valaam Monastery in northern Russia was in the same calamity.Еlections of 2016 are over. Early ones. Unnecessary for Serbia, but necessary for the ruling party "Aleksandar Vucic & co.". If one judges by the messages of political parties before the elections, then they are - Luck for Serbia, having in mind that We do not have shining weapons, but we have the hero's heart, so Let's go, since Serbia is to win, if we took Serbia into safe hands, because All is about respect of the Normal living and living now, and Enough is enough, after all! Election slogans of political parties arranged this way seems "logical", in accordance and nicely complemented.
26th of April, 2016.

Duma Foreign Affairs Committee Alexei Pushkov also highlighted Washington's role in Germany naming its long-term partner, Russia, as an opponent. This U-turn, he added, does not seem to reflect the attitude of ordinary people.
"The German government decided to name Russia as Germany's 'rival,' pointing to the fact that Merkel brought the country under the control of the Obama administration, but the move does not reflect the real state of affairs," he tweeted.
Defense analyst Konstantin Sivkov, the president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, believes that Russia's independent foreign policy is the key reason why Berlin decided to view Moscow as an adversary.
Source: Sputnik News International| Jun 6, 2016.

In it, Oliver Stone and his collaborators focus on the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan during the Bush administration.
The Film presents how many American lives were lost as well as the torture incidents that American soldiers were involved in.
As for the conspiracies involved, it also presents the personal motive of Bush was more of a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein rather than catching the terrorists who were guilty of the September 11 attacks in New York.
As for the conspiracies involved, it also presents the personal motive of Bush was more of a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein rather than catching the terrorists who were guilty of the September 11 attacks in New York.
Added to that, it also tries to portray how the Bush administration attempted to manipulate the terror warnings to the Americans to fulfill their political motives.
Source: Global Research| May 31, 2016.
Published on Nov 30, 2014
This feature length documentary debates the implications and consequences of US military involvement in the world today. From an isolationist nation at the end of World War One, the US today has bases in over ninety countries. No other nation has been able to project military power as the US does today. But is such an involvement sustainable? Despite its might, the US is shrinking in terms of population and economic power in relation to the rest of the world. So, what would happen should the United States leave the international scene, and become again a "normal nation", a republic, and not an empire? To find an answer to this question, director and producer Mitch Anderson embarked on an investigative trip on four continents. "The World Without US" is an in-depth investigation of how US foreign policy affects the lives of millions of people around the world. Future scenarios in the absence of the US intervention are well debated and substantiated by experts and ordinary citizens whose lives have been affected by the American presence in different regions. The film's main expert is Niall Ferguson PHD. Niall is very well reputed in the documentary world, he has co-authored many docs at BBC and Chanel4 in the UK and he's the author of several volumes on world history. He contributes on regular basis on a number of Current Events magazines in the US and Europe. "The World Without US" is conclusive, politically charged and opinionated, making for good drama while staying true to the facts and journalistic integrity.
May 31, 2016.

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP, is a free trade agreement currently under negotiations between Europe and the United States. As shown in the insightful new documentary TTIP: Might is Right, this agreement has stirred a great deal of controversy and protest among the masses, and for good reason.
Most citizens regard free trade as an essential component of a healthy economy; therefore, they generally believe that any new agreement between countries that falls under the banner of "free trade" must be in their best interests. Historically, however, these agreements have done more than just lift tariffs and allow for the smooth transport of imports and exports. Investment clauses written into these agreements, particularly the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clause, allows corporations to sue a country when they feel their interests are slighted for any reason. In essence, these trade agreements grant foreign investors the power to call all the shots, regardless of the consequences to the country's economy, citizen rights and environmental protections.
Case in point: Canada. In 1992, the country signed onto the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the United States, and the unexpected repercussions of that agreement are still being felt by residents after well over two decades. As evidenced by one such consequence portrayed in the film, the ISDS clause has permitted the practice of unregulated fracking right in the backyards of unsuspecting citizens. Their protests are largely met by deaf ears, because the energy companies who host the fracking enterprises have the authority to sue the country if they feel their business model is under attack. Canada has reason to feel squeamish about interfering with corporate interests or enforcing regulations upon them; since the passing of NAFTA, they have become one of the five most frequently sued countries in the world.
TTIP negotiations are held in secret, and little is revealed to the public regarding their content.
Most citizens regard free trade as an essential component of a healthy economy; therefore, they generally believe that any new agreement between countries that falls under the banner of "free trade" must be in their best interests. Historically, however, these agreements have done more than just lift tariffs and allow for the smooth transport of imports and exports. Investment clauses written into these agreements, particularly the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clause, allows corporations to sue a country when they feel their interests are slighted for any reason. In essence, these trade agreements grant foreign investors the power to call all the shots, regardless of the consequences to the country's economy, citizen rights and environmental protections.
Case in point: Canada. In 1992, the country signed onto the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the United States, and the unexpected repercussions of that agreement are still being felt by residents after well over two decades. As evidenced by one such consequence portrayed in the film, the ISDS clause has permitted the practice of unregulated fracking right in the backyards of unsuspecting citizens. Their protests are largely met by deaf ears, because the energy companies who host the fracking enterprises have the authority to sue the country if they feel their business model is under attack. Canada has reason to feel squeamish about interfering with corporate interests or enforcing regulations upon them; since the passing of NAFTA, they have become one of the five most frequently sued countries in the world.
TTIP negotiations are held in secret, and little is revealed to the public regarding their content.
TTIP: Might is Right calls for greater transparency in the crafting of this agreement, and warns of a potential future where governments only work for the bottom line of foreign investors, and not for the people they represent. Democracy itself could crumble under the weight of litigiousness.
Source: Top Documentary Films| Orig. posted in 2015| May 26, 2016.
Five basic verities regarding the emerging redistribution of global political power and the violent political awakening in the Middle East are signaling the coming of a new global realignment.
The first of these verities is that the United States is still the world’s politically, economically, and militarily most powerful entity but, given complex geopolitical shifts in regional balances, it is no longer the globally imperial power. But neither is any other major power.
The second verity is that Russia is experiencing the latest convulsive phase of its imperial devolution. A painful process, Russia is not fatally precluded – if it acts wisely – from becoming eventually a leading European nation-state. However, currently it is pointlessly alienating some of its former subjects in the Islamic southwest of its once extensive empire, as well as Ukraine, Belarus, and Georgia, not to mention the Baltic States.
The third verity is that China is rising steadily, if more slowly as of late, as America’s eventual coequal and likely rival; but for the time being it is careful not to pose an outright challenge to America. Militarily, it seems to be seeking a breakthrough in a new generation of weapons while patiently enhancing its still very limited naval power.
The fourth verity is that Europe is not now and is not likely to become a global power. But it can play a constructive role in taking the lead in regard to transnational threats to global wellbeing and even human survival. Additionally, Europe is politically and culturally aligned with and supportive of core U.S. interests in the Middle East, and European steadfastness within NATO is essential to an eventually constructive resolution of the Russia-Ukraine crisis.
The fifth verity is that the currently violent political awakening among post-colonial Muslims is, in part, a belated reaction to their occasionally brutal suppression mostly by European powers. It fuses a delayed but deeply felt sense of injustice with a religious motivation that is unifying large numbers of Muslims against the outside world; but at the same time, because of historic sectarian schisms within Islam that have nothing to do with the West, the recent welling up of historical grievances is also divisive within Islam.
Taken together as a unified framework, these five verities tell us that the United States must take the lead in realigning the global power architecture in such a way that the violence erupting within and occasionally projected beyond the Muslim world—and in the future possibly from other parts of what used to be called the Third World—can be contained without destroying the global order. We can sketch this new architecture by elaborating briefly each of the five foregoing verities.
First, America can only be effective in dealing with the current Middle Eastern violence if it forges a coalition that involves, in varying degrees, also Russia and China. To enable such a coalition to take shape, Russia must first be discouraged from its reliance on the unilateral use of force against its own neighbors—notably Ukraine, Georgia, the Baltic States—and China should be disabused of the idea that selfish passivity in the face of the rising regional crisis in the Middle East will prove to be politically and economically rewarding to its ambitions in the global arena. These shortsighted policy impulses need to be channeled into a more farsighted vision.
Second, Russia is becoming for the first time in its history a truly national state, a development that is as momentous as it is generally overlooked. The Czarist Empire, with its multinational but largely politically passive population, came to an end with World War I and the Bolshevik creation of an allegedly voluntary union of national republics (the USSR), with power resting effectively in Russian hands, took its place. The collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991 led to the sudden emergence of a predominantly Russian state as its successor, and to the transformation of the former Soviet Union’s non-Russian “republics” into formally independent states. These states are now consolidating their independence, and both the West and China—in different areas and different ways—are exploiting that new reality to Russia’s disadvantage. In the meantime, Russia’s own future depends on its ability to become a major and influential nation-state that is part of a unifying Europe. Not to do so could have dramatically negative consequences for Russia’s ability to withstand growing territorial-demographic pressure from China, which is increasingly inclined as its power grows to recall the “unequal” treaties Moscow imposed on Beijing in times past.
Third, China’s dramatic economic success requires enduring patience and the country’s awareness that political haste will make for social waste. The best political prospect for China in the near future is to become America’s principal partner in containing global chaos of the sort that is spreading outward (including to the northeast) from the Middle East. If it is not contained, it will contaminate Russia’s southern and eastern territories as well as the western portions of China. Closer relations between China and the new republics in Central Asia, the post-British Muslim states in Southwest Asia (notably Pakistan) and especially with Iran (given its strategic assets and economic significance), are the natural targets of Chinese regional geopolitical outreach. But they should also be targets of global Sino-American accommodation.
Fourth, tolerable stability will not return to the Middle East as long as local armed military formations can calculate that they can be simultaneously the beneficiaries of a territorial realignment while selectively abetting extreme violence. Their ability to act in a savage manner can only be contained by increasingly effective—but also selective—pressure derived from a base of U.S.-Russian-Chinese cooperation that, in turn, enhances the prospects for the responsible use of force by the region’s more established states (namely, Iran, Turkey, Israel, and Egypt). The latter should also be the recipients of more selective European support. Under normal circumstances, Saudi Arabia would be a significant player on that list, but the current inclination of the Saudi government still to foster Wahhabi fanaticism, even while engaged in ambitious domestic modernization efforts, raises grave doubts regarding Saudi Arabia’s ability to play a regionally significant constructive role.
Fifth, special attention should be focused on the non-Western world’s newly politically aroused masses. Long-repressed political memories are fueling in large part the sudden and very explosive awakening energized by Islamic extremists in the Middle East, but what is happening in the Middle East today may be just the beginning of a wider phenomenon to come out of Africa, Asia, and even among the pre-colonial peoples of the Western Hemisphere in the years ahead.
Periodic massacres of their not-so-distant ancestors by colonists and associated wealth-seekers largely from western Europe (countries that today are, still tentatively at least, most open to multiethnic cohabitation) resulted within the past two or so centuries in the slaughter of colonized peoples on a scale comparable to Nazi World War II crimes: literally involving hundreds of thousands and even millions of victims. Political self-assertion enhanced by delayed outrage and grief is a powerful force that is now surfacing, thirsting for revenge, not just in the Muslim Middle East but also very likely beyond.
Much of the data cannot be precisely established, but taken collectively, they are shocking. Let just a few examples suffice. In the 16th century, due largely to disease brought by Spanish explorers, the population of the native Aztec Empire in present-day Mexico declined from 25 million to approximately one million. Similarly, in North America, an estimated 90 percent of the native population died within the first five years of contact with European settlers, due primarily to diseases. In the 19th century, various wars and forced resettlements killed an additional 100,000. In India from 1857-1867, the British are suspected of killing up to one million civilians in reprisals stemming from the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The British East India Company’s use of Indian agriculture to grow opium then essentially forced on China resulted in the premature deaths of millions, not including the directly inflicted Chinese casualties of the First and Second Opium Wars. In the Congo, which was the personal holding of Belgian King Leopold II, 10-15 million people were killed between 1890 and 1910. In Vietnam, recent estimates suggest that between one and three million civilians were killed from 1955 to 1975.
As to the Muslim world in Russia’s Caucasus, from 1864 and 1867, 90 percent of the local Circassian population was forcibly relocated and between 300,000 and 1.5 million either starved to death or were killed. Between 1916 and 1918, tens of thousands of Muslims were killed when 300,000 Turkic Muslims were forced by Russian authorities through the mountains of Central Asia and into China. In Indonesia, between 1835 and 1840, the Dutch occupiers killed an estimated 300,000 civilians. In Algeria, following a 15-year civil war from 1830-1845, French brutality, famine, and disease killed 1.5 million Algerians, nearly half the population. In neighboring Libya, the Italians forced Cyrenaicans into concentration camps, where an estimated 80,000 to 500,000 died between 1927 and 1934.
More recently, in Afghanistan between 1979 and 1989 the Soviet Union is estimated to have killed around one million civilians; two decades later, the United States has killed 26,000 civilians during its 15-year war in Afghanistan. In Iraq, 165,000 civilians have been killed by the United States and its allies in the past 13 years. (The disparity between the reported number of deaths inflicted by European colonizers compared with the United States and its allies in Iraq and Afghanistan may be due in part to the technological advances that have resulted in the more productive use of force and in part as well to a shift in the world’s normative climate.) Just as shocking as the scale of these atrocities is how quickly the West forgot about them.
In today’s postcolonial world, a new historical narrative is emerging. A profound resentment against the West and its colonial legacy in Muslim countries and beyond is being used to justify their sense of deprivation and denial of self-dignity. A stark example of the experience and attitudes of colonial peoples is well summarized by the Senegalese poet David Diop in “Vultures”:
In those days,
When civilization kicked us in the face
The vultures built in the shadow of their talons
The blood stained monument of tutelage…
Given all this, a long and painful road toward an initially limited regional accommodation is the only viable option for the United States, Russia, China, and the pertinent Middle Eastern entities. For the United States, that will require patient persistence in forging cooperative relationships with some new partners (particularly Russia and China) as well as joint efforts with more established and historically rooted Muslim states (Turkey, Iran, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia if it can detach its foreign policy from Wahhabi extremism) in shaping a wider framework of regional stability. Our European allies, previously dominant in the region, can still be helpful in that regard.
A comprehensive U.S. pullout from the Muslim world favored by domestic isolationists, could give rise to new wars (for example, Israel vs. Iran, Saudi Arabia vs. Iran, a major Egyptian intervention in Libya) and would generate an even deeper crisis of confidence in America’s globally stabilizing role. In different but dramatically unpredictable ways, Russia and China could be the geopolitical beneficiaries of such a development even as global order itself becomes the more immediate geopolitical casualty. Last but not least, in such circumstances a divided and fearful Europe would see its current member states searching for patrons and competing with one another in alternative but separate arrangements among the more powerful trio.
A constructive U.S. policy must be patiently guided by a long-range vision. It must seek outcomes that promote the gradual realization in Russia (probably post-Putin) that its only place as an influential world power is ultimately within Europe. China’s increasing role in the Middle East should reflect the reciprocal American and Chinese realization that a growing U.S.-PRC partnership in coping with the Middle Eastern crisis is an historically significant test of their ability to shape and enhance together wider global stability.
The alternative to a constructive vision, and especially the quest for a one-sided militarily and ideologically imposed outcome, can only result in prolonged and self-destructive futility. For America, that could entail enduring conflict, fatigue, and conceivably even a demoralizing withdrawal to its pre-20th century isolationism. For Russia, it could mean major defeat, increasing the likelihood of subordination in some fashion to Chinese predominance. For China, it could portend war not only with the United States but also, perhaps separately, with either Japan or India or with both. And, in any case, a prolonged phase of sustained ethnic, quasi-religious wars pursued through the Middle East with self-righteous fanaticism would generate escalating bloodshed within and outside the region, and growing cruelty everywhere.
The fact is that there has never been a truly “dominant” global power until the emergence of America on the world scene. Imperial Great Britain came close to becoming one, but World War I and later World War II not only bankrupted it but also prompted the emergence of rival regional powers. The decisive new global reality was the appearance on the world scene of America as simultaneously the richest and militarily the most powerful player. During the latter part of the 20th century no other power even came close.
That era is now ending. While no state is likely in the near future to match America’s economic-financial superiority, new weapons systems could suddenly endow some countries with the means to commit suicide in a joint tit-for-tat embrace with the United States, or even to prevail. Without going into speculative detail, the sudden acquisition by some state of the capacity to render America militarily inferior would spell the end of America’s global role. The result would most probably be global chaos. And that is why it behooves the United States to fashion a policy in which at least one of the two potentially threatening states becomes a partner in the quest for regional and then wider global stability, and thus in containing the least predictable but potentially the most likely rival to overreach. Currently, the more likely to overreach is Russia, but in the longer run it could be China.
Since the next twenty years may well be the last phase of the more traditional and familiar political alignments with which we have grown comfortable, the response needs to be shaped now. During the rest of this century, humanity will also have to be increasingly preoccupied with survival as such on account of a confluence of environmental challenges. Those challenges can only be addressed responsibly and effectively in a setting of increased international accommodation. And that accommodation has to be based on a strategic vision that recognizes the urgent need for a new geopolitical framework.
*The author acknowledges the helpful contribution of his research assistant Paul Wasserman, and the scholarship on the subject of colonial brutality by Adam Hochschild, Richard Pierce, William Polk, and the Watson Institute at Brown University, among others.
Zbigniew Brzezinski is a counselor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and was the National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977-81. He is the author, most recently, of Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power.
The first of these verities is that the United States is still the world’s politically, economically, and militarily most powerful entity but, given complex geopolitical shifts in regional balances, it is no longer the globally imperial power. But neither is any other major power.
The second verity is that Russia is experiencing the latest convulsive phase of its imperial devolution. A painful process, Russia is not fatally precluded – if it acts wisely – from becoming eventually a leading European nation-state. However, currently it is pointlessly alienating some of its former subjects in the Islamic southwest of its once extensive empire, as well as Ukraine, Belarus, and Georgia, not to mention the Baltic States.
The third verity is that China is rising steadily, if more slowly as of late, as America’s eventual coequal and likely rival; but for the time being it is careful not to pose an outright challenge to America. Militarily, it seems to be seeking a breakthrough in a new generation of weapons while patiently enhancing its still very limited naval power.
The fourth verity is that Europe is not now and is not likely to become a global power. But it can play a constructive role in taking the lead in regard to transnational threats to global wellbeing and even human survival. Additionally, Europe is politically and culturally aligned with and supportive of core U.S. interests in the Middle East, and European steadfastness within NATO is essential to an eventually constructive resolution of the Russia-Ukraine crisis.
The fifth verity is that the currently violent political awakening among post-colonial Muslims is, in part, a belated reaction to their occasionally brutal suppression mostly by European powers. It fuses a delayed but deeply felt sense of injustice with a religious motivation that is unifying large numbers of Muslims against the outside world; but at the same time, because of historic sectarian schisms within Islam that have nothing to do with the West, the recent welling up of historical grievances is also divisive within Islam.
Taken together as a unified framework, these five verities tell us that the United States must take the lead in realigning the global power architecture in such a way that the violence erupting within and occasionally projected beyond the Muslim world—and in the future possibly from other parts of what used to be called the Third World—can be contained without destroying the global order. We can sketch this new architecture by elaborating briefly each of the five foregoing verities.
First, America can only be effective in dealing with the current Middle Eastern violence if it forges a coalition that involves, in varying degrees, also Russia and China. To enable such a coalition to take shape, Russia must first be discouraged from its reliance on the unilateral use of force against its own neighbors—notably Ukraine, Georgia, the Baltic States—and China should be disabused of the idea that selfish passivity in the face of the rising regional crisis in the Middle East will prove to be politically and economically rewarding to its ambitions in the global arena. These shortsighted policy impulses need to be channeled into a more farsighted vision.
Second, Russia is becoming for the first time in its history a truly national state, a development that is as momentous as it is generally overlooked. The Czarist Empire, with its multinational but largely politically passive population, came to an end with World War I and the Bolshevik creation of an allegedly voluntary union of national republics (the USSR), with power resting effectively in Russian hands, took its place. The collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991 led to the sudden emergence of a predominantly Russian state as its successor, and to the transformation of the former Soviet Union’s non-Russian “republics” into formally independent states. These states are now consolidating their independence, and both the West and China—in different areas and different ways—are exploiting that new reality to Russia’s disadvantage. In the meantime, Russia’s own future depends on its ability to become a major and influential nation-state that is part of a unifying Europe. Not to do so could have dramatically negative consequences for Russia’s ability to withstand growing territorial-demographic pressure from China, which is increasingly inclined as its power grows to recall the “unequal” treaties Moscow imposed on Beijing in times past.
Third, China’s dramatic economic success requires enduring patience and the country’s awareness that political haste will make for social waste. The best political prospect for China in the near future is to become America’s principal partner in containing global chaos of the sort that is spreading outward (including to the northeast) from the Middle East. If it is not contained, it will contaminate Russia’s southern and eastern territories as well as the western portions of China. Closer relations between China and the new republics in Central Asia, the post-British Muslim states in Southwest Asia (notably Pakistan) and especially with Iran (given its strategic assets and economic significance), are the natural targets of Chinese regional geopolitical outreach. But they should also be targets of global Sino-American accommodation.
Fourth, tolerable stability will not return to the Middle East as long as local armed military formations can calculate that they can be simultaneously the beneficiaries of a territorial realignment while selectively abetting extreme violence. Their ability to act in a savage manner can only be contained by increasingly effective—but also selective—pressure derived from a base of U.S.-Russian-Chinese cooperation that, in turn, enhances the prospects for the responsible use of force by the region’s more established states (namely, Iran, Turkey, Israel, and Egypt). The latter should also be the recipients of more selective European support. Under normal circumstances, Saudi Arabia would be a significant player on that list, but the current inclination of the Saudi government still to foster Wahhabi fanaticism, even while engaged in ambitious domestic modernization efforts, raises grave doubts regarding Saudi Arabia’s ability to play a regionally significant constructive role.
Fifth, special attention should be focused on the non-Western world’s newly politically aroused masses. Long-repressed political memories are fueling in large part the sudden and very explosive awakening energized by Islamic extremists in the Middle East, but what is happening in the Middle East today may be just the beginning of a wider phenomenon to come out of Africa, Asia, and even among the pre-colonial peoples of the Western Hemisphere in the years ahead.
Periodic massacres of their not-so-distant ancestors by colonists and associated wealth-seekers largely from western Europe (countries that today are, still tentatively at least, most open to multiethnic cohabitation) resulted within the past two or so centuries in the slaughter of colonized peoples on a scale comparable to Nazi World War II crimes: literally involving hundreds of thousands and even millions of victims. Political self-assertion enhanced by delayed outrage and grief is a powerful force that is now surfacing, thirsting for revenge, not just in the Muslim Middle East but also very likely beyond.
Much of the data cannot be precisely established, but taken collectively, they are shocking. Let just a few examples suffice. In the 16th century, due largely to disease brought by Spanish explorers, the population of the native Aztec Empire in present-day Mexico declined from 25 million to approximately one million. Similarly, in North America, an estimated 90 percent of the native population died within the first five years of contact with European settlers, due primarily to diseases. In the 19th century, various wars and forced resettlements killed an additional 100,000. In India from 1857-1867, the British are suspected of killing up to one million civilians in reprisals stemming from the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The British East India Company’s use of Indian agriculture to grow opium then essentially forced on China resulted in the premature deaths of millions, not including the directly inflicted Chinese casualties of the First and Second Opium Wars. In the Congo, which was the personal holding of Belgian King Leopold II, 10-15 million people were killed between 1890 and 1910. In Vietnam, recent estimates suggest that between one and three million civilians were killed from 1955 to 1975.
As to the Muslim world in Russia’s Caucasus, from 1864 and 1867, 90 percent of the local Circassian population was forcibly relocated and between 300,000 and 1.5 million either starved to death or were killed. Between 1916 and 1918, tens of thousands of Muslims were killed when 300,000 Turkic Muslims were forced by Russian authorities through the mountains of Central Asia and into China. In Indonesia, between 1835 and 1840, the Dutch occupiers killed an estimated 300,000 civilians. In Algeria, following a 15-year civil war from 1830-1845, French brutality, famine, and disease killed 1.5 million Algerians, nearly half the population. In neighboring Libya, the Italians forced Cyrenaicans into concentration camps, where an estimated 80,000 to 500,000 died between 1927 and 1934.
More recently, in Afghanistan between 1979 and 1989 the Soviet Union is estimated to have killed around one million civilians; two decades later, the United States has killed 26,000 civilians during its 15-year war in Afghanistan. In Iraq, 165,000 civilians have been killed by the United States and its allies in the past 13 years. (The disparity between the reported number of deaths inflicted by European colonizers compared with the United States and its allies in Iraq and Afghanistan may be due in part to the technological advances that have resulted in the more productive use of force and in part as well to a shift in the world’s normative climate.) Just as shocking as the scale of these atrocities is how quickly the West forgot about them.
In today’s postcolonial world, a new historical narrative is emerging. A profound resentment against the West and its colonial legacy in Muslim countries and beyond is being used to justify their sense of deprivation and denial of self-dignity. A stark example of the experience and attitudes of colonial peoples is well summarized by the Senegalese poet David Diop in “Vultures”:
In those days,
When civilization kicked us in the face
The vultures built in the shadow of their talons
The blood stained monument of tutelage…
Given all this, a long and painful road toward an initially limited regional accommodation is the only viable option for the United States, Russia, China, and the pertinent Middle Eastern entities. For the United States, that will require patient persistence in forging cooperative relationships with some new partners (particularly Russia and China) as well as joint efforts with more established and historically rooted Muslim states (Turkey, Iran, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia if it can detach its foreign policy from Wahhabi extremism) in shaping a wider framework of regional stability. Our European allies, previously dominant in the region, can still be helpful in that regard.
A comprehensive U.S. pullout from the Muslim world favored by domestic isolationists, could give rise to new wars (for example, Israel vs. Iran, Saudi Arabia vs. Iran, a major Egyptian intervention in Libya) and would generate an even deeper crisis of confidence in America’s globally stabilizing role. In different but dramatically unpredictable ways, Russia and China could be the geopolitical beneficiaries of such a development even as global order itself becomes the more immediate geopolitical casualty. Last but not least, in such circumstances a divided and fearful Europe would see its current member states searching for patrons and competing with one another in alternative but separate arrangements among the more powerful trio.
A constructive U.S. policy must be patiently guided by a long-range vision. It must seek outcomes that promote the gradual realization in Russia (probably post-Putin) that its only place as an influential world power is ultimately within Europe. China’s increasing role in the Middle East should reflect the reciprocal American and Chinese realization that a growing U.S.-PRC partnership in coping with the Middle Eastern crisis is an historically significant test of their ability to shape and enhance together wider global stability.
The alternative to a constructive vision, and especially the quest for a one-sided militarily and ideologically imposed outcome, can only result in prolonged and self-destructive futility. For America, that could entail enduring conflict, fatigue, and conceivably even a demoralizing withdrawal to its pre-20th century isolationism. For Russia, it could mean major defeat, increasing the likelihood of subordination in some fashion to Chinese predominance. For China, it could portend war not only with the United States but also, perhaps separately, with either Japan or India or with both. And, in any case, a prolonged phase of sustained ethnic, quasi-religious wars pursued through the Middle East with self-righteous fanaticism would generate escalating bloodshed within and outside the region, and growing cruelty everywhere.
The fact is that there has never been a truly “dominant” global power until the emergence of America on the world scene. Imperial Great Britain came close to becoming one, but World War I and later World War II not only bankrupted it but also prompted the emergence of rival regional powers. The decisive new global reality was the appearance on the world scene of America as simultaneously the richest and militarily the most powerful player. During the latter part of the 20th century no other power even came close.
That era is now ending. While no state is likely in the near future to match America’s economic-financial superiority, new weapons systems could suddenly endow some countries with the means to commit suicide in a joint tit-for-tat embrace with the United States, or even to prevail. Without going into speculative detail, the sudden acquisition by some state of the capacity to render America militarily inferior would spell the end of America’s global role. The result would most probably be global chaos. And that is why it behooves the United States to fashion a policy in which at least one of the two potentially threatening states becomes a partner in the quest for regional and then wider global stability, and thus in containing the least predictable but potentially the most likely rival to overreach. Currently, the more likely to overreach is Russia, but in the longer run it could be China.
Since the next twenty years may well be the last phase of the more traditional and familiar political alignments with which we have grown comfortable, the response needs to be shaped now. During the rest of this century, humanity will also have to be increasingly preoccupied with survival as such on account of a confluence of environmental challenges. Those challenges can only be addressed responsibly and effectively in a setting of increased international accommodation. And that accommodation has to be based on a strategic vision that recognizes the urgent need for a new geopolitical framework.
*The author acknowledges the helpful contribution of his research assistant Paul Wasserman, and the scholarship on the subject of colonial brutality by Adam Hochschild, Richard Pierce, William Polk, and the Watson Institute at Brown University, among others.
Zbigniew Brzezinski is a counselor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and was the National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977-81. He is the author, most recently, of Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power.
Source: The American Interest| Orig. posted on April 17, 2016| May 25, 2016.

Until very recently, one of the biggest myths in science was that all dinosaurs have been extinct for the past 65 million years. But thanks to new fossil discoveries that filled in our knowledge about avian dinosaurs, we now know that only some dinosaurs went extinct following an asteroid collision with Earth - others survived and gave rise to the birds we live with today.
To figure out how this evolution occurred, researchers in Chile have manipulated the genes of regular chickens so they develop tubular, dinosaur-like fibulas on their lower legs - one of the two long, spine-like bones you’ll find in a drumstick.
In avian dinosaurs such as the Archaeopteryx, the fibula was a tube-shaped bone that reached all the way down to the ankle. Another bone, the tibia, grew to a similar length alongside it.
As evolution progressed through to a group of avian dinosaurs known as the Pygostylians, the fibula became shorter than the tibia, and sharper and more splinter-like towards the end, and it no longer reached the ankle.
While modern bird embryos still show signs of developing long, dinosaur-like fibulae, as they grow, these bones become shorter, thinner, and also take on the splinter-like ends of the Pygostylian bones, and never make it far enough down to the leg to connect with the ankle.
Researchers led by Joâo Botelho from the University of Chile decided to investigate how this transition from a long, tubular fibula in dinosaurs to a short, splinter-like fibula in birds actually came to be.
They achieved this by inhibiting the expression of a gene called IHH or Indian Hedgehog (seriously), which saw their chickens continue to grow the long, dinosaur-like fibulae that originated in their embryonic form.
In doing so, the team discovered something bizarre. Regular bone development sees cell division and therefore growth halt in the shaft long before the ends stop growing, but in modern chickens, the growth of the fibula halts first at the ends. This means the fibulae of modern chickens are actively blocked from reaching the lengths of their ancient relatives’ bones.
Publishing their observations in the journal Evolution, the researchers suggest that the early maturation of the lower end of the fibula in modern chickens is prompted by a bone in the ankle, called the calcaneum.
"Unlike other animals, the calcaneum in bird embryos presses against the lower end of the fibula," the team explains in a press release. "They are so close, they have even been mistaken for a single element by some researchers."
The team suggests that in regular chickens, interactions between the calcaneum and the end of the fibula result in signals that are similar to the ones that prompt the bone shaft to stop growing, preventing the fibula from reaching anywhere near the ankle bone.
But when the Indian Hedgehog gene was turned off, the calcaneum strongly expresses the gene Parathyroid-related protein (PthrP), which allows for growth at the ends of bones. This caused their chickens to grow long fibulae that connected with the ankle, just like they would in the Archaeopteryx.
"Experimental downregulation of IHH signalling at a postmorphogenetic stage led to a tibia and fibula of equal length," the team writes in the report. "The fibula is longer than in controls and fused to the fibulare, whereas the tibia is shorter and bent."
Unfortunately, the 'dino-chickens' did not make it to the hatching stage, but the point of the research wasn't to raise them into adulthood, but to figure out the biological processes that led to the transition from dinosaur legs to modern bird legs.
"The experiments are focused on single traits to test specific hypotheses," one of the team, Alexander Vargas, explains. "Not only do we know a great deal about bird development, but also about the dinosaur-bird transition, which is well-documented by the fossil record. This leads naturally to hypotheses on the evolution of development, that can be explored in the lab."
This isn't the first time dinosaur traits have been 'recreated' in modern chickens.Last year, the same team achieved the growth of dinosaur-like feet on their chickens, and a separate team in the US managed to grow a dinosaur-like 'beak' on its chicken embryos. Watch below to see how lead researcher and renowned palaeontologist, Jack Horner, managed to do it:
"Unlike other animals, the calcaneum in bird embryos presses against the lower end of the fibula," the team explains in a press release. "They are so close, they have even been mistaken for a single element by some researchers."
The team suggests that in regular chickens, interactions between the calcaneum and the end of the fibula result in signals that are similar to the ones that prompt the bone shaft to stop growing, preventing the fibula from reaching anywhere near the ankle bone.
But when the Indian Hedgehog gene was turned off, the calcaneum strongly expresses the gene Parathyroid-related protein (PthrP), which allows for growth at the ends of bones. This caused their chickens to grow long fibulae that connected with the ankle, just like they would in the Archaeopteryx.
"Experimental downregulation of IHH signalling at a postmorphogenetic stage led to a tibia and fibula of equal length," the team writes in the report. "The fibula is longer than in controls and fused to the fibulare, whereas the tibia is shorter and bent."
Unfortunately, the 'dino-chickens' did not make it to the hatching stage, but the point of the research wasn't to raise them into adulthood, but to figure out the biological processes that led to the transition from dinosaur legs to modern bird legs.
"The experiments are focused on single traits to test specific hypotheses," one of the team, Alexander Vargas, explains. "Not only do we know a great deal about bird development, but also about the dinosaur-bird transition, which is well-documented by the fossil record. This leads naturally to hypotheses on the evolution of development, that can be explored in the lab."
This isn't the first time dinosaur traits have been 'recreated' in modern chickens.Last year, the same team achieved the growth of dinosaur-like feet on their chickens, and a separate team in the US managed to grow a dinosaur-like 'beak' on its chicken embryos. Watch below to see how lead researcher and renowned palaeontologist, Jack Horner, managed to do it:
From Science Alert| May 8, 2016.
5.12% OR 5.03% - "KOSOVO" is in the UEFA, already, and Serbs are still counting!
Dveri-DSS coalition was
finally pushed into the Parliament, to the delight of Sande and Bosko (leaders
of DSS, and Dveri). While the lady in this duo with skipper somehow refrained,
Bosko was restless, on his feet, of happiness. The question remains what have
made, those who make decisions on the election results in the country of
Serbia, to soften and give transfusions to the parliamentary coalition called
the Patriotic block. Is it a desperate Obradovic’s open letter, to Aleksandar
Vucic, addressed to him not in his capacity as Prime Minister, but as a
"president of the Serbian Progressive Party"? A style of that open
letter was completely different from the aggressive and uncontrolled behavior of
Obradovic during the "long night of counting votes." Maybe that's
suddenly found reconcilability and refinement, had affected, and softened a
heart of the "Big Brother" in a Serbian electoral reality show. Just,
And .... Granddaughter to Grandmother,
Grandmother to Granddad, Granddad to Dveri-DSS, drag - drag - and plucked Sanda
and Bosko over the threshold. It would be "happy the end" of this
embarrassment of elections, which however faithfully reflects the real and true
state of totally broken Serb’s society. Aleksandar nailed the elections, Radicals
entered smoothly, Socialists are on their own, yellow survived, Radulovic suddenly
dived into all this, Cedaboriscanak are just breathing, and "Patriots",
had been pulled by their ears over the threshold line. All are in the dry,
happy and content, except Borko, who changed his name, but they recognized him,
anyway, and he did not exceed the threshold, by muuuuch. And not to forget ....
there were some "Zavetnici", if anyone still remembers. But they
passed through, like a summer shower.
At first glance, they are all
winners, and there are no losers.
Is it really so?
You do not have to agree, but
it seems that the "Patriots" won a Pyrrhic victory. They crossed the
threshold, but they sacrificed all! The honor, reputation, integrity and recognizable
attitudes. In short - they are compromised. For how much? Exactly 0.04%
(5.03-4.99 = 0.04)!
They let Vucic to play with
them like with yo-yo. A little up, a little down. Just to provoke them to show
their true colors under the pressure, when it is tough. Kostunica 2014, got out
of such testing with dignity, Sanda 2016, it was not. She stayed to dance on
someone else's music. Bosko's choice was easier. He had no predecessor’s
example to be looked upon. For "the first time in the Parliament",
everything can go.
Pajtic has picked up points on
a slam dunk. Radulovic intervened as if he had been a hundred years in politics.
Who, then, "reached out" and helped the nearly choked DSS out? The
one, whom DSS consistently attacked as the "seller of Kosovo and Metohija",
as "evrofanatic", as the main culprit for all in Vojvodina. The one with
whom DSS "would never go in any kind of coalition" (except "in municipal
elections" when it’s unavoidable). The one that is as dark as SNS. Those
whose "pernicious policy in Serbia," has been "just" continued
by SNS. Maybe, the leader of DSS does not care, but for a good part of the DSS membership,
the price that was paid for the entrance of 5 and in word - five MPs DSS + independent
Vukadinovic has been be just too high. In particular, it appears too high in
the light of election debacle in Vojvodina, where DSS has not crossed the
threshold in provincial elections, and throughout the Vojvodina has won
literally a handful of seats in local governments in municipal elections. Novi
Sad is particularly painful defeat. DSS had been participating in Novi Sad’s
city council in coalition with SNS. The impression of the people in Novi Sad
about the way DSS has been ruling the City was given in the local election
results. DSS has not reached even 1% of their fellow citizens votes. DSS didn’t
win a single seat in the Municipal Assembly. Politically they have just
vanished in Novi Sad. In other parts of Serbia, the situation is a little bit better.
Just a little, not much.
The best picture about Dveri,
another member of the duo with the skipper, has been given in comments of the
results of by-elections by the Radio Free Europe portal - "Vucic is completed
and all of Dveri are accounted for". Dveri are 'on'. For the first time
since its inception, Dveri has managed to squeeze into the Parliament. With 6 MPs
+ independent Ševarlić. Her first position on the Dveri-DSS Coalition MP’s list,
Sanda Raskovic Ivic has paid off with the next two positions, which had been
given to Dveri. Because of that omitted alternation rule DSS appeared to be short, and within 13 MPs who were to be
seen in the Parliament out of 240 that were on the list of the Coalition, a simple
majority of qualified MPs belongs to Dveri. It is for this party a success,
particularly because they are still virgins in the Parliament. On the other
hand the "patriotic" Dveri are compromised by their own behavior
under stressful conditions during the games around the threshold and even more
by the help they accepted " fulfill the will of the people" any cost.
The accepted hand of the Democrats, for whom Bosko has recently said - "false
opposition"- could be just too expensive for hard patriots as Dveri for crossig
the threshold. What kind of debts has been made and to whom, we would be in position
to see in time to come. This applies to both partners in the "Patriotic
To wrap the story up - the
threshold is crossed, the confidence of those who has been most loyal voters,
up to now, could be found seriously undermined.
Was it an expensive gift, we’ll
see. The bill is going to be paid after the next elections.
The fire that destroyed to the foundations the church "Saint Sava" in Manhattan in New York, left a number of the faithful in shock during the Easter holidays.
This magnificent building has been regularly visited by over 700 believers, until yesterday. There are just walls and rooms full of ash and rubble left of the Church, which is under the City protection. Even greater sadness gripped among the Serbian community in New York, because this unfortunate incident took place on the day of the largest Orthodox holiday, Easter.
In addition to its religious mission, Orthodox Church organizes various cultural, educational and social events. The Church has worked tirelessly to preserve the Serbian culture, tradition and language. The Circle of Serbian Sisters “Sveta Petka” has been formed, there is an active choir, as well as the organization "Mladost" and various sports clubs. It is believed that this holy shrine has about 700 members.
On the electronic presentation of the Church of St. Sava in New York is written:
Our church has burned down last night. As of 10:00 a.m. Monday morning (May 2, 2016), firefighters are still spraying the building with water. Police has sealed the area around the cathedral, and we don’t have access to it at the moment. Investigation is in progress. We believe no one has been injured in the fire.
Donations by credit card or Paypal can be made through our website at (click on Paypal button to the right), or directly via our Paypal link:
After the Serbian Church in New York had gone to blaze, two Orthodox churches in Australia caught fire on Easter Sunday. Just a few hours after an Easter service in a Church in Sydney, a fire swept through the Macedonian Orthodox Church. According to VOA's network American Broadcasting Company, the Church was burned down yesterday, a local home for the elderly has been evacuated, while two elderly people were taken to the hospital. The church is located in a part of the town called Rochdale. It was not clear what caused the fire.
– Firefighters were surprised by the intensity of the fire and the speed at which the building collapsed. We can say that we are happy because they are only three firefighters injured - said the head of the rescue mission for New South Wales, Greg Malins. About 60 firefighters from 15 stations fought the fire for several hours, but failed to prevent the fire to completely swallow the building.
A few hours earlier in the oldest Orthodox Church in Victoria, a 130-year-old Greek Orthodox Church in East Melbourne, the fire occurred during the Easter holidays, as well, which forced the evacuation of about 200 people from nearby buildings, has caused an estimated $500,000 damage. According to the media, the fire team was invited around 13.40h, just few hours after the completion of the Eastern morning liturgy in the Church.
Smoke billowed from the windows and the roof, and about 200 people were evacuated from surrounding buildings. No one was injured. The building has withstood the fire, which was put under control in about thirty minutes. However, according to the priest Kosmas Damianides, smoke and flames damaged the walls, roof and some very old icons in the church.
However, this is not the end of the flames that engulfed the worldwide Orthodox Churches. Valaam Monastery in northern Russia was in the same calamity.Еlections of 2016 are over. Early ones. Unnecessary for Serbia, but necessary for the ruling party "Aleksandar Vucic & co.". If one judges by the messages of political parties before the elections, then they are - Luck for Serbia, having in mind that We do not have shining weapons, but we have the hero's heart, so Let's go, since Serbia is to win, if we took Serbia into safe hands, because All is about respect of the Normal living and living now, and Enough is enough, after all! Election slogans of political parties arranged this way seems "logical", in accordance and nicely complemented.
Similar could be stated for
the 2016 early elections. Seemingly chaotic and schizophrenic, on a closer
look, the outcome appears harmonic and all the nice complement and everybody
reconciles perfectly.
Even, so called,
"Zavetnici" who were meant to be "pre-election surprise",
which gathered "thousands of people" in rallies just before the
elections, are totally gone, as if someone had turned them off the current.
They have done their task in this Serbian reality program called - early
parliamentary and other elections 2016.
But let's leave this
"Zavetnici" people and let's take a look at small and tiny political
parties that "Big Brother" didn't switch of the electricity. The
parties that have danced to the end.
Only the most naive believed
that Serbian Progressive Party wouldn't go for a kill in these elections.
Probably these most naive were completed by inexperienced by election campaign
adrenaline-charged members of other parties in the election run.
Intelligent Aleksandar Vucic,
who has a lot to be criticized for, but not to be inexperienced in political
tricks, specifically "encouraged" those suckers with occasional
statements about the possibility of "losing this elections". They
have forgotten Sun Tzu and the "Art of War" - "pretend you're
weak when you are strong .....".
The question was only whether
he was gonna "obtain" a result in the range of 40-50%, or would jump
across magical 50% and achieved a real triumph.
Socialist Party of Serbia has
always been characterized by the stable and loyal constituency. Double-digit
percentage in the range of 10-15, 16% had been expected. Even without the
"electorate", SPS are "drawn" to be second in the election
run. They have been second for years, already. Of all the
"pro-Russian" parties on the political scene in Serbia, the Russians
seem to, consistently and steadfastly, support SPS, only. As the connection and
the control package, SPS, that is known for its "broad coalition capacity"
is not a stranger to the West part of the "International community",
as well. SPS has been in the political arena for a long time. The party that
has gone through all sorts of troubles and survived has refined its members to
be fully pragmatic, opportunistic, and where ever they go, the grass does not
grow. As gypsy moths, they swallow everything that is edible leaving a
wasteland behind. Because they have not been the leading party ever since
"democratic changes", this behavior has been somewhat out of focus
and the broader public's interest. The other factors, who make crucial
decisions in Serbian elections, probably tolerate plucking of Serbia. They,
just, do not mind. On the contrary.
The result of the Democratic
Party was the real mystery of this election. The party has been a large one for
all those years they were ruling Serbia. After the political fall, they split
several times and largely broke out. Although DS tends to accuse SNS to
demonizing them, they are primarily to blame themselves for their situation.
When one remembers their actions and behavior when they were in power, no SNS
is needed to "demonize" them. They alone have done that job,
perfectly. However, those who remember the former Serbian football will,
remember OFK Belgrade. While played Skoblar, Samardzic, even Petkovic, Slobodan
Santrac. Then it was "très chic" and "noble" to cheer for
OFK Beograd. Blasé intelligence and nonintelligence in and around the downtown
Belgrade, a visit to the Youth Stadium in Karaburma experienced as a status
symbol. The fact that someone is cheering for OFK Beograd suggested that he is
part of the elite. Sometimes I have the impression that the DS looks in some
way like OFK Beograd of the Serbian political league. Here the comparison ends
because the OFK Beograd has played excellent football. The Democratic Party has
never led an excellent policy. In Vojvodina they had ruled for more than a
decade and managed to get in 2009 the fear of hunger, as one of the primary
fears of Vojvodina in this rich province, the bread basket of Serbia, for the
first time in the century! That year, Mr. Bojan Pajtic, Vojvodina DS leader and
multi-years President of the Assembly of APV, was voted as the "politician
of the year" in a one agency poll. The same poll that brought the hunger
as primary fear!? Now he leads the entire DS. However, Pajtic is no wrong in
his estimation that the aim of these elections, among other things, is to
remove DS as a significant player in Serbian political arena. That was
achieved. They are removed from government in Vojvodina. In the framework of
the Republic, DS has been reduced to about 6%, which may be a few percent lower
than the real percentages. For more experienced political analysts, this is
probably not a surprise. DS has done a job for which he had been favored by the
"Big Brother", for years. They are finished because for the
"West" they were not sufficiently obedient and for Serbia they were
not patriotic enough. The loss of their last bastion, Vojvodina, continuing
attrition and decay of this political party could be the most likely scenario
in the future.
Dveri-DSS coalition, the
so-called "Patriotic block" is the alliance based on interest of the
two parties doomed to extinction. Understood by only few, these political
parties only carry names of former political themselfs, to which they
resemble lesser and lesser. To what extent Democratic Party of Serbia has
remained the DSS of its founder and former leader Vojislav Kostunica who
gathered people of like mind, is the big question. The party has suffered a
political efflorescence and structural disorganization, after Kostunica went to
a political retirement. Kostunica may not have been loved by all, but he was
respected by DSS members and someone in which people believe. Sanda Raskovic
Ivic came on the tides of great hope of members of the DSS, which was left by
the largest part of the previous top party leaders. Unfortunately, it turned
out that this lady of pleasant exterior hasn't been up to such hope and
expectations. That is why the DSS continues to be shaken by earthquakes, member’s
erosion, disorganization, which has been fueled, to a large extent, by very
"strange" decisions, incompetent and destructive behavior of Sanda
Raskovic Ivic. Dveri has kept the name, as well, but the departure of some of
the founders of the Party, or how they prefer to be called "movement",
has led that just the name remained of the original Dveri. Bosko Obradovic has
a nerdy kind of wisdom, which is the result of serious preparation and
exercise, but he is not an impressive intelligence. The Dveri party leader appears
to be rather of unnecessarily and forced dominant behavior, embarrassingly
serious for his age, than jovial and peoples man. The ruins of Dveri and DSS,
joined together in the elections of 2016 are fighting for their life,
literally. "Politics" is the only job for many of their party
leaders. Capitalizing on the franchise of former Dveri and DSS, on the absence
of Kostunica, who wasn't considered
acceptable in Serbian political arena by the "West" and with a nicely
wrapped "patriotic" promises, this political symbiosis has been able
to convince the "West" and "the electorate" to give them a
chance of exactly 5% of the vote! The possible offer that Kostunica didn't want
to accept in 2014 Elections, apparently accepted Obradovic and Raskovic Ivic,
two sweep rowers and helmsman. How they gonna take an advantage of that, still
remains to be seen. Bearing in mind that these two are primarily people of
personal promotion, there is little chance that these 5% gonna bring something
good to their parties, particularly DSS. It can easily happen that the DSS
continue to be tearing up after the debacle in Vojvodina, Novi Sad and many
municipal governments. The very survival
of DSS threatens Raskovic Ivic, personally, because she doesn't seem to be
interested in strengthening the Party organization. It is not unlikely that in
this symbiosis Dveri come out stronger, and that DSS eventually disappear
Sasa Radulovic is the only
real and true surprise of 2016 Elections, for most observers, at least.
Historical jump from about 2% to 6%, across Dveri-DSS coalition and the funny
coalition for personal self-preservation so called Ceda-Boris-Canak has not
been recorded in post Tito's Serbian parliamentary history. Sasa Radulovic is
"Boris Tadic" these elections. At the last elections in 2014, Tadic
crossed the election threshold with just founded and nonexistent political
party. After entering the Parliament he began to organize his party. A similar
situation, this time is with Mr. Radulovic. It would not be a surprise that
Radulovic strengthens his party during his stay in the parliamentary life of
Serbia, because for now it seems that all the winds are blowing in his sails.
The development of this party will largely depend on Radulovic, solely. If he
has at least part of Dacic's political cunning and shrewdness, his party can
expect a prosperous future.
Serbian Radical Party is back
big time in the Serbian Parliament. This, genuine People's Party, has been the
subject of weakening and breaking up, several times. The creation of SNS,
primarily from the ranks of the radicals led SRS to the very brink of
destruction. Its return this party owes primarily to the charismatic and
unquestionably highly intelligent leader Vojislav Seselj "the winner of
the Hague Tribunal"! Many voters, including those who are not
traditionally SRS voters, wanted to see Seselj in the Parliament. Many thought
to cast their vote to this man as a debit, because of his brave and wise
defense before the Hague Tribunal, not only of himself, but also his party
comrades, Serbs and Serbia, as well. Moreover, he was successful in this
endeavor. Everything is up to Seselj, noe, because he makes 80-90% of the
Serbian Radical Party.
Vucic's statements during
yesterday lead to conclusion that he was not very happy "with the final
result of elections" publicly announced to the population of Serbia by the
Republic Electoral Commission. This is probably just a pose, because without
Vucic's participation an approval that "Great Turnaround" of election
results could hardly be possible. The results came out 12 hours after the end
of the election, when the REC sent "small parties" over the threshold
in one stroke. Maybe Vucic did not want to see such a "fair" in the
Parliament. Maybe he wanted a small group of parties to enter the Parliament,
especially to see comfortable majority of SNS and moderate influence of SPS
with less participation of awakened Radicals and still indestructible
Democrats, which could not be avoided. With this arrangement SNS would have
about 160 delegates. However, even with the 131 seats, SNS is in position to
make sovereign decisions, even in the case if all the others, by some miracle,
agreed and voted against, with full presence they could collect 119 votes,
only, which is not enough to challenge the final decision (250/2 = 125).
"The decision is considered adopted if voted for by more than half
of the Deputies identified, ie the Constitution, the law and these Rules of
Procedure provided for the majority." (Article 126, paragraph 4)"
Therefore, the presence of the
multitude of parties in the Assembly, is just an illusion of democracy. No
party cannot do anything, except that by its performances attempts to gain some
points for the next elections, provided that the session of the Assembly would
be directly transmitted on television, and certain benefits for those who are
delegated for the first time, to gain some more political experience.
It seems that, the final
result of the election is apparently under the strong interference of
"someone else", similarly to 2014 election . Someone who held that
Vucic should be "burdened" by comfortable, but not an absolute
political power. Someone who did not want to provoke a birth of new Milosevic,
but who wanted obedient Vucic to carry
out "someone' s" directive literally and up to the letter, particularly
in the economic "reforms" and the issue of "Kosovo".
Therefore, those who were, according to the REC, by noon below the threshold,
suddenly crossed the magic lifegiving line, while Vucic with
"dictatorial" 53%, was brought down to the "more natural"
The aparent consequence could
be that the parliamentary sessions might be more interesting, because the MPs
are a little better tossed. But just might be, because Seselj yesterday,
"promised," to be moderate in his appearance, and all these
"smalls" had to promise to "someone" to behave in order to
"get" exactly the coat of 5%. It seems that an indecent proposal that
Kostunica did not want to agree with, but abruptly retired to complete privacy,
his successor might have accepted it. For the prize of exactly 5%.
Whatever happens, this nation
is unlikely to see because a direct broadcast of the Assembly probably won' t
be allowed, and all the information gonna come out nicely cut out, and safely
wrapped by "public" and other "services" suitable prepared
for mediumistic manipulated Serbs.
Either way, the life of
"ordinary" folks will not be changed a bit after these elections. At
least, will not be changed for the better.
It will not be changed because
"someone" asks for it. Politics is too serious to be decided by the
people. Whatever the crowd in the Assembly, the result must be one, and this is
a continuation of the current "policy". It's just a little more
accomplices, now.
E pluribus unum!
26th of April, 2016.
Elections were held in a
country that "has no choice"!
In fact not held.
They are still "held"-ing!
Elections in Serbia began
yesterday at 7.00AM, starting with the opening of polling places and voting. It
is 6.06AM, now. The next day!
The election results are not
yet known!
"Earlier this
morning," the Republican Electoral Commission announced that 83% of votes had
been "processed".
If they calculated results
using finger and carried sacks with votes on foot, they would be done by now.
This is the 21st
century. The era of computers and rapid communication. An era when "the
world has become a global village", but Serbia is timeless in a virtual
space. Out of the World.
There is no normality, nor
The nation where about 50% of
people are “against" joining the EU, votes at the level of about 50% for those
who are taking us right in the EU, against which the most of voters are!?
The nation where about 58% of
citizens "does not believe in politicians election promises", votes
at the level of about 50% for those whose "election promises" hears
every day 24-7, whether the elections are or not.
Most of these promises are
unfulfilled - a better life for a year or two, terms of entry into the EU, the
corridors - roads and fast railways, billions of foreign investment, stop the
party's employment, the fight against corruption .....
Here we are. It is 6.21AM, now.
Serbian Progressive Party has
its "own" the poll results.
By coincidence, they are very
similar to the results of the State Election Commission.
Various agencies
"election monitoring", CeSID, Ipsos, “Cockos”, “Cuntos” have their
election results.
All different!
Those we call a
"political parties" have their election results.
All different.
Incommon is that the these
results are still "unofficial", 24 hours after the start of the
election and 11 hours after the end of voting.
In a country that one could
cross along or transversely by car for 6-8 hours.
According to the
"preliminary results" of the 2016 Elections , on the basis of 83% of
"processed" results, 24 hours after the start of the election and 11
hours after the end of voting, the winner is known for sure. Defeated, too.
Winner are those who are traditional winner, by now. Democracy is defeated.
Everything else is uncertain
and waiting to the end of "votes counting"
Election silence, it seems, was
not for the election of 2016.
It was a moment of silence for
the freedom in Serbia.
8.33AM ..... Who is going to represent citizens in the
Assembly of Serbia is still not known.....
8.53AM ….. negotiations continue ……
10.05АМ ..... it seems that they came to an agreement ...... or not .....
12.00 ..... High noon ..... "Foreign embassies" intervened .... toy political parties are in the game.....
It seems that "foreign factor" played a decisive role in the final election results of small political Serbian parties. These small political entities who danced around the 5% set Parliament entering border had been written off by undisputed political ruler of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. He struggled, as hard as he could, to sink them below the 5% census. As it seems, the last minute intervention of the "Big Brother", the soft occupier of Serbia, resolved the Gordian knot. Small political parties were allowed to jump across that “The Thin Red” 5% magic “Line”, and to enter the Parliament on the fingertips and only with their noses above the water. What did they had to promise to the "Big Brother" for this infusion, which gracefully extended the life off these parties seeing to be gone from Serbian political scene, at list up to next elections, is still to be seen from the behavior of these few members of the Parliament, soft occupier permitted to go in.
Anyway, who cares, after all ......
10.05АМ ..... it seems that they came to an agreement ...... or not .....
12.00 ..... High noon ..... "Foreign embassies" intervened .... toy political parties are in the game.....
It seems that "foreign factor" played a decisive role in the final election results of small political Serbian parties. These small political entities who danced around the 5% set Parliament entering border had been written off by undisputed political ruler of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. He struggled, as hard as he could, to sink them below the 5% census. As it seems, the last minute intervention of the "Big Brother", the soft occupier of Serbia, resolved the Gordian knot. Small political parties were allowed to jump across that “The Thin Red” 5% magic “Line”, and to enter the Parliament on the fingertips and only with their noses above the water. What did they had to promise to the "Big Brother" for this infusion, which gracefully extended the life off these parties seeing to be gone from Serbian political scene, at list up to next elections, is still to be seen from the behavior of these few members of the Parliament, soft occupier permitted to go in.
Anyway, who cares, after all ......
25th of
April, 2016.
It is not at 'High Noon', but exactly at
7.00 AM. Election Day in Serbia is due to begin. I thought before I go, to be
at the polling place around 7:05 and to take care of mine "civic
duty", as soon as possible. When I left home it was slight overcast, even
a drizzle started, but no big deal, it was a pleasant spring morning. When I
arrived at the polling station, there were a dozen people waiting outside the
door. Inside, in a classroom of an elementary school, was a hustle and disorder.
There were more "volunteers", then us the voters in front of the
polling place. One of them was trying to organize the “volunteer” crew, as the
"Hitler of our alley". Short sharp commands, did not have any effect
on the general chaos that was going on at the polling place. Ten minutes later,
the queue of voters was prolonged by newcomers, and voting has not started yet.
"Volunteers" were wandering around the voting place. Some people in
the queue in front of me, who came before 7.00AM began to lose their nerve.
Another five minutes had passed. 7.20. They're not yet begin. Some louder
complaints could be heard of those who are waiting to vote - If you organize
the elections like that, how you are going to run a country? After another 5
minutes, some juicier shouts could be noted. The lady ahead of me left the
queue and went home. Enough of waiting. Another 5 minutes passed. It is 7.30, now.
Three, four, now former voters left. The voting is still on hold. "Hitler
from our alley" is cell phone talking, repeatedly. One behind me,
swallowing the vowels, suggests - We should storm right in and ruin the place!
Fortunately, the proposal was not accepted. 7.45. We’ve just learnt that three
observers from the OSCE were at the polling place. What do they “observe”, when
the voting has not yet begun? One doctoress tried to vote before the start.
These "volunteers” took her polling invitation paper and the ID card.
"Hitler from our alley" approached and forbids her to a vote before
the polling place formal opening. She protested - I'm a doctor, I need to go to
work! He is persistent. Nope! I hope that she does not work someplace where
they delivered babies, but the "ear, throat and nose." these people
can wait. 7:55. "Volunteers" have ceased to inform us - Here, only
five minutes more. Around 8:05 voting begins. These people in the room just
have gotten organized. Around 8:15, hour and 15 minutes later, I managed to fulfill
my "civic duty", although these people at the polling place did all
they can to hinder me. Luckily we Serbs are stubborn people. What does not kill
us, makes us stronger. I'm leaving. One of the voters complained that he signed
the voting lists. Now he is waiting to come after him. Although he hopes they
will not, because he signed a neighbor with which he has some quarrels. The morning
is getting colder. Rain is now falling seriously. It is no longer a pleasant
spring morning. Everything points to gloomy, depressed and cold day. Everything
points to a bleak, depressing and cold Serbia, when this circus of "voting"
is complete. If they organize elections like I’ve just witnessed, how they would
run the country? Survivors gonna tell, I guess.
Some party leaders are saying that these elections are a referendum "for" and "against" the European Union. This means that voters should decide on the basis of their individual oppinion, accumulated in the standpoint of the majority Serbian population, which way will sail Serbian ship. Well, let's see what is the angle on this strategically important issue for Serbia and how it has been formed by the ones who should decide in a referendum.
At is filled electronic survey on the attitudes of "for" and "against" the EU. You need to bear in mind that this is a small sample of 256 individuals to the survey conducted in 2013. and completed by those who have computers, they know how to handle PC and have an interest in viewing such content, which is probably not the average Serbian population.
1. To what extent are you informed on developments within the European Union?
About 36% of total response is informed "intensively" to "very intensely". The rest of 64% are informed from "medium" to "not informed". Thus, the category of "informed enough" to be qualified by their knowledge to decide that strategic question only consists of slightly more than a third of total respondents.
What sources from are examined groups, including those who follow the "intensive" and "very intense", are getting their information about the issue which should be decided on an eventual referendum?
2. What sources from do you obtain information about the situation in the EU?
About 70% of the sample are informed from "the media". For this number, for about 60% the main source of information are "Serbian media". A high percentage of 17% receive information from the other hand, "by talking to other people." This means that about 77% are getting "spin" information and 17% obtaine "spin" information "enriched" with the attitude of whom they spoke with. Only 7% said they get information from expert, professional or competent literature.
If we take the ideal case, that "competent literature" is the main source of information only to those who follow the issue of EU at the "intensive" or "very intensive" level, we come to the data that only 33%, or one-third of those who follow the subject very diligently (intense to very intense) learns about it from the "professional literature"! Other two thirds of "Intensivists" information obtaine from "media" and the conversation with other people! So, they form their angle on the basis of information from sources of no credibility.
Well, now enriched by this knowledge let us see what is the standpoint!
3. Do you support the idea that Serbia should join the EU?
Thus, the respondents informed the above-stated manner formed the following standpoint - about 51% do not support the entry into the EU, while about a third (33%) gives an answer that supports entry into the EU. Based on the above, it follows that the most realistic are ones who "have no opinion" or "undecided" because the level of interest of the majority of respondents, and the way in which they access to information define these two positions as the most fair.
The results of this survey suggest thinking.
If the majority of those who get information from "media" are informed through "Serbian media" and everybody here says that "the media are controlled by the government," it is strange that most respondents were against joining the EU!? The question is - Is our political elite, particularly those people in power, truly and sincerely wants to introduce us into the EU? The assumption that the brakeman of Serbian joining the EU is our political elite, not the EU, seems to have some realistic basis. It is easier and more comfortable for this elite to achieve life of luxury in a disordered state, that is in the "waiting room" of the EU, which still receives some "pre-accession" money from the EU, which then "disappear" in their pockets. In a regulated state, a good part of these half-educated ignorant persons, which we here call "politicians", would not be able to engage in politics and a comfortable living from it. Did it ever occur to you, my dear rare readers of this blog, that Serbian "political elite" knowingly and deliberately sabotaging Serbian entry into the EU in order to fish in muddy water as long as possible and enjoy their power and reaches on the backs of the people?
From this survey it is clear that uninformed, or inadequately informed population could be put in position to decide on a possible referendum on an issue of enormous importance for Serbia! Our "politicians" know that know very well. However, those politicians and parties populistically, politically irresponsible and damaging for the nation and the state, without any remorse advocate for "referendum".
This opens up an old dilemma, that is only apparent dilemma. Whether on important issues should be decided according to the principle of tribal fake democracy or decision is to be carried out by the elite that nation formed precisely to make such a decision?
Every honest patriot will easily find the answer to this dilemma .
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