ENGLISH EXPERT CLAIMS: Yugoslavia would be world power, and Belgrade - Europe's capital
ENGLISH EXPERT CLAIMS: Yugoslavia would be world power, and Belgrade - Europe's capital
This analysis is more than 3 years old. The original post has vanished from its original http address where it was published as "How Yugoslavia was Syrianized 25 years ago". However, for us here, at the Balkans, this is always an interesting subjects. There is a saying that the historian is a reporter who wasn't present at the scene of the event. We were there when Yugoslavia collapsed. We could see it from the first row. We are witnesses how the "history" was been bent, twisted and altered to support certain doings and political stands. Hence, believe you me, there is no real history, one could rely on! Not tomorrow, not today, not ever! Talking history, we are talking fairy tales. For example, the historic "fact" of today is that Serbia attacked "Bosnia", and "Croatia", and they defended themselves from an evil aggressor. The fact is that Socialistic Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and S.R. Croatia were parts of the Federal State of Yugoslavia, a founder and a member of UN. In both federal units Serbs were constitutive nation, not minority! When Muslims and Croatians unilaterally declared the secession from Yugoslavia and started armed rebellion, Serbs as the third constitutive nation in B&H were against, and wanted to stay in Yugoslavia. The same scenario was in S.R Croatia. Serbs were erased from the constitution of that federal unit of Yugoslavia, declared as minority, and Croatians started armed rebellion. Serbs wanted to stay in Yugoslavia. Yugoslav Peoples Army, was multinational, of course. Some Muslim and Croatian officers and soldiers deserted, but a number of them stayed loyal to Yugoslavia. However, the real evil trick was that Western countries, and USA recognized secessionists as legitimate governments and recognized B&H and Croatia as independent states during Yugoslav Army had tried to quenching the insurrection!? By this violation of international law Yugoslav Army, all of the sudden became an occupier on its own land, in its own state. The Army withdrew to those republics where nobody attacked them - Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. There are still officers of YPA Croatians and Muslims that live in Serbia, because they stayed faithful to their oath, and they can not go back to Croatia or B&H. After YPA withdrew, Serbs that stayed in their homes in B&H and Croatia had to organize and fight for themselves, being supported by Serbia, of course. That is, in very short, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God! But who cares. In history for general public would stay written - Evil Serbs attacked peaceful Muslims and Croats and out of nothing slaughtered them, but they bravely defeated the aggressors and their independent states.
That's it. Now let's talk Butler. What might be, if it wasn't! A lot of us in so called "Region" are thinking abut that. All of us, except Slovenia, deteriorated. Even Croatia, who was awarded the whole Adriatic coast. Croats have never had before the Adriatic coast (nor defined borders, anyway, except in Yugoslavia, after 1918), and because Croats did not bring Adriatic coast in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians in 1918., (actually Slovenians and Croatians have not had their defined states nor state borders when they joined Kingdom of Serbia in one joint state. After Socialistic Yugoslavia had been destroyed, according to international law of succession, they could not inherit the whole coast! So, being more than miserable, with Adriatic and without Adriatic, a lot of us is thinking sometimes about the subject of Butler's analysis. Particularly, seeing that what we suffer, as a scenario for other countries. Yugoslavia had to die. Our Slavic sisters Ukraine and Russia have to bleed... where is the end? There are different opinions, but let us see, in short, what was Butler's projection. |
Here’s a grim article by one Phil Butler blaming everyone but the Yugoslavs for the collapse of Yugoslavia. Just awful.
Success? Really? I was there from 1981-84. To fund its comparative prosperity Yugoslavia had borrowed from the capitalist West to the hilt and then frittered the money away on shopping and vanity communist disaster projects. It collapsed because it had bankrupted itself economically and politically. By 1984 Yugoslavs were crossing into Warsaw Pact Hungary where the shopping was better.
I was UK Olympic Attache in Sarajevo in 1984. It was striking how the Belgrade communist elite did their best to ignore the Sarajevo games – no-one outside Sarajevo wanted Bosnia to enjoy a success. [There would be no Games in Sarajevo without the permission and support of commy elite in Belgrade, you simple ignorant! Whole Yugoslavia stayed behind the Olimpics! Moreover, "Belgrade commy elite" had been vastly consisted on Slovenians and Croatians, there were at seldom a few Serbs and Muslims from Bosnia, there were Shqiptar Muslims, though. We common people compehend Bosnia and Herzegovina as a part of Yugoslavia and we did enjoy the Olympics, as success of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Yugoslavia. This Crawford's remark is British way malicious and simply not true - LG.]
The key failure in this piece is to ignore the stark reality – that Yugoslavia’s ‘socialism’ was stupid and corrupt. But it had one big bad consequence – when it collapsed there was no real national popular impetus towards market democracy as in eg Poland [This is not true! There were forces in all the republics that supported the change of course towards market democracy n Yugoslavia. The government of Ante Marković is a proof of that. However, the West and the secessionists in Slovenia, Croatia in a part of fundamentalist Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which the West supported and funded, sabotaged this attempt. By the way, Poland took a step to market democracy by military coup for General Jaruzelsky, who for six years held a military dictatorship - LG]. Hence the dismal performance of all the post-Yugo smaller states for over 20 years now. [By Charles Crawford]
Read more HERE.
Can you imagine Europe where Yugoslavia is one of the key players?
I can. Yugoslavia was actually one of the biggest cultural and social experiments in the history.
I can. Yugoslavia was actually one of the biggest cultural and social experiments in the history.
It was formed and the border of Austro-Hungary monarchy and the Ottoman empire, Yugoslavia has connected the people from both cultural circles in a way that it was not seen since Alexander the Great.
Experiment lasted for more than half a century, and the idea was to create an unique state for all South Slavic nations. Although Yugoslavia was partially Britain and France's geo-strategic project with the goal to restrain Germany, it was basically a reasonable and legal idea.
Corfu declaration called for constitutional monarchy similar to the one in England, even though King Aleksandar suspended the constitution and the elections in one moment, this project still seemed promising. War, political machinations, internal and external pressure have collapsed over this world power in its rise as it usually happens in these experiments, authoritative government became necessary, and even desirable.
When national hero, dictator, and global "celebrity" Josip Broz Tito came to power, Yugoslavia emerged to the world's scene in all its glory. His role in founding of the Non-Aligned movement was both generous and extremely important, especially for the people of the Yugoslavia itself; besides, its foundations were laid in Belgrade 1961.
When we see the breakdown of Yugoslavia from this perspective, one can see the geo-strategic thinking of Washington and no one needs research institute to know why Bill Clinton waited 1995 to intervened in Bosnia. Clinton actually just continued the policy of destabilisation on Yugoslavian socialism, which was formed by his predecessor George Bush senior.
Now we know that the rebels, which were trained in secret by America, played the key role in fragmentation of the region with the organization known as the Atlantic brigade consisted of around 400 fighters, which fought on Kosovo, side by side with Kosovo Liberation Army.
The story of a French men that trained the members of the Atlantic brigade reminds of what has happened in Ukraine, Libya and Syria in the past few years. One could see the patters that lead us to the truth: horrible fields of death in legitimate state Yugoslavia, investors plunder what has left, stains on the hands of American presidents, British lords and Neo-Nazi German industrialists.
Yugoslavia became a pattern for Afghanistan, Iraq, Arab spring and Ukraine. The story about genocide in the name of democracy is too disgusting to talk about it. Majority of people in these nations were set back 200 years, in the type of medieval existence without hope. The only today former Yugoslavs see in, naturally, EU and NATO.
In the Kosovo conflict, both sides committed crimes of course, as well in other Yugoslavian wars. That is not the point of what I am talking about, but the totality of the disaster.
Primarily, the peoples of former Yugoslavia do not have their own voice anymore. Secondly, the downfall of the nation lead to the death and persecution of millions of people. That is the other story. My "fantasy" about Yugoslavia should enlighten.
Yugoslavia was build on the idea that South Slavs should stop being weak and divided. The united nation of Yugoslavia was not an easy target of imperialistic intentions that we see today.
The fact is that after the World War II, socialistic Yugoslavia became European story about success.
Between 1960 and 1980 that country experienced perhaps the most lively economical and social growth in the world: decent living standards, free health care and education, guarantied right for work, paid one month vacation, literacy rate over 90% and expected lifetime of 72 years.
As much as i know, non of the newly formed Balkan countries can boast with half of that prosperity. It was a progress that made West interest groups want to destroy Yugoslavia.
All of the Yugoslav peoples also enjoyed free apartments, accessible public transportation and utilities. Non profit companies were also in the public hands, which did not suit well with Western democracy.
That country was not allowed to compete with Germany, France, and especially not with Britain, and London and Luxembourg bankers could not pull out billions from the socialistic system.
Yugoslavia had to die.
Michael Parenti - awarded author and political scientist, hosting professor of Institute for studies on politics in Washington - described what was America's goal with Yugoslavia: to convert the Yugoslavian space in the Third world region that will not be able to continue to develop on its own, in the area with broken economy, with natural resources that are entirely open to multinational corporations (Kosovo is especially rich in minerals).
Also, the goal was to convert Yugoslavia into a space where poor but well educated and trained people live who will have to work for small wages and that will lead to the drop of salaries in Western Europe.
And one more thing: the goal was to breakdown oil, engineering, mining, automobile and fertilizer industry, and many more light industries, so they could not compete with already existent western manufacturers.
On the Balkans, West has made Serbs look like demons, in Libya Colonel Gaddafi, in Syria Asad, and the pattern goes to Vladimir Putin, as the greatest trophy yet. That is the world we live in. With the strength of tranquilized American citizens who are drugged with stupidity of worthless thing and huge houses of super-capitalism: the world is taken over by tyrants.
But what would have happened if the Yugoslavia survived? What if that big ethnic and social experiment survived? Surely the World would be entirely different place today.
First of all, because of the Non-Aligned Movement presence, European union would be much weaker and much less influential in the world. The whole Europe would come to Belgrade, and from there to all six republics that are now fighting over Brussels' crumbs.
In 1991 Yugoslavia was 24th in the world considering GDP. Bosnia and Herzegovina is 112th today and the situation is getting worse. Croatia is 76th although "Blumberg" recently put them on the list of World's 10 worst. Macedonia is 130th, Montenegro 149th, Slovenia 81st, Serbia 87th, and it seems to be more stable than all the rest.
From the personal perspective, I remember the prosperity moment of former Yugoslavia, winter Olympic games in Sarajevo in 1984. Those were the first winter games held in some communist country, and the torch went from Dubrovnik, over Split, Ljubljana, Zagreb and many other Yugoslavian cities, until it reached Sarajevo.
I do not remember the names of the gold medal winners, but i remember the mascot Vucko, the work of Slovenian painter Joze Trobec, which has carved into my memory for some reason. That little wolf presented the Balkan people. Wolfs play important part in Yugoslavian fairy tales, they are the embodiment of courage and symbol of winter.
I am not thinking about what would have happened if that brave and strong people of Yugoslavia have won it all, but others mixed their fingers in their fate. Now, that nation is gone, forever".[Originally published on the site "Modern Diplomacy"]
Corfu declaration called for constitutional monarchy similar to the one in England, even though King Aleksandar suspended the constitution and the elections in one moment, this project still seemed promising. War, political machinations, internal and external pressure have collapsed over this world power in its rise as it usually happens in these experiments, authoritative government became necessary, and even desirable.
When national hero, dictator, and global "celebrity" Josip Broz Tito came to power, Yugoslavia emerged to the world's scene in all its glory. His role in founding of the Non-Aligned movement was both generous and extremely important, especially for the people of the Yugoslavia itself; besides, its foundations were laid in Belgrade 1961.
When we see the breakdown of Yugoslavia from this perspective, one can see the geo-strategic thinking of Washington and no one needs research institute to know why Bill Clinton waited 1995 to intervened in Bosnia. Clinton actually just continued the policy of destabilisation on Yugoslavian socialism, which was formed by his predecessor George Bush senior.
Now we know that the rebels, which were trained in secret by America, played the key role in fragmentation of the region with the organization known as the Atlantic brigade consisted of around 400 fighters, which fought on Kosovo, side by side with Kosovo Liberation Army.
The story of a French men that trained the members of the Atlantic brigade reminds of what has happened in Ukraine, Libya and Syria in the past few years. One could see the patters that lead us to the truth: horrible fields of death in legitimate state Yugoslavia, investors plunder what has left, stains on the hands of American presidents, British lords and Neo-Nazi German industrialists.
Yugoslavia became a pattern for Afghanistan, Iraq, Arab spring and Ukraine. The story about genocide in the name of democracy is too disgusting to talk about it. Majority of people in these nations were set back 200 years, in the type of medieval existence without hope. The only today former Yugoslavs see in, naturally, EU and NATO.
In the Kosovo conflict, both sides committed crimes of course, as well in other Yugoslavian wars. That is not the point of what I am talking about, but the totality of the disaster.
Primarily, the peoples of former Yugoslavia do not have their own voice anymore. Secondly, the downfall of the nation lead to the death and persecution of millions of people. That is the other story. My "fantasy" about Yugoslavia should enlighten.
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Foto: cesi.fpn.unsa.ba |
The fact is that after the World War II, socialistic Yugoslavia became European story about success.
Between 1960 and 1980 that country experienced perhaps the most lively economical and social growth in the world: decent living standards, free health care and education, guarantied right for work, paid one month vacation, literacy rate over 90% and expected lifetime of 72 years.
As much as i know, non of the newly formed Balkan countries can boast with half of that prosperity. It was a progress that made West interest groups want to destroy Yugoslavia.
All of the Yugoslav peoples also enjoyed free apartments, accessible public transportation and utilities. Non profit companies were also in the public hands, which did not suit well with Western democracy.
That country was not allowed to compete with Germany, France, and especially not with Britain, and London and Luxembourg bankers could not pull out billions from the socialistic system.
Michael Parenti - awarded author and political scientist, hosting professor of Institute for studies on politics in Washington - described what was America's goal with Yugoslavia: to convert the Yugoslavian space in the Third world region that will not be able to continue to develop on its own, in the area with broken economy, with natural resources that are entirely open to multinational corporations (Kosovo is especially rich in minerals).
Also, the goal was to convert Yugoslavia into a space where poor but well educated and trained people live who will have to work for small wages and that will lead to the drop of salaries in Western Europe.
And one more thing: the goal was to breakdown oil, engineering, mining, automobile and fertilizer industry, and many more light industries, so they could not compete with already existent western manufacturers.
On the Balkans, West has made Serbs look like demons, in Libya Colonel Gaddafi, in Syria Asad, and the pattern goes to Vladimir Putin, as the greatest trophy yet. That is the world we live in. With the strength of tranquilized American citizens who are drugged with stupidity of worthless thing and huge houses of super-capitalism: the world is taken over by tyrants.
But what would have happened if the Yugoslavia survived? What if that big ethnic and social experiment survived? Surely the World would be entirely different place today.
First of all, because of the Non-Aligned Movement presence, European union would be much weaker and much less influential in the world. The whole Europe would come to Belgrade, and from there to all six republics that are now fighting over Brussels' crumbs.
In 1991 Yugoslavia was 24th in the world considering GDP. Bosnia and Herzegovina is 112th today and the situation is getting worse. Croatia is 76th although "Blumberg" recently put them on the list of World's 10 worst. Macedonia is 130th, Montenegro 149th, Slovenia 81st, Serbia 87th, and it seems to be more stable than all the rest.
From the personal perspective, I remember the prosperity moment of former Yugoslavia, winter Olympic games in Sarajevo in 1984. Those were the first winter games held in some communist country, and the torch went from Dubrovnik, over Split, Ljubljana, Zagreb and many other Yugoslavian cities, until it reached Sarajevo.
I do not remember the names of the gold medal winners, but i remember the mascot Vucko, the work of Slovenian painter Joze Trobec, which has carved into my memory for some reason. That little wolf presented the Balkan people. Wolfs play important part in Yugoslavian fairy tales, they are the embodiment of courage and symbol of winter.
I am not thinking about what would have happened if that brave and strong people of Yugoslavia have won it all, but others mixed their fingers in their fate. Now, that nation is gone, forever".[Originally published on the site "Modern Diplomacy"]
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