Thursday, November 23, 2017


Who Invented and Who Recognized Kosovo as a "Special Case"

The author of the text is the President of the Statehood Movement of Serbia and the Coordinator of the State team for talks on the future status of Kosovo and Metohija 2005-2007.

A statement of Brussel’s officials that Catalonia and Kosovo are two opposite cases from the point of view of secession rights has prompted a justified negative reaction in Serbia. First, the president of the state and the foreign minister, criticizing the EU's basic position that Kosovo is somehow a "special case", and that in this case international and domestic law could not be applied, but violent and ethically justified cut. A number of reactions, including expert opinions, followed.

Serb's Christian Orthodox Church leveled by Moslem "Albanian" ethnic minority in Kosovo and Metohija Autonomic Province under NATO occupation, and US-EU protection. "Special case"!!!
It has been almost ten years since the sages of the European Union have launched the thesis on a "special case". And much had happened that has fallen into oblivion of time. But a somewhat unexpected event, unexpected from the standpoint of the philosophy of a special case, returns this topic constantly to the agenda. Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Crimea, Catalonia, for now ...

Therefore, we will first recall the origins of this already famous joke on a special case. It is firmly connected to the plan of Martti Ahtisaari on the so-called a comprehensive solution to the status of Kosovo. This "plan", to remind you, pushed the policy of Kosovo's supervised independence and as such was rejected first in the then negotiations, and then by the Government of Serbia and the National Assembly (March, 2007).

The imagination of Kosovo as a "special case" had the function to explain and justify the secession of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia to the wider World public, since no secession was recognized by the International or the internal law (except in Canada where it is legally regulated). So, in Serbia, allegedly something extraordinary new happened, and this is a massive violation of human rights and ethnic cleansing, which justifies the will of an ethnic community to secede part of the territory of a sovereign state. The extent to which western and pro-Western politics really believed in this disposable doctrine is the fact that they were not moved by much more serious and greater ethnic cleansing of Serbs from the province after June 1999. Because if they used the same criteria the Kosmet Albanian national minority would not be awarded by getting a state (2008), but such an idea would be rejected showing that they do not deserve it. On the contrary, they made Ahtisaari's plan and justified it with an inconspicuous expression.

Today, on the occasion of Catalonia, we all remind ourselves, but mostly because Brussels-responsible people about the Kosovo case play the same notes from ten years ago. But there is also the other side of this shameful meddling, and that's our domestic side. For them and for us, a lot of time has passed and on both sides a lot has happened. Step by step, our governments since 2008 have began to accepting exactly Ahtisaari's "plan". First of all, Boris Tadic accepted annex 10 of that quasi-document in November 2008, which in spring 2007 did not pass the Security Council in seven unsuccessful attempts to replace its Resolution 1244. This annex envisioned the supervision of an independent Kosovo by a special EU mission, later called the EULEX mission. Then, through several agreements (2011), the provisions of this "plan" on the so- Integrated Border Management (between Serbia and Kosovo), international representation of Kosovo, cadastre, registers and recognition of diplomas, were adopted. Finally, the biggest step forward in accepting and respecting Ahtisaari's work has been done by governments after 2012. So called, The first Brussels agreement (April 2013) adopted provisions on the community of municipalities (the first six points of this agreement concerning the community of Serb municipalities are based on Annex 4 of the Ahtisaari Plan), the police, judiciary and elections in Serb municipalities. All of them, along with a number of Albanian demands that are not in this "plan", were implemented by the governments of Serbia, while the Albanian side did not do this when it comes to the community of Serb municipalities, although they were bound on them not only by the Brussels agreement, but also by their own Constitution and the Law on local self-government.

Now, in the light of these facts, we can rise a question - Have these governments, with the acceptance of numerous provisions of the Ahtisaari's "plan", also accepted the Western fabrication of Kosovo as a special case. Of course they have, although no one even mentioned Ahtisaari's plan or the term "special case". But, if they haven’t mentioned, that did not mean that they did not work to achieve this inseparable duality. On the contrary, they worked very hard.

Bearing all this in mind, today's cry of our highest officials on European affairs is both illogical and inconsistent. Of course, it is well known that their words often serve to disguise their real politics, especially in the case of Kosovo and Metohija. And that's why you do not need to listen to what they say but to see what they're actually doing. If so, then there is a way to clear our suspicions, in the near future. And the only way is that, even at the very end of this thunderous recognition of Kosovo, they block this accelerated composition. It now blindly rushes toward the last act of recognition, which means definitely de jure acceptance of Kosovo's independence in the form of signing the agreement on the so-called a comprehensive normalization of relations. The first act of this braking would be to refuse further participation in the so-called “Brussels Dialogue”, which has its final in the legal recognition of Kosovo.

I am aware, of course, that it is highly unlikely, i.e. quite unbelievable, that the State leadership of Serbia does so. The one who has made ninety-nine steps toward a goal is going to make the hundred one. But, they has to be aware that they are holding in their hands scissors for cutting a thin thread Kosovo and Metohija is holding on to Serbia. And that's why they shouldn’t talk lullaby to the people after which we were to waking up in a beautiful European reality in which, as we could hear from their own mouths, ambidextrous hypocrites rule. 

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