Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Vucic Falsehood in "Blic" for Ginis 


The Serbian political or more precisely demagogue scene is characterized by the fact that people are on average wiser than those who have been chosen to lead us. Of course, that's why they were chosen for in "free" and "democratic" elections. The West is not crazy and foolish to choose wisest among us, neither the most honest, nor the most capable to lead us. The election campaign is a list of lies and mega lies - pensions and salaries will grow, the electricity bills will not go up, "we won’t give up Kosovo" .... After the elections, pensions get stolen and salaries go down, our resources do on sale, and we have to realistic on Kosovo and Metohija. They give away everything like this is their personal heritage. If citizens were complaining, then the answer is "Well, you gave us a mandate in the elections to do all this."   
They have even surpassed notorious Baron Munchhausen. If they were Pinocchio, their nose would be dragged by miles through the dirt! It is a pro-Western position, for whom Pence is enough to walk them to the door of the White House, to forget the Yellow House (The house in Albania, where Sqhiptar terrorists took organs from kidnaped Serbs), and to "call for an internal dialogue" about the surrender of a part of the Serbian state territory.
After spending a few days in America, and a few hours in the White House, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic published the authorial text that would have to worry all the sincere patriots, regardless which political party they support (especially those who vote for the SNS – Vucic’s Party). Just a few days after returning from the US, Vucic called on Serbia's citizens for "internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, and not to leave this burden to the descendants."

You know those marketing nonsense, like "it was good, but I wanted 10 out of 10!" and similar scams? However, it turned out that "8 out of 8" really exists. Vučić (Aleksandar Vučić, the president of Serbia), outlining the ground for "dialogue on Kosovo" in the authorial text for "Blic" ("Why We Need an Internal Dialogue on Kosovo", July 24, 2017), brought all the untrue “facts”, without any failure, or coincidence, to say something coherent. For Ginis.

In this text, I am presenting an argument that shows the unfoundedness of each and every Vucic's statement.

1. "It's time to stop burying our heads in the sand".

When have we in history been hitting our heads in the sand? 1389? 1804? 1815? 1878? 1912? 1913? 1914? 1916, 17, 18? 1941, 42, 43, 44, 45? 1948? 1999? What is the important, groundbreaking situation in which we, as a nation, have buried our head in the sand? On the contrary, Serbs are a rare nation that has been always on the right side of history.

Vucic instead of taking out that the Serbs' are proven avant-garde among the European nations, he starts from a false standpoint that we as the nation are not able, usually, to face the truth. He does everything with the goal of imposing somehow his lie as our truth.

2. "It's time ... to try to be realistic".

We are immediately characterized as crazy people, incapable of comprehend things in a real life, realistically, so it is probably a civilization's progress to at least try to do it, since we’ve been simpleminded, already.

So how have we prevailed in all these historic ventures, then, when we were incapable of reality comprehension, as a nation? Or let’s talk economy. For example, in the late '80s, only two small cars competed on the US market - one was the “YUGO-America” project of our factory “Zastava”, and the other, it could be interesting for the readers, was Hyundai! How did we get to that level if we were incapable of reality? How did we perform enormous construction projects and energy installations in the country and abroad, if we were unrealistic? How did we manage to find ourselves among only eight countries in the world that were capable of making submarines if we were so simpleminded? Moreover, to make the third tank in the world, quality white technique, and extraordinary agricultural varieties.

How is it possible that the Belgrade University is the best ranked university in the region, when we are incapable of seeing the reality? By the way, Belgrade University improves its position year by year and now is positioned around an extraordinary 300th place (for example, China has no university in the top 100). No, we are very realistic, as well as, courageous, and we do not run away from the enemy, so this courage Vucic, in his cowardice, probably perceives as a national madness.

3. "It's time ... let's not allow ... to surrender what we have."

And why would it be the time now something that obvious? Is it not a clear position - that you never surrender anyone what is yours? Vucic wants to say when he was selling the north of Kosovo and Metohija and renounced territorial integrity by signing the Brussels Agreements, that was good, and now this renunciation should be strengthened, only, but it is not necessary to renounce Preševo, Bujanovac, Kuršumlija, Niš or whatever more.

4. "It's time ... not to wait for what we've lost long ago to come back to us":

А шта смо то одавно изгубили? Ја не знам да смо ишта изгубили. Знам да је стотинама хиљада Срба отето све у Хрватској, али то није изгубљено него отето. Па ће се кад-тад и вратити. Косово и Метохија је знатним делом отето, па ће се кад-тад и вратити.

Лаж је да смо било шта изгубили. Губи се само када се сам одрекнеш својега. И кад сам предаш отимачу своје. Осим Вучића и Дачића и малих Вучића и Дачића, ја ни не видим да то неко други ради, а свакако то није и никада неће бити карактеристика Српског народа.

Ми чекамо да нам дође нешто у руке? Па ми смо се једини на овим просторима изборили за своју државу не чекајући никога и помажући свакоме ко се тада ослобађао. Све лаж до лажи.

And what have we lost a long time ago? I do not know that we've lost anything. I know that hundreds of thousands of Serbs have been robbed in Croatia, but this is not lost but was taken by the force. It is robbed and shall be recovered sooner or later. Kosovo and Metohija has been severely abducted, so it will be returned sooner or later.

It's a lie that we've lost anything. It's only lost when you give up your own. And when you give up yours to the usurper. Apart from Vucic and Dacic and the Vucic-likes and Dacic-likes, I do not even see someone else doing it, and certainly this is not and will never be a feature of the Serbian people.

Are we waiting for something to come to us? We were the only ones in this region who fought for our country without waiting for anyone and helping everyone who was fighting for the freedom at that time. So, Vucic lies in a row.

5. He says it's time to win without conflict.

Hence, the Serbs are the cause of the conflict. It gotta be that we the Serbs attacked the Turks in Kosovo (in 1389). Than we attacked Austro-Hungarian on Suvobor and Kolubara, we attacked the Germans and Bulgarians in Sofia and Berlin, and not on the Thessaloniki front (1914-1918). I guess we should not liquidate Ustashas, Balli, Folksdeutchers (1941-1945). Later we attacked NATO in Belgrade. What lies! Apart from an unlucky episode under Milan (Serbian King that conduct a short unprovoked, aggressive and unsuccessful attack on Bulgaria in 1885. As Serbs we are ashamed of his dishonorable conduct until today), all other wars of Serbia were exclusively defensive and liberating.

А онда свака генерација, имајући вековну мудрост као митско предање које се преноси с колена на колено за свој ослонац и потпору, само тражи решења у датој ситуацији.

Вучић је толико против мита, као и све издајице, зато што оно што ради под светлом мита јасно добија израз злог, дубоко штетног и издајничког. И зато он хоће да то светло угаси.

6. And more, we should not think that the myth is a solution.

Well, who in general thinks that myth is the solution? Bright moments, culture and historical events summarized in collective memory, as a mythical, makes the reality of every nation, and so does ours, and serves always as a guideline. A clear measure of what is good and especially what is evil and what certainly should not be done. And then each generation, having eternal wisdom as a mythical tradition that is passed down from the knees to the knee for its basis and support, only seeks solutions in a given situation.

Vucic is so much against the myth, as all the traitors, because what he works under the light of a myth clearly gets the expression of an evil - deep, deleterious, tragic and treacherous evil. And that's why he wants to turn off the light.

7. "The solution ... isn’t in the denial of all our national interests."

First, who ever thought that the solution lies in the renunciation of all our national interests, without being a German? And second, more importantly, Vucic advocates that the national interests, to tell the truth not all of them, could be deviated from. As soon as something is of that importance that represents national interest, it is clear that there is no deviation from it, never and at no price. Just because we are realistic, we understand that such a deviation would have an incalculable price in the loss of the independence of Serbs, the factual loss of the state, falling into modern slavery, and so on. My poor Vucic.

8. "... we leave the heaviest burden to our children."

The saying is - what you can do today, do not leave for tomorrow. So, just this what you can do equally well today, do not leave for tomorrow, not to yourself, and of course not to anyone else.

The issue of Kosovo and Metohija is related today, as it was before, to the situation in international relations. This situation goes hand in hand with Serbian national interests.

This July (3rd and 4th) a further significant improvement of Russia and China relations at all levels and in almost all areas took part. A literal colossus, on the international scene, is formed and that is able now to face America as equal, and that is dominant in military armament comparing to USA, even.

Therefore, those countries that do not and will not recognize the secession of Kosovo are getting stronger on the international scene, and those countries that have literally dictated international relations in previous decades and who recognized Kosovo's secession are getting weaker. Therefore, we do not transfer anything to our descendants, but realistically we could see that the right moment for resolving the secession problem is only 5-10 years away. And by that, this is not a shift from this generation to the next.

Conversely, the US, Germany and Great Britain insist that it is now the time for our side to recognize the Kosovo secession, in a legally binding form. That’s because they know that their time stands out on the international stage, as well. And within these states, there are growing demands for the abandonment of interventionist policies.

Our today’s duty is to work our best that Serbia awaits that moment in a decade in a complete readiness: military, diplomatic, empowered by the rule of law, culturally, with a clear control of the media in the national interest, educational, economically strengthened, socially stable. It’s no talk of shifting a burden, here. It is a matter of our own efforts today make our work easier tomorrow, for us, not for our children. Everything else in international relations, by its own logic, goes in our direction.

Since we are talking in the "spirit of the Serbs", let me finish with the people’s saying "The morning shows how the day will be". With these Vucic's views, the forecast is undoubtedly: very cloudy with heavy thunder in all parts of Serbia. [Translated from Serbian by LimanGuerrilla]

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