Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Vucic is theatrical about Shqiptar taxis, while the Shqiptar's army has been forgotten


Jovo Vukelić was born in 1952 in Herceg Novi. He graduated at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. As a sophomore student, in 1974, he was persecuted and then sentenced to a year in prison, suspended for two years due to the siding with professors who were persecuted by Josip Broz Tito's Communist apparatusat the time .
He was declared morally and politically unsuitable and therefore he could not get a steady job for years. He participated actively as an organizer from the mid-1970's to the 1980's in almost all key actions against the regime of Josip Broz Tito. He was the first secretary of the Democratic Party in 1990. He is one of the founders of the Democratic Center (February 1996). In Politika  newspaper (after privatization of Politika Corp.) he has been conducting seven years in senior management. He initiated publishing activities - printing books. From "Politika Corp.", he went to "Official Gazette" in 2009, the publishing sector, as the editor-in-chief where he still works in a capacity of Book Editor.

These days, in Serbia, it is quite annoying to listening the endless highest state officials bitching about irrelevant Shqiptar taxes, and at the same time do not hear the official, energetic demands for the eradication of the „Kosovo Army“.
  • Serbia's unconditional demand in the UN, the EU and the United States, to Russia and China as well as to all other countries, should be lifting the decision to forming a "Kosovo" army, as it is a violation of all agreements and an illegal act endangering peace and security in the whole Balkans. 
  • Instead, the banning of the "Kosovo" Army formation, which should be our first and foremost requirement and the condition of all conditions for a new dialogue with illegal authorities in Priština - the Serbian president (and the Prime Minister, as well) does not mention it anywhere. 
  • Instead of this being the State of Serbia loudest daily request, which the Serbian Parliament, the Government of Serbia and its President stand for, demanding that from all relevant factors of the international community, from the EU, NATO, KFOR, UMNIK, the UN and other organizations, what's going on is that we are listening a daily whining about the high taxes on Serbian products brought by the Shqiptar's „government“ of Haradinaj.  
  • Those who represent us, and are to taking care of state interests, are actually misleading us. There is a deliberate replacement of thesis, emphasizing out of proportion the irrelevant taxation, and the crucial, important decision on forming the army is almost not mentioned. With this, the President of Serbia makes irreparable damage, and does not protect and defend its vital national interests.
  • NATO and the US have created an army of "Kosovo".
Caricature by Goran Šćekić
For two months, Aleksandar Vučić, the president of Serbia, every day crying, whimpering, whining that the Shqiptars from Kosovo and Metohija, or precisely their illegal government, imposed 100 percent taxes on all goods from Serbia.

Vučić also appeals, all the time, to the highest officials of the EU to "press" Priština authorities to abolish the decision of November 21. It requires this every day from many European countries and especially from the United States.

He even said that if the illegal government of Haradinaj abolished those taxes, Serbia would be ready to continue negotiations with Priština in Brussels?!?

Who authorized him to make such statements, as if he was the Prime Minister of Serbia, or as if the decision was ratified by the Parliament of Serbia (in which the debate on Kosovo and Metohija is not discussed at all, which is scandalous and irresponsible)?

Serbia has no policy on Kosovo and Metohija

What needs to be pointed out is that in Serbia no one knows what he is negotiating with Shqiptars, what the policy of “delimitation” is, and that he behaves as if he did not have to be accountable to anyone on what he works as the President of Serbia. His predecessor at the position of President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolić he did not give a space to squeak even about Kosmet, nor did he allow him to interfere in the work of his Government (Vučić was a Prime minister, at that time). Moreover, he attacked him for mentioning his own project on Kosovo and Metohija! As a Prime minister, Vučić arbitrarily and without any measure, led the Government of Serbia and the State, opening every factory and divisions and road and hospital and enters maternity wards even on New Year's Eve. All the rest are scenery, decoration, extras, and the citizens he considers similarly as subjects.

Caricature by Goran Šćekić
No one in this country knows what is the policy and its principles that Serbia conducts in solving the problems of its Province, if such policy even existed at all, because no one of the competent state bodies and institutions, and especially Vučić has ever disclosed any of this, as well as, nobody approved it, after a fundamental and thorough debate, which would be normal and sensible behavior.

Instead of recommendation to competent state institutions, as the Government is, the corresponding Ministry of Commerce, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and others, to seek solutions for the export of our products and goods to new markets - he made the World problem, the drama, out of this issue, as if Serbia was to suffer an economic collapse. And all of us, if he does not feel it by himself, us the citizens, he humiliates, shames and blames with these everyday whine.

Supported formation of the military by the USA, NATO,
KFOR, and the EU: A glimpse at the newly formed Kosovo
Army in December 2018.
And even worse, of all these illegal and unconstitutional procedures of Vučić, is the complete mendacity to all in Serbia, all citizens and institutions when it comes to forming the Army of "Kosovo". Instead, that banning the formation of the "Kosovo" Army would be our first and foremost requirement and condition of all the conditions for a new dialogue with illegal organs in Priština - the President (and the Prime minister) does not mention it at all. Vučić seems to "forget" a much more significant and more carcinogenic illegal decision of Priština, opposite to all international documents, agreements and treaties.

US does not demand the cancellation of taxes

A "fuss" was raised here about this, at the beginning, a session of the UN Security Council was demanded, and in accordance with the national "nine days wonder", then it hasn’t been mentioned at all after the session in the UN, nor did Serbia officially placed the request to abolish, annul the decision to form, the establishment of the "Kosovo" Army.

Instead of being the daily loudest demand of the State of Serbia, which the Serbian Parliament, the Government of Serbia and its President stand for, demanding it from all those in charge in the international community, from the EU, NATO, KFOR, UMNIK, the UN and other organizations - what’s going on is that we do listen the daily whimpers about the high taxes on Serbian products brought by the Haradinaj’s Shqiptar government.

An obvious closeness: support from the EU and its leaders to
 the independence of the quasi-state of "Kosovo" is evident

Prime Minister Haradinaj, of course, repeats every day that he will not change that decision and even more he adds that it will last until Serbia recognizes the illegal state of “Kosovo”. He truly proves his autonomy and determination and proves that he does not put up with any pressure. Nobody outside the international community, especially the United States, does really ask him for it, except giving just declarative and formal comment. 

This whole procedure was created in order to humiliate Serbia to be placed in position to beg that the taxes clauses be lifted and that the negotiations continue, as if in the meantime the Army of Kosovo was not "the main" thing that the US ordered to form in the movement of the former Serbian province towards the NATO. NATO and the United States created the Army of "Kosovo". 

So these days, in Serbia, it is quite annoying to listen the continuous whining of the highest state officials about irrelevant Siptar taxes, and at the same time do not hear the official, energetic demands of the State of Serbia to abolish the dangerous decision on legalizing military formations in Kosmet into a legal state armed force - “the Army of Kosova”. 

The support of a powerful US ally to illegal Pristina authorities is unquestionable and permanent
Serbia's unconditional demand in the UN, the EU and the United States, Russia, China and all other countries, should be lifting the decision to form a "Kosovo" army, as it represents a violation of all agreements and an illegal act endangering peace and security in the whole Balkan area. 

We are deceived by those who represent us, those who are to taking care of state interests. There is a conscious replacement of thesis, irrelevant taxes are emphasized, and the important decision to form an army is almost not mentioned. By doing so, the President of Serbia makes an irreparable damage to the country, does not protect and defend its vital national interests. (Original text was published on January 23., 2019) [Translated from Serbian to English by LG]



Kukan: There is nobody in EU who could put the foot down and stop Priština

European Parliamentarian Eduard Kukan has recommended the European External Action Service and the European Commission (EC) to "work more, but less philosophize" in talking with Priština. There is no one who will пут put the foot down saying "Don't do that!", Kukan said. Chairman of the European Parliament's Committee on Co-operation with Serbia Kukan assessed that the situation in Kosovo was "tense and potentially explosive" and pledged for more concrete and direct engagement of the EU.
Chairman of the European Parliament's Committee on Co-operation with Serbia, Kukan assessed that the situation in Kosovo was "tense and potentially explosive" and pledged for more concrete and direct engagement of the EU.
"All of us are talking to them, they say they have heard us, but they'll do nothing. And what can the EU do here?" Kukan asked about the rejection of Priština to withdraw taxes on goods from Serbia and B&H.
Kukan stressed that the behavior of Priština is the same as for the transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into the Kosovo Army.
"We all told them not to do that, starting with Stoltenberg, and they continue. What will be the next? We to continue hoping, and they doing things on their own?", Kukan said.(Tanjug)

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