Friday, July 28, 2017


Свет не зна о Јасеновцу,
по зверствима хрватски логор за Србе је био страшнији од Аушвица 

Разговор са

  Хрватски логор Јасеновац је успостављен, пре свага, за истребљење Срба, као део зацртане политике Неовисне Државе Хрватске (1941-1945). Јасеновац је био највећи, у систему логора за "решавање српског питања у Хрватској". Не и једини. У овим логорима су, поред Срба убијани и Јевреји и Цигани.
Титови комунисти су, после Другог светског рата, учинили све да сакрију геноцид Хрвата над Србима. Зато се о Јасеновцу, па и геноциду Хрвата над Србима није знало ван граница Југославије. Јасеновац је сравњен са земљом, не од стране Усташа (хрватске војне "постројбе"), већ од стране Титових партизана. Они су разорили и остала места где су Хрвати истребљивали Србе. Наводно, у име "братства и јединства" у комунистичкој Југославији. И тада, као и сада основни начин постизања "стабилности" је био да Срби дају, дају и дају. Да чине разне уступке, никада задовољним Хрватима, а и нацоналним мањинама, посебно Шиптариа у САП Косово и Метохија, једној од две аутоононе онласти, којима је Тита нагрдио лице СР Србије. Остали нису имали САП.
Србију одређени политички елементи, од преврата октобра 2000., упорно покушавају да угурају у ЕУ. То је игра вечитог уласка, где се од Срба и Србије стално траже уступци, укључујући и територијалне. Опет ради "мираи стабилности  у региону". Споља и изнутра се већ ради пуном паром да се Шиптарима поклони још српске земље, јер поред данашње Северне Албаније и српског града Скадра, што су добили 1912., сада им треба и српско Косово и Метохија. Наравно, ту су и Хрвати. Они који без Срба не да не би имали државу, већ не би знали да означе територију, сада траже "исправку граница" са Србијом, свакако на штету Србије. И то  ће да буде "услов за пријем у ЕУ". Да би се стабилизовала Србија треба да престаје да даје, даје и стално даје, али ...
Ако су шиптарски злочини над Србима награђени српском територијом, да ли ће и хрватски злочини над Србима да буду награђени на исти и сада већ традиционалан начин?
Јасеновац ...


The World knows nothing about Jasenovac
Croatian WW2 death camp that was "worse than Auschwitz" 

Interview with

The Croatian death camp Jasenovac was established, first of all, for the extermination of Serbs, as part of the policy of the Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945). Jasenovac was the largest in the camp system for "resolving the Serbian issue in Croatia". Not the only one. In these camps, besides Serbs, Jews and Gypsies were killed.
Tito's communists did everything they could, after the Second World War, to hide the genocide of Croats over Serbs. Therefore, Jasenovac, and even the genocide of Croats over the Serbs, was largely unknown beyond the borders of Yugoslavia.  Jasenovac was leveld, not by the Ustasha (Croatian military "units"), but by Tito's partisans. They thoroughly destroyed other places where Croats exterminated Serbs, as well. Apparently, for the sake of "brotherhood and unity" in communist Yugoslavia. Then, as it is now, the basic way of achieving "stability" was that Serbs give, give and give. To make various concessions, to the never satisfied Croatians, as well as to the national minorities, especially Shqiptars (so called “Albanians”) in Socialistic Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, one of the two autonomies, whom by Tito had mutilated a beautiful face of the Socialistic Republic of Serbia, beside those “socialistic”, and “republic”. Other ocialistic Republics haven’t had socialistic autonomous provinces. First the Nazis, than the Communists, now The West, but the Serbs gotta be punished no matter which bully come into power at the Balkans.
Certain political elements have been persistently trying to push Serbia into the EU, since the October 2000 coup. It is a game of eternal entry, where concessions, including territorial ones, are constantly asked from Serbs and Serbia. For the sake of "peace and stability" in the region, again. Abroad and at home it has been working full time, already, to give the Shqiptars as much of Serbian territories, as possible, because beside today's Northern Albania and the Serbian city of Shkodra, which was given to them in 1912, they now require more of Serbian territories, namely, Kosovo and Metohija. Of course, not to forget, there are also Croats. Those who, without the Serbs, not only would not have a state, but also would not know how to recognize “their” territory, are now seeking "border correction" with Serbia, certainly at the Serbia’s expense. And it shall & nbsp; be "a condition for joining the EU". In order to get stabilized, Serbia should stop giving, giving and constantly giving, but ...
> If the Shqiptar’s crimes against Serbs were awarded with Serbian territory, would Croatian crimes against Serbs be rewarded in the same and traditional way, by now?
Jasenovac ...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Vucic Falsehood in "Blic" for Ginis 


The Serbian political or more precisely demagogue scene is characterized by the fact that people are on average wiser than those who have been chosen to lead us. Of course, that's why they were chosen for in "free" and "democratic" elections. The West is not crazy and foolish to choose wisest among us, neither the most honest, nor the most capable to lead us. The election campaign is a list of lies and mega lies - pensions and salaries will grow, the electricity bills will not go up, "we won’t give up Kosovo" .... After the elections, pensions get stolen and salaries go down, our resources do on sale, and we have to realistic on Kosovo and Metohija. They give away everything like this is their personal heritage. If citizens were complaining, then the answer is "Well, you gave us a mandate in the elections to do all this."   
They have even surpassed notorious Baron Munchhausen. If they were Pinocchio, their nose would be dragged by miles through the dirt! It is a pro-Western position, for whom Pence is enough to walk them to the door of the White House, to forget the Yellow House (The house in Albania, where Sqhiptar terrorists took organs from kidnaped Serbs), and to "call for an internal dialogue" about the surrender of a part of the Serbian state territory.
After spending a few days in America, and a few hours in the White House, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic published the authorial text that would have to worry all the sincere patriots, regardless which political party they support (especially those who vote for the SNS – Vucic’s Party). Just a few days after returning from the US, Vucic called on Serbia's citizens for "internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, and not to leave this burden to the descendants."


Вучићеве неистине у „Блицу“ за Гиниса 


Српску политикантску сцену карактерише да је народ у просеку мудрији од оних које су нам изабрали да нас воде. Наравно, зато су нам их и бирали на "слободним" и "демократским" изборима. Није Запад луд и блесав да нам бира најмудрије међу нама, ни најпоштеније, ни најспособније. Предизборна кампања је списак лаже и паралаже - пензије и плате ће да расту, струја неће да поскупи, "не дамо Косово".... После избора се скидају пензије, плате, распродају ресурси и поклања Косово и Метохија, као да им је од ћаће остала у лично наслеђе. Ако се "грађани" побуне, следи одговор - "Па ви сте нам дали мандат на изборима да све ово радимо".   
Ови су превазишли и Барона Минхаузена. Да су Пинокио, нос би им се за њима вукао километрима по земљи! То је прозападна позиција, коју је довољно да Бајден испрати до врата Беле куће, да забораве Жуту кућу и "позову на унутрашњи дијалог" о предају дела српске државне територије, коју нити су они стекли, а изгледа нити ико од њихових предака! Ако јесте, још горе. Србија је усрећена и опозицијом.
Председник Србије Александар Вучић објавио је ауторски текст који би морао да забрине све искрене родољубе, без обзира на то коју политичку партију подржавају (нарочито оне који гласају за СНС). Само неколико дана по повратку из САД, Вучић је позвао грађане Србије на „унутрашњи дијалог о Косову и Метохији, како не бисмо тај терет оставили потомцима“.

Saturday, July 22, 2017


Ritual Murder of the Russian Imperial Family 


AVERMENT: Before we get started, Liman Guerrilla is totally aware that the guilt for the crime is on individuals who committed it, and can not be broaden nor shared to nor by the whole population of the same nation, religion, or race as some of the criminals might belong. Consequently, for the murder of St. Russian Imperial Family are guilty only and solely those who were involved in this murder, originators, initiators and executors regardless of their nation, religion or race because they did that, not because who they are. The expressions, opinion, sentence terms are personally author's, and I am not necessarily in agreement with them.  
Large numbers of people marched near the Russian city of Yekaterinburg before dawn on July 17 to mark the 99th anniversary of the killing by Bolsheviks of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Marchers carried Russian Orthodox icons and crosses in the procession from the site where Tsar Nicholas II, Tsarina Aleksandra, and their five children were killed in 1918 — months after the Bolsheviks seized power — to the spot where their bodies were buried. 
In 2000, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized Nicholas, Aleksandra, Crown Prince Aleksei, and Grand Princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia.A procession honoring the royal family has been held in Yekaterinburg each July 17 since then.
Russian news agencies said tens of thousands of people marched this year. They included Natalya Poklonskaya — a controversial lawmaker who has aired monarchist views — as well as Romanov relative Olga Kulikovskaya-Romanova and delegations from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and New Zealand.
Special services and prayers commemorating the last tsar and his family were held in Orthodox Churches in St. Petersburg, Moscow, and other Russian cities. A substantial majority of Russians consider themselves Orthodox Christians, but surveys show that only a small fraction attend church regularly.
 [Source: World Tribune]


Ритуално убиство св. Царске породице Романов 

Пише у
Магацин (оригинално)
Директан извор

На ноћ између 16. и 17. јула, на годишњицу убиства свете царске породице, у Јекатербиргу је одржан покајнички крсни ход од места страдања до места где су остаци царске породице били сакривени. На том месту данас стоји манастир посвећен светим царским мученицима, преноси Јекатеринбуршка епархија.
Литија је почела одмах након свршетка Божествене литургије, којом је началствовао митрополит Астански и Казахстански Александар. Њему су саслуживали архипастири митрополит Ташкентски и Узбекистански Викентије, митрополит Јекатеринбуршки и Верхотурски Кирил, епископ Рибински и Даниловски Венијамин, епископ Нижетагилски и Серовски Инокентије, епископ Исиљкуљски и Руско-пољански Теодосије, епископ Каменски и Алапајевски Методије, епископ Средњеуралски Евгеније и викари Јекатеринбуршке епархије. 
У три часа ноћу, после Литургије, верници су кренули у молитвену шетњу истим путем, којим су 1918. године одвезли убијене чланове царске породице: кроз центар града, до насеља Визово. преко Таганске пијаце и насеља Сортировка, па до села Шувкаиш. На челу шетње су били преосвећени архијереји. По прелиминарним проценама у шетњи је учествовало више од 60 хиљада људи, што је приближно бројки од прошле године. Али ваља напоменути да је ове године број оних који су се причестили много већи – било их је скоро 7 хиљада.
Око 7 часова ујутру колона, предвођена свештенством, стигла је до манастира посвећеног Царским страстотерпцима на Ганиној јами, где су комунисти скрили остатке царске породице. Ходочаснике и свештенике су манастирска браћа дочекала свечаном звоњавом. По доласку до рударског окна број 7, у којем су цареубице покушале да скрију доказе својих злочина, одслужен је молебан. Верницима се обратио архијереј Јекатеринбуршке епархије митрополит Кирил. Митрополит Ташкентски и Узбекистански Викентије, који је такође стигао у манастир на челу литије, честитао је ходочасницима дан светих царских мученика и што су успели да заврше тако физички тежак, али за душу благодатан, пут. Ходочасници нису журили да напусте манастир после литије. Многи од њих су смогли снаге да учествују у Божественој литургији, која је одржана у 9 часова ујутру у Державном храму манастира.  [Извор: Србин.инфо]

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


The EU must show the Balkans they still have a chance of joining 

I, personally, do not share the writer's opinion on the subject. As a representative of F.R. Yugoslavia I was in EC in 2001. At that time the policy of EU was that the countries of the Balkan's were to enter EU all at once. That was the 7th Region in EC, and the general idea was that countries of the Balkans were stimulated to helping each other. During a welcoming cocktail I was talking with a French guy, some official, from EC. I told him that in reality Croatia was gonna be the last Balkan's state that would be accepted into EU, and for the rest of us, particularly for Serbia, the door of EU would be closed forever. He told me that I was wrong etc., etc., however it was crystal clear at that time ... and still is, for anyone with the common sense.
Nobody wants Serbia in EU. Firstly, EU itself. Serbia has no value for EU, no economic, nor strategic value. There is the only one strategic point they are interested in - the town of Niš, and that goes for Germans, not to elaborate here. Serbian political "elite" has no interest to join EU, because they couldn't continue to plunder and do whatever they want in Serbia. For that reason they publicly claim that "EU has no alternative", but under the radar they cunningly through media encourage anti-EU voices and movements in Serbia. Most portion of that "elite" are descendants of communist leaders. They have had the best starting point in taking power and robbing Serbia when "transition" came "to town". For them the best position is to be in a state of eternal waiting to enter EU. Than the political situation would be similar to one that was exploited by their communist fathers and grandfathers - suffer now, scarifies in Socialism (before EU membership time) to create a happy life for your offspring in the future in Communism (full EU membership). 
So, my dear Charlemagne let's hear what you gotta say, but I'm telling you in advance - you are wrong! Nobody has interest for Serbia to join the EU ..... That goes for Bosnia and Herzegovina, too. Montenegro, Albania and F.Y.R. of Macedonia, are quite a different story. They are directly under American "protection" ... and they are "Can't touch this" for the EU.
And not to forget one very important difference. I do not, as every honorable Serb, person, and honest state that obey and respect the International legislative, recognize "Kosovo" as an independent state. I, personally, as a descendant of a Serb officer at Thessaloniki Front during WWI, who fought shoulder to shoulder with French against injustice, I am very sorry that Charlemagne who is French recognize false "state" of Kosovo that is the result of a brute force, lies and injustice.  


Државо, а да ја теби дам отказ? 

У овом терору који трпимо од медијума, разних политиканата, обавештајних служби, интереса великих и малих сила, укратко од свих и свакога, заборавили смо једноставне истине:
1. Људи изабрани на функције су ту изабрани да служе нас, а не ми њих.
2. Држава је организација која треба да постоји на нашу корист, а не ми на њену.
3. Ми све то плаћамо, дакле ти људи и институције су у нашој служби.
4. Власт је, дакле, у нашим рукама, а не у њиховим.
Узмимо је и вратимо у наше руке....
О томе говори ово нормално и јасно размишљање, преточено у чланак ...

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Melancholic, unequal and devoid of common sense 

Adriana Zaharijević represents everything I despise. A typical representative of the Other Serbia (Not "Second", but "Other") is typical. She is a vulgar Western shaped model of a citizen of this country (I'm not sure if she was of Serbian nationality since she wore a wedding ring oh her left hand finger), who follows the basic line of thinking that the Serbs themselves are guilty of everything that happened to them and everything that happens to them, and everything that gonna happened to them, while she lives comfortably in this country. Much more comfortable than she would live in many "democratic" countries, that are a model, for her if she spitted and sold them. Such a citizen of Serbia is a sample, a model citizen for every Occupier of my Fatherland. If most of us were like she is 200 years ago, we would still be under the Ottoman Empire, and a hundred years ago, we would kiss Austro-Hungarians in the ass. For the representatives of the Other Serbia - Karadjordje, Hajduk Veljko, Mišić, Stepanović, Putnik ... were "Serbian nationalists" who did nothing else, every day, any day, but dreamed of "Greater Serbia" ... The Other Serbia are, according to the attitude towards the Serbs, the neo-communists by the measure of the Western powers. But besides a bunch of garbage, which they throw on paper and contaminate my environment, sometimes they write something meaningful ... In fact this one is an excellent article. 

In just a few days there were two murders of women in the centers for social work in Belgrade. There was usually a debate about who was responsible, why it was happening and what actually caused the death of women in the middle of a bright day in the capital of this country. Everything could be heard: that the killer was a returnee from the war, that there were some ties to the political leaders, that poverty was a justifiable reason for the "micro-violence" within four walls of our homes, that some women choose poorly, so to say they kind of like the bullies. The bottom lines of these stories portraying in the media and on social networks in the old-fashioned manner "from gossip to truth" are two dead women, one dead child, three children who were left without both parents. Recently, we could have heard in the echoes, that the education of children about gender-based violence had been superfluous, because all of our families, just as our own, were normal. Maybe we should have to asking ourselves, again. And then again, and again. Because families and individuals who make them do not live outside of society, on the contrary, they are fundamentally shaped by it.

There are many words spoken about femicide. Although this is still the right topic, I will look at something else that is deeply intertwined with this act that feeds black chronicles, while on parallel pages it is discussed about the white plague and the spoiled Serbs who are reluctant to give birth. Namely, it is about the omnipresent violence that permeates our lives and forms our view of the world, our feelings, our everyday behavior in city transport, on railway stations, in waiting rooms, in schools and in maternity wards. Everywhere.

The first form of violence that we must talk about is the war violence. Serbia took part in a war of furious proportions. Many men who still live in this country were in the police, military, and paramilitary units - because they wanted, or because they had to, they killed, they were present at killing, torture, rape, robbery. Upon returning to Serbia, a country that "was never at war", except formally during the Bombing in 1999 (NATO terrorist aggression on F.R. Yugoslavia, rem. LGN), they themselves did not publicly exist as people who survived the war. However, the fact that the laws of this country were not respected that fact, was it was unanimously accepted by the public of the country to hide this the most publicly known secret, that the failed "revolution" on October the 5th produced a social consensus that the wars had ended, as if they had never been - this fact does not diminish the presence of violence that fractionally flows through the lives of those who has done it and those who were close to it, then or much later. PTSD is here, and the trauma has never been even admitted, nor recognized.

The other form of violence we live is the violence of growing structural imbalances. This was the country in which the generations grew and lived in the spirit of equality and promised prosperity. Today, this is a country where the split between the relatively poor and extremely poor narrows day in, day out, while the gap between this vast group and the group of extremely rich becomes an insurmountable canyon. Serbia has become a country where someone can jump to Cuba, and someone does not have 300 dinars to go from the village to nearby town to pick up a pension. Serbia has become a country in which hospital aid, treatment at birth, and schooling depend on the amount of allocated money. Of course, that does not mean that there are still no honorable and honest people of a good heart. However, structural inequality, a legally justified right of a stronger and precise definition to whom that right belong, affects our emotions, our honesty, our perceptions of what is permissible, desirable and possible.

The third form of violence, intertwined with the preceding two, is the violence of illusion, the violence against common sense. We are constantly hearing that it has never been better for us, that the institutions have never worked like nowadays, that the world has never been more in our favor, that "European values" have never been adopted so much, as today. What we are hearing, what is being said to us has never been in a bigger discrepancy with what we see, what we are experiencing. The common sense turns around as a glove: workers are blamed that strike because they are starving, because it creates a bad illusion for magical investors; Women are guilty because they erroneously chose, despite the fact that the laws we have are as a charm, as well as institutions that put them to work; Guilty are those who were left without life, real or symbolic, who were put into mass graves, they somehow found themselves there.

Serbia is a country where the violence does not stop growing. Panic keys are definitely a good solution, as they may succeed in preventing duplication of new loss of life. However, the problems that this society faces, the problems that appears on a daily basis are so wide, deep and encompassing that no giant panic key would suffice. Any political power in this country will have to tackle the thick trolls of a long-standing state of emergency that structures us as criminals - melancholic, unequal and devoid of common sense. [Updated: July 14, 2017 | Translated by LG]


Меланхолични, неједнаки и лишени здравог разума 

Адриана Захаријевић представља све оно што презирем. Типичан је представник Друге Србије. Западни је модел грађанина ове земље (нисам сигуран да је Српкиња, јер носи бурму на левој руци, зато је не називам "моделом Српкиње"), кога "краси" основна линија размишљања да су Срби сами криви за све што им се десило и све што им се дешава и све што ће да им се деси и при свему томе удобно живи у овој земљи. Много удобније него што би живела у многим "демократским" земљама које су јој узор, а да их пљује и продаје. Такав грађанин Србије је узорак, модел грађанин за сваког окупатора моје Отаџбине. Да нас је већина била таква пре нешто више од 200 година, још би смо били под Отоманском империјом, а пре стотинак година, пољубили би смо Аустро-Угаре у дупе. За представнике Друге Србије - Карађорђе, Хајдук Вељко, Мишић, Степановић, Путник.... су били "српски националисти", који нису ништа друго радили, по цео дан, сваки дан, већ снили сне о "Великој Србији" .... Друга Србија су, по односу према Србима, неокомунисти по мери западних сила. Но, поред гомиле ђубрета, које они нештедимице бацају на папир и загађују моју животну средину, деси се понекад и да напишу нешто смислено ... У ствари, ово је одличан чланак ...