Friday, April 29, 2016


Croatians are not known as a very inventive and innovative people. They usurp or copy almost everything.  From the language …

Written in ….
Good morning

Dobro jutro

Добро јутро

Добро јутро

Dobro jutro

Good day

Dobar dan

Добар дан

Добар дан

Dobar dan

Good night

Laku noć

Лаку ноћ

Лаку ноћ

Laku noć






How are you?

Kako si?

Како си?

Како си?

Kako si?

I am well

Dobro sam

Добро сам

Добро сам

Dobro sam

and so forth
i tako dalje
и тако даље
и тако даље
i tako dalje

… via pork rinds … 
Though, the pork rinds are obviously "different", just in case Croatian pork rinds are on the left, while Serb's pork rinds are on the right
… to national costumes …
Croatian national costume from Slavonia (left), Serb's national costume from Banat (right)

… helmets even.
German helmet from the WWII (left), Croatian helmet from WWII (right)

However, they decided it was time to put their foot down.
Everything has started accidentally. A Croatian guy had leftovers of red and white paint, and an old car.  He decided to make some refreshment to that old-timer. Painting it in red and white seemed like a good idea. Тhe paint surplus will be spent for something useful, and the car gonna look like new. After several days of painting, he was pleased with the result.

The guy is a passionate chess player. He had no leftovers of black paint and red had to do the trick

But, as soon as he entered a traffic, he realized that something was wrong. Very, very wrong. Nobody could see him!

A Croatian beauty on the street of Zagreb, has no clue that her life is in danger.

That’s the way everything started. What was the problem for the young men, appeared to be very interesting for the Croatian military.

Proud of themselves, Croatian Army consulted Americans, but they were kind of skeptical
The state of Croatia is a newcomer in EU, and the member of NATO. In the other hand, Croatia is 13th on the list of the poorest countries in Europe. There isn't too much money to spare and invest in military development. Moreover, the evil Serbs are just across the border. Greedy Slovenians, too. Something has to be done, and done quickly. All of the sudden, an original, solely Croatian idea, an autochthonous Croatian invention, hit them like a lightning stroke. Color combination is the key, not the expensive stealth technology. But, where to use it? 
The Croatian military experts have not been satisfied, already, with current coloring of their planes. Too visible, isn’t it? Of course it is! Wrong color combination!

Croatian Air Force, Mikoyan-Gurevich MIG-21 (before)
They’ve had no funds for the expensive stealth technology.

Moreover, Serbs are experts in bringing down stealth aircraft.

All of the sudden, the solution for all their problems fell into the lap, by itself! Croatia, maybe has no excess of funds, but there is a lot of red and white paint. Even people paint themselves in red and white! Just for fun.

What they came up with, that's what they did. Here is the result.

Croatian Air Force, Mikoyan-Gurevich MIG-21 (after)
Invisible, ain’t it?

The famous Serb's Anti-Aircraft Forces are simply unaware that The "Invisible" is coming! 

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