Si vis pacem, para bellum!
Our Blattodea-s are pushing and pulling Serbia to enter the BUTT. They are using the crawling policy of sneaking small steps, to avoid the light.
Blattodea - the order of insects that inhabits filthy places. The name of the order comes from the Latin word "blatta", meaning "an insect that shuns the light". This insects is omnivorous, and piles all the waste under cuticle. Widely goes by the name - Cockroach. Common household cockroaches could be classified as - German cockroach, American cockroach etc.
The relation of Serbia and NATO is burdened not only by terrorist NATO attack on S.R. Yugoslavia, but also occupation of Kosovo and Metohija, all the Serbs enemies support, demonization of Serbs, radioactive contamination of Serbia, etc., etc ....
However, the main problem is that THEY HAVE NO HONOR!
Serbs are ancient, honorable nation, and we have never had anything with those that have no honor!
The evidence that the NATO is an honorless bunch are numerous:
- Attack on SRY, a member of UN, with NO declaration of war (the same as Japan attacked USA in WWII)
- Using cluster bombs and DU (depleted uranium) on civilian targets
- Attacking civilian targets and calling that "collateral damage"
- supporting criminals and terrorists
- supporting criminals and terrorists
- NATO is lying
President Clinton, Secretary Albright and Jamie Shea lied—our State Department told the world that “Christian Serbs had killed 100,000 Muslim Albanians.”We now know the so-called “Racak Massacre” of 45 Albanians was stage managed by Ambassador William Walker as a pretext to bomb Serbia. Hashim Thaci the Prime Minister of Kosovo and former leader of the KLA has admitted that Racak was a fabrication. (the official reason for bombing SRY and occupying 15% od Serbian territory. The same way NATO attacked and wracked Iraq, Libya etc. - LG)We also know that less than 5,000 were killed in Kosovo on both sides and to date 151 ancient Christian Serbian churches have been razed in the past 8 years, under the noses of 17,000 NATO troops.Washington’s duplicity took Americans to war without an Act of Congress or a vote at the United Nations. NATO was converted into an aggressive force in violation of its own “defensive” Treaty.American taxpayers were duped by State Department lies and phony Albanian deaths in order to build the largest American military base in the world since Vietnam—Camp Bondsteel—built on Christian Serbian soil without authority or compensation to Christian landowners was accomplished in order to favor Balkan Muslims and KLA terrorists. We should all be asking why?American Foreign Policy was hidden from World and American public. Western newspapers withheld information and utilized pictures of Christian Serbian victims, portrayed as Muslim victims, knowing full well the American public was too naive to realize they were being deliberately hoodwinked by journalists with their own hidden agenda who relied on Muslim runners to gather the information used in their articles—none of which could be independently verified.From the outset, the American agenda was to amputate sovereign Serbian territory … Not since Hitler has an entire nation been so successfully demonized with collective guilt. The fix was in from the outset. Kosovo independence was a fait accompli, setting a dangerous precedent for future ethnic disputes around the world.Why the United States of America would bomb 11 Christian Serbian churches, 200 schools, 147 hospitals and nursing homes, trains, buses, 66 bridges, 8 airports, 64 telecommunications stations, including the bombing of Belgrade Television, 32 agricultural complexes, 78 industrial complexes and entire Christian Serbian villages. These were not military targets but the media managed to look the other way.The worse crime was that Gen. Wesley Clark and NATO resorted to Ecocide against an entire nation by deliberately unleashing toxic chemicals and VCMs 10,600 times above normal and used illegal cluster bombs on civilian populations… war crimes by every definition.
- NATO does not honor treaties they sign .., etc.
Lt. General Stevanović:
Kumanovo Agreement was Never Honored
Anglo-American Alliance Never Honored the Agreement they Signed
Kumanovo Agreement was Never Honored
Kumanovo Agreement was signed 17 years ago, on 9 June 1999, after 5 days of negotiations between the American and British NATO/KFOR representatives and Serbian military and police leadership. Ending the 78 days of NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia, based on the Yugoslav side’s acceptance to withdraw its security forces and allow the international troops, under the UN auspices, to take over the peace and security in Kosovo province, the Military Technical Agreement signed in Kumanovo also contained some key guarantees given to Serbia by the NATO/KFOR, none of which, apart from cessation of aggression, were honored by the Western alliance.
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Serb Army tent: Kumanovo Agreement was signed in the Yugoslav Army tent in the NATO base in Macedonia, after five days of negotiations
After 78 days of massive material destruction and 3,500 victims of “humanitarian bombardment” later, it appeared that the war hatches are being buried, giving way to the international law, diplomacy and civilized discourse, and opening the road to a peaceful resolution of Kosovo province crisis.
The signed international agreement was mandatory for all sides and its main precepts were built in the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, unanimously adopted the next day, on 10 June 1999, which remains the non-avoidable, only legitimate international legal framework for resolving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija province.
Guarantees Given to Serbia Scrapped
Kumanovo Agreement stipulated the cessation of NATO aggression against Serbia, the withdrawal of Yugoslav armed forces from Serbian province, deployment of the international military and police troops under the UN auspices and an agreement that no Yugoslav forces will enter the province’s territory, including the air and ground safety zone, “without the prior express consent of the international security force (‘KFOR’) commander.”
At the same time, it guaranteed that the UN mandated KFOR [Kosovo force] will “take all necessary action to establish and maintain a secure environment for all citizens of Kosovo”, that the international forces will guard and control the southern Serbian borders with Albania and Macedonia and agreed to the return of Yugoslav and Serbian security forces at a later date, “which will be the subject of a subsequent separate agreement”.
The Annex B of the agreement further underlines the provision for the return of Serbian officials, stressing that KFOR will “enforce compliance following the return of selected FRY personnel to Kosovo”.
From the point of view of the international law, this provision confirms the territorial integrity and state sovereignty of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Republic of Serbia, further clarified and underlined by the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which expressly guarantees territorial integrity and state sovereignty of FR Yugoslavia, i.e. Serbia.
Unfortunately, Kumanovo Agreement and UNSC Resolution 1244 and obligations mandated by them, were not honored by the NATO/KFOR in the past ten years in their key principles: the secure environment was not established — to the contrary, during the mandate of the international forces, southern Serbian province was almost entirely ethnically cleansed of all non-Albanians, while the remaining Serbs, Roma, Gorani and others live in constant fear for their lives and property — a failure which directly prevented the return of the refugees and expelled non-Albanians and confined the remaining non-Albanians to humiliating ghettos, taking away their most basic freedoms, such as freedom of movement; Serbia’s borders with Albania and Macedonia were left entirely unmanned and open, allowing for continuous influx of illegal Albanian immigrants, free flow of drugs, human traffickers, weapons and all forms of criminal dealings, thus deepening the legal and administrative chaos Kosovo plummeted in; neither “demilitarization and pacification” nor disarming of the terrorist KLA was carried out; even a discussion about the agreed return of 1,000 Serbian troops (as specified by the UNSC Res. 1244) was never permitted, let alone an actual return of Serbian forces to their province, even after repeated calls to US-led NATO to fulfill this provision of the agreement by the late Premier Zoran Đinđić, former Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica, and the former Serbian President Boris Tadić; and the control over the Air and Ground Safety Zone was not returned to Serbia as promised.
Stevanović: “There is No NATO in Kumanovo Agreement”
At the negotiating table in Kumanovo, in the name of NATO and KFOR, the Military Technical Agreement was signed by the British Lt. General Sir Michael Jackson, at the position of the KFOR commander. In the name of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Republic of Serbia, signatories were Yugoslav Army Col. General Svetozar Marjanović before the Yugoslav Army Headquarters and Lt. General Obrad Stevanović, before the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Serbia.
After the entire decade of silence, one of the signatories of the agreement, Lt. General Stevanović has agreed to talk to Belgrade daily Politika about the negotiations and provisions of the 10-year-old Kumanovo Agreement.
“I have no reason to be proud of my signature on the Military Technical Agreement, but I also have no reason to be ashamed of it”, Stevanović told Politika.
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Negotiating the Kumanovo Agreement: Representatives of the Yugoslav and Serbian security forces (army and police) negotiating the provisions of the Military Technical Agreement in Kumanovo (left to right): Obrad Stevanović, Nebojša Vujović, Blagoje Kovačević, Svetozar Marjanović and Michael Jackson
“I am satisfied with results we have achieved in five days of negotiations, and those results are measured by the fact our conditions were accepted. It was essential that the other party entering the agreement is not NATO, because our position was that if we are already losing some measure of sovereignty, that part of our sovereignty ought to be entrusted to the United Nations, not to NATO,” Stevanović, presently teaching at the Police Academy in Belgrade, said.
“The thing I regret most is that we did not succeed to include a small technical detail in the agreement, that KFOR carries the UN insignia instead of the NATO one”, he added.
Q: What is the significance of the Military Technical Agreement signed in Kumanovo?
A: Provisions of this agreement are often criticized, while the Resolution 1244 is praised. Although the [UN Security Council] Resolution is indeed more important, the fact of the matter is that the Resolution was not implementable without this agreement, nor could the agreement be actualized without the Resolution.
The text of Kumanovo agreement is more favorable than the Resolution itself or the Ahtisaari-Chernomyrdin document in several important details. In Kumanovo Agreement, the word ‘NATO’ is mentioned only once, where it is said that the Alliance has an obligation to suspend bombardment. That’s all. There is also no mentioning of the Chapter 7 of the UN Charter which pertains to the use of force without the approval of the Security Council, and no mentioning of the Rambuillet Accord. These three details show that we have succeeded in maximally improving the agreement in accordance with our interests. Very few are today realizing that KFOR is not NATO — those are security forces under the UN auspices.
Lt. Gen. Jackson Simply Lied
Q: What were the possibilities Kumanovo Agreement made provisions for, that Serbian leadership has failed to capitalize on?
A: The return of military and police forces to Kosovo and Metohija ought to have been implemented, even if only in a symbolic form, to the places where that is possible. It would have been very significant for us if, in the Gračanica or Dečani area, we had at least five policemen with Serbian state insignia. However symbolic, this would have been the factual evidence we are present in Kosovo and Metohija province in the official form, with state insignia.
Q: Negotiations should have been conducted on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija province?
A: Yes, a school in Đeneral Janković [a town in Republic of Serbia, near the border crossing with Macedonia] was adapted for that occasion. We came early, around 9 a.m., but the KFOR delegation stayed on the Macedonian side of the border, citing the security reasons. After an hour and a half, we crossed over to Macedonia, where the British Army Brigadier Jonathan Bailey was waiting for us, accompanied by the Macedonian assistant police minister.
Q: Who was in our delegation?
A: Nebojša Vujović from the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slobodan Miletić from the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Army Headquarters, translator and myself, as an assistant of the Serbian Internal Affairs Ministry. There were six or seven Army generals, including General Krga. On the first day the Army generals were headed by Blagoje Kovačević, because Svetozar Marjanović was away.
Q: How did you end up in [Albanian-owned] bar “Europe”?
A: As soon as the border is crossed, the first object on the left side, towards Blace, is this bar. There are some stairways leading up to it. At the plateau in front of the stairs there were already several hundred reporters waiting for us, guarded by the Italian troops. That is when we realized this place was prepared for negotiations upfront.
Q: It was planned to finalize the negotiations on the same day?
A: We were under pressure to sign the agreement in few hours. KFOR negotiating team was headed by Lt. General Jackson, and his closest associates were American General Bridgeway (sp?), who was a communication officer, General Bailey and two other officers, a Norwegian and American in charge of the legal aspects of the agreement.
Jackson said it was decided “at the highest level” the agreement is to be signed until 14.00 hrs and he is in no position to change anything.
Q: Were you in contact with Belgrade at the time?
A: We all had our mobile phones. Jackson told us Wesley Clark informed him that President Milošević agrees we should sign the document in the form they presented us with. General Blagoje Kovačević responded diplomatically. He said, “Mr. General, if our President had said we should sign this, that is what we are certainly going to do. But we would first have to talk to him.”
As it turned out, Jackson’s statement was a complete fabrication.
Afterward, we requested to continue the negotiations on the next day. We felt, and it seemed they did too, it was rather inappropriate for us to meet in that bar again.
Peace Agreement or Capitulation?
Q: So the negotiations were continued in the NATO base in Kumanovo [Macedonia]?
A: Yes. We had our tent there, a classic military tent, where we were stationed. Their soldiers were waiting for us at the border each morning, and taking us to the base and back at the end of each day. We slept in Vranjska Banja [central Serbia]. We signed the agreement on June 9, a little before midnight, in our army tent.
Q: Did you feel the burden of history upon your shoulders back then?
A: We were not quite thrilled. We wondered how come, out of millions of Serbs, that role was given to no one else but us.
It seemed to me that responsibility I took over is incomparably bigger than my abilities and authority. I was contemplating how will the signature on a document such as this one be assessed — will it be regarded as a peace agreement or signing of the capitulation? It is true that signing of the agreement has ended the aggression and that is one of the reasons I believe I have done an appropriate thing in those circumstances, when it was very difficult to see what was the best thing to do.
Q: How did you react to the news about the Serbs being kidnapped and missing after the KFOR deployment?
A: I was terribly disappointed, especially since I was convincing the residents earlier, during several gatherings and meetings with the representatives of the local self-governments, that what we were to them up to then, KFOR will be from now on. And what happened? In only the first ten days dozens of Serbs were killed and abducted. If I knew KFOR was unable to protect the Serbs, I would have called them to get properly organized among themselves.
Q: Was the revision of the Kumanovo Agreement, recently requested by Serbia’s state leadership, the proper way for the Serbian forces to regain control over the ground and air safety zone?
A: The responsibility for the state of security in the ground and air safety zone is not on Serbia, but on KFOR. This is well illustrated by the example of the escalation of violence on Serbia’s south [near the administrative line between Serbia proper and Kosovo province] in 2000, when KFOR commander authorized our forces to return to the safety zone to carry out an anti-terrorist operation — this authorization was based on the Kumanovo Agreement. It would be more efficient to solve this problem by implementing the Military Technical Agreement, rather than by modifying it.
Dismemberment of Serbia — An Actual Motive Behind all Excuses
Despite all reassurances by the Western bloc, dominated by the Anglo-American agenda, that their intentions were rather innocent and even honorable, from Rambuillet and the start of aggression, through all the agreements, negotiations and quasi-negotiations, and did not involve plans to seize southern Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija right from the beginning, the facts are showing the exact opposite is true: dismemberment of Serbia was an actual motive underneath the pile of different excuses and pretexts.
March 9 2000 warning by an official of the Russian Ministry of Defence, General Leonid Ivashov, is a further testimony Western disregard and ignoring of Belgrade was quite deliberate and consistent with their prime objective — amputation of Kosovo province from Serbia.
As a participant in the negotiations between Ahtisaari-Chernomyrdin on one side and late President Milošević on the other, Ivashov warned that “a situation leading to the secession of Kosovo province from Serbia is being artificially created in Kosovo and Metohija”.
One of the main reasons the circumstances are continually deteriorating, according to Ivashov, is the fact “Belgrade is being consistently ignored in regards to the political solution of the problem”.
And, as in 1999 and 2000, so too in 2004, 2008 and today.
The interview with Lt.General Stevanović was conducted and published by on Jun 11th, 2009. Considering the distance, small text readjustments has been done (17 instead of "ten", and former instead of "actual").
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Striking resemblance 1941 and 2016. NAZI allies in 1941, are NATO allies 2016. Serbs resisted in 1941. Serbs are resisting in 2016. |
NATO retook all the ways of NAZI Germany! Lies, fraud, deception, double standards, propaganda the Goebbels style, ...
NATO retook all Nazi Germany Allies in this part of the World!
US of A, our former ally in two World Wars, has change side. That goes for Britain and France, as well. Who is backing by the BUTT or NATO, if you like better, in this region?
Croatia, Shqiptars (for some reason known as Albanians), Muslims in Bosnia, all the former Nazi Germany allies at Balkans. If Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania would be counted in, as Hitler's allies, the picture would be completed.
What is the moral of this?
USA, Britain, France have changed! Their goals are the former goals of Nazis. NATO goal gathered all the countries and nations that helped Hitler to fulfill Third Reich objectives.
Serbs stayed the same. Standing firmly on our moral pattern.
Like Hitler's "Mein Kampf", their theoreticians of global policy put all in writing, but once again - people do not read!
Sir Robert Cooper wrote 16 years ago: "For the post-modern state there is, therefore, a difficulty. We need to get used to the idea of double standards. Among ourselves, we operate on the basis of laws and open cooperative security. But when dealing with more old-fashioned kinds* of state, we need to revert to the rougher methods of an earlier era – force, preemptive attack, deception, whatever is necessary for those who still live in the nineteenth century world of every state for itself.
Advice for post-modern states: those who have friendly, law-abiding neighbours should not forget that in other parts of the world the law of the jungle reigns. Among ourselves, we keep the law but when we are operating in the jungle, we also must use the laws of the jungle. In the coming period of peace in Europe, there will be a temptation to neglect our defences, both physical and psychological. This represents one of the great dangers for the post-modern state." [In Cooper, R. (2000). The Postmodern State and the World Order. Publ. Demos, pp. 37-38.].
* However, who is the Supreme Judge who is "post-modern", and who is "old-fashioned" or "the jungle", as sir Robert picturesquely put it?
Western Oppressors and their armed extension - BUTT (NATO), of course!
So much about justice and rightfulness ....
NATO retook all Nazi Germany Allies in this part of the World!
US of A, our former ally in two World Wars, has change side. That goes for Britain and France, as well. Who is backing by the BUTT or NATO, if you like better, in this region?
Croatia, Shqiptars (for some reason known as Albanians), Muslims in Bosnia, all the former Nazi Germany allies at Balkans. If Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania would be counted in, as Hitler's allies, the picture would be completed.
What is the moral of this?
USA, Britain, France have changed! Their goals are the former goals of Nazis. NATO goal gathered all the countries and nations that helped Hitler to fulfill Third Reich objectives.
Serbs stayed the same. Standing firmly on our moral pattern.
Like Hitler's "Mein Kampf", their theoreticians of global policy put all in writing, but once again - people do not read!
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Sir R. Cooper |
Advice for post-modern states: those who have friendly, law-abiding neighbours should not forget that in other parts of the world the law of the jungle reigns. Among ourselves, we keep the law but when we are operating in the jungle, we also must use the laws of the jungle. In the coming period of peace in Europe, there will be a temptation to neglect our defences, both physical and psychological. This represents one of the great dangers for the post-modern state." [In Cooper, R. (2000). The Postmodern State and the World Order. Publ. Demos, pp. 37-38.].
* However, who is the Supreme Judge who is "post-modern", and who is "old-fashioned" or "the jungle", as sir Robert picturesquely put it?
Western Oppressors and their armed extension - BUTT (NATO), of course!
So much about justice and rightfulness ....
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